
Evidence Presentation Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"We're giving you facts backed up with evidence after evidence."
"We're going to see recordings, we are going to see text messages and emails."
"I've tried in my book to present good evidence."
"The media wants to explain that there is evidence, there is proof."
"There is no evidence in this record, none, that Mr. Waldman acted with actual malice."
"Our committee had the opportunity last spring to present much of our evidence to a federal judge."
"I mean that's a pretty bold stat which is also backed up by evidence for the prosecution to make that the jury needs to be protected from Donald Trump."
"The evidence in this case is going to show that Dr. Amy Harwick was murdered by defendant Garrett."
"The most emotional part of the day was when Rick Distaso brought out the autopsy photos, or the remain photos."
"I'm providing evidence and my side of the story of what's really happening."
"I think it was a very good idea for the defense to put this type of evidence and reconstruction and demonstrative in front of the jury."
"It's not rumors it's just true like there's evidence there's screenshots there's videos."
"It's not just a smoking gun, it's an arsenal of smoking guns anchored by this extraordinary discovery."
"We're trying to present the evidence that exists for you, giving the theories based on what we've looked at, and then you decide for yourself what's real and what happened back then."
"It's about time this evidence is presented to our society."
"Every single piece of evidence will show that the committee and Bannon's lawyers were willing to negotiate."
"A lot of evidence was shared in front of you today, and a lot of contentions are raised. They were rebutted sometimes successfully, sometimes unsuccessfully."
"Ashley MacArthur had the motive, Ashley MacArthur had the opportunity, Ashley MacArthur murdered Taylor Wright, and then she tried to cover it up with lies, concrete, and potting soil."
"Let's put on the evidence, put on the case, and let the truth out and let the jury make the decision about what they feel the just outcome is here."
"She brought up some great points and used perfect examples in real-time evidence of the situation."
"We have her saying this multiple times, and we're going to continue this case."
"An opening statement is in essence a roadmap for you; it gives you an idea of what they believe the evidence will show."
"It's not simply to tell people what they want to hear and say, 'Here's my evidence for it.'"
"Not only did you threaten, but you're the source, caught in [__] 4K."
"Show don't tell. You've got to put it right in front of them. You've got to have the proof points lined up."
"The reason I really like this book and the reason I have Michael on the program is that he gives in-depth evidence and illustrations."
"They played a recording of amber with Johnny Depp."
"I'll show you what he said. I don't even need to tell you what he said. I'll show you what he said."
"We solved the crime, guys. This is the proof right there."
"Anytime I present video evidence, I also caution people against weighing the whole case with only what they see in the video."
"There's photographic evidence of some of the injuries he's suffered."
"Wow, that was so impressive! And they say I have no skills, I would like to timestamp this as evidence, exhibit A."
"Travis Walton appeared as a guest. Hooked up to a polygraph on national television, he was asked by Michael Shermer, 'Do you have any evidence to support your claims of being abducted?' Travis answered 'yes.'"
"I can't wait to see the evidence and then I'm going to bring it." - Kaylee Gonzalez's father
"Stephen Barron captured video and photographic evidence of another alien spacecraft close to Area 51."
"Trump is going to bring receipts... I got my own receipts here."
"Yo, this is the case that I got, this is the money I seized, this is all the evidence I got, let's indict it."
"This is real paranormal evidence right here."
"I'm providing the evidence; you're providing an opinion."
"The evidence is widespread and throughout all battleground states."
"We're going to put all the evidence in front of the world and let you, you the jury, and the jury is not some judge."
"They're gonna have to do a good job throughout this trial of laying out exactly what their evidence is."
"Opportunity, means, and more importantly exposing the defendant's lies."
"Evidence of interest is the bulk of your statement."
"I didn't expect the state to try to put either all the extraction report or part of it and just sort of as I didn't expect that."
"Let the AG's office present the evidence, and the chips will fall as they may; that's how the judicial system works."
"I am not presenting this as proof of the ivory bill's existence; I am presenting this as evidence that it does exist."
"The evidence in the case was pretty clear, and we presented it in a way that made it easy for the jury to see that the defendant committed these crimes."
"We have to find a way to present the evidence in a way that does not insult people, that does not threaten them."