
Strategic Advice Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"Simplify the game if you're the stronger player, complicate it if you're the weaker player."
"Do whatever you have to do to survive, just don't forget that at the end of the day only one of you can win."
"The reason we're giving this advice is because we just want our companies to survive and we don't want a zero."
"Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."
"If you really have to convince people to trust your business strategy, you should just get out of it."
"If I were to advise a rogue nation state on how to take down the United States, I would tell them to start with the APIs first."
"Square is slowly but surely implementing Elon Musk's advice to render banking industry obsolete."
"As artists, our tendency is to avoid areas of potential objection. What you want to do is do the opposite."
"You need to find a way to make your content stand out. That should be your number one step." - Eljay
"Such demons should not be taken lightly," emphasized the palace Master.
"It's better to take no steps than to take ten steps in the wrong direction."
"Prepare yourself for the changing global order." - Geopolitics in Conflict
"Lean into your strengths... keep it small, keep it simple."
"Invest in the engineers, invest in something."
"You only get one impeachment, you gotta make it count."
"He soon started giving advice to Bobbidi about Majin Buu needing to be stopped before he becomes out of control, and you know something, Dabura was right all along."
"Let me leave you on this note. Hire Gen Z to market your movies to Gen Z."
"If you don't have a stacked deck, then if you're going to gamble, you're much better off gambling for cards."
"The way to get where we need to be going is through the eye of the storm."
"Summons are one of the best things to use gems on."
"If you really want an actionable strategy coming into 2021 hopefully i'm not wasting your time and getting straight to it."
"Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle, and you will be attacked by head and tail both."
"When you take a shot at the king, you better not miss. Simple as that."
"That's the key you guys, that's why this is so powerful."
"It's not about that... this thing needs to grow a momentum of its own."
"Honestly, it it can be taken you should take it quite seriously when you fight one of these on the battlefield."
"It's better to have a following and not need it rather than to not have a following and need it."
"If you're looking to win a Fantasy Football Championship this year, you're going to want to bank on Trey Lance late round."
"This is one that is a win, you do not have to give up ground."
"We're officially at post-COVID. How you do the next 12, 24, 36, 60 months will be predicated based on what kind of strategies you have in place."
"You have to focus on cultivating your audience bringing your audience with you that is important in Steam it is I think just it is also important in Epic but your efforts will go far further in Steam than they will on Epic."
"He's coming at it from the perspective of somebody who has been an active activist and then critiquing the movement's failures and providing solutions or other ways to go."
"If you underestimate your opponent, you will lose."
"Convince them with your actions and the sheriff's reign will fall faster than you expect."
"If you shoot at the king, you better be successful; otherwise, you're just going to have a wounded, pissed-off king."
"We must be ready, our axes must be sharp, our borders oiled, our minds sharpened and oiled."
"Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of the working-class voters."
"What the United States needs to do is to start to be realistic about its policies."
"Stars make fights, man. If you want to take my words, take it."
"My advice would be unconventional make that announcement sooner rather than later even before the middle it opens the floodgates but it gives others an opportunity to prepare and to get organized for 2024."
"When searching for pawn breaks, look for the hooks in the position."
"These people are stupid. Never interfere with an enemy while he's in the process of destroying himself." - Discovery Q
"You are rapidly getting to that place to where you are over-concentrated, and the risk inherent in that holding just like for those Lucent executives might not warrant your participation in the way that you are participating."
"And the third thing would be is a point I made earlier, is stop thinking you need to make a trade off."
"You always want to have a body and this generates bodies for you to just throw away or for you to buff up. That's really good."
"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer."
"Don't ever let your opponent distract you. There's only one way this ends."
"You can't sit Ramondre who's been basically a top five running back since week three."
"If you let fear doubt your positioning, you've already lost."
"When your opponent is destroying himself, get out of his way."
"Ride the wave while it's hot, keep him in your lineup, he's winning you fantasy matchups almost on his own."
"Learn Microsoft so you can get a job so you can get into a company and then once you're in the company then you can start trying to move them in the Linux way."
"Keep your enemies close - it's still gonna be worth it."
"I'm going to break down each of these metrics and literally give you the cheat code to YouTube success."
"Attack is the best form of Defense, yeah that no one says that and says that."
"Voter turnout is going to be key. This is the bottom line."
"If you're going to attack a group of five...always take out the healer first."
"Rengar is one of the junglers I strongly do not recommend to people... his ganking with his ultimate is destructive enough to carry games."
"Gordon Gekko once said never get emotional about stock right and he also said the most valuable commodity I know of his information and that's why you want to know what's happening in that pit and that gives you everything."
"Get a base hit first and then go for home run."
"Trump needs to get off this and he could have done a better job."
"I don't think you understand, if these guys were all in a DM with you right now, you would go 40 and like five, like they can't handle you if you actually take the fight properly."
"I'd love to give you some more strategies, more insight, and more interaction to help you reach your next level of success."
"If you really want your ex to think about you, taking away your presence is a powerful way and a very effective way to do that."
"The only way to win this game is not to play."
"If you do not see the strength in your enemy or the strength that your enemy have you're a fool and you should get out of whatever fight you are having with that person because you're never going to lose."
"I'm not gonna give you powerless strategies. I'm gonna give you power strategies."
"The English are a decent pick, a great pick if you're a new player."
"Viper, don't attack the dock! Don't throw away your advantage!"
"You didn't move people. You tried to pass somewhere, you did it. That's not the way the world works now. You do the bump and run."
"I think people are starting to realize, Disney, if you were smart, you would go where the money is."
"Your speed is your singular advantage, Flash, and when facing someone as fast as you, the playing field is leveled."
"Fly simulator is going to be one of those games where if you can future proof you're probably better off."
"An organized offense is gonna beat a disorganized defense every single day of the year."
"A shieldless rein is usseless, it's free ultimate charge and it allows your teammates as well to follow up on the pressure that you created."
"If you're a serious affiliate, you go where the most money is." - Serious affiliates follow the money trail.
"The best way to do it is first get off the track."
"Cut the head off the snake, and the rest of the body is going to die."
"Don't neglect either branch of the mission tree. I can't stress that enough."
"Shrink your armies, build more buildings, that's all I have to say about that."
"The best defense can also be a strong offense."
"Don't play your hand unless you're sure that you have an ace in the hole." - The Ace of Spades
"Bottom line is if you find yourself in a business and you're not getting fast growth, you're definitely doing something wrong or you're in the wrong business."
"Never get into a land war in Asia." - Applause
"Do not overextend. Going deep will kill you."
"Your actions should not entirely reflect the probability of outcomes."
"This is a good time to resolve those past differences in your favor."
"Max Payne 2 features greater highs and lows, making it a more satisfying game than the original for the important first playthrough."
"Never take any one-way exits unless you absolutely have to."
"Don't underestimate this guy." - Michael Knowles
"Bottom line: never get in a land war in Asia."
"You definitely want to pick your battles, you don't want to get into a fight that's a losing battle."
"Apes together strong, if not kill ape. Knowledge is power."
"Bullet velocity is so important in this game if you see 100 bullet velocity in the attachments definitely use it."
"He tells him to keep it safe as it could be used to deflect the enemy's attack during a battle."
"AMD needs to improve their PR; this sort of thing is a disaster for the company and hurts their position in the GPU Market."
"Never let a crisis go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel
"Listen, we've got five rounds, baby, relax, take it easy."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
"If you're gonna shoot for the king, you best not miss."
"If someone was advising him... part of something special."
"There is only one way to win against Thanos sorry I mean against the knight King and that is to kill the knight King."
"If you're not going to use the UFO threat then forget it."
"You don't bring a baseball bat to a gunfight."
"People don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan."
"You want to save that for the single entities, man, like if you can, you can straight up delete the Gladlord or the Branch Wraith."
"Peter Zion combines a deep understanding of geography, demography, energy, and trade to help his clients make sense of a complicated World."
"Don't ever be afraid to figure out how can you put like win-win situations into your contracts."
"Whether you end up choosing the vandal or phantom, you still have to understand the ins and outs of how to use them to your advantage if you ever want to take the fast track to mastering gunplay and fundamentals."
"Always hold your punches, keep the other as a protection measure, right? You don't want to use it just to switch the color or get one card out of the way. It's so invaluable in that spot."
"It really does make very hard difficulty extremely easy."
"You've just got better units to use from like at tier 4."
"If you're going to go cavalry, my advice savage orcs are a bit better."
"This is someone who should upgrade their defense in a major way."
"The cavalry advantage is a great one to have, so do your best not to squander it."
"You're leaning on that person for information or to be the business guy that's not a wise choice."
"One thing I know is that you're doing quite often is using the log against an expo." - Ash
"It's never a good idea to stand on the front line."
"The best thing that the square can do when it's being initially charged by the cavalry is actually to hold their fire."
"Do not give Ornn Azir. I repeat, do not give the orange champ is here."
"Liking this video is probably one of the most sound investments you could possibly make."
"I'm gonna go for 5 in pathfinding immediately because you're gonna need it, trust me, you're gonna need it."
"I don't want to see college athletes struggle when the school that they are working for technically is making hundreds of million dollars off of them."
"To win the culture war, you have to have the coolest culture."
"Just telling people to identify their strike pattern can have a bigger effect on their game than anything else."
"You kill the head, the body will follow. Every time."
"African countries should ensure that they use China's valuable insights instead of taking direct orders."
"It's up to you, since this is a guide for newish players."
"Please buy on pistol round, pistol round is an incredibly important round."
"It's definitely a smart idea to start saving for your business as soon as you're able to."
"Ignore all polls. You should be operating as if your candidate is five points down."
"Seed, kite out, seed, kite out, do not initiate, do not initiate."
"Take it slow, upgrade what you can, don't cut corners."
"Recognize the nature of the system you've entered into."
"Don't interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake."
"I call this the best build because it allows you to get the best outcomes in the game."
"Let your rapidity be that of the wind, your gentleness that of the forest. In raiding and plundering, be like fire, and be immovable like a mountain." - Takeda Clan Motto
"Upgrade that speed totem, it's + speed everywhere."
"And if you're really good at playing the game play the game your best right now and ride the ship until the very end."
"As diverse and powerful as weapon skills are in this game, not going out of your way to get this is just always a bad idea."
"I was able to complete around 10 rooms today. Nothing special happened, all the same enemies, until I made it to the last room today."
"Hold your self-peel ability, that's what's gonna get you off Nocturne."
"Why would you not get them on? It's the biggest United channel."
"The best swordsman in the world doesn't need to fear the second best swordsman in the world. No, the person for him to fear, to be afraid of, is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before."
"Abandon the futility of the open field pitched battles."
"Concentration might be a better strategy going forward."
"The other thing is to make sure you follow my take it there now strategy."
"They're coming down. This is a very... you know, Jeff had a quote yesterday that says sometimes slow is fast."
"Gather horses to increase your party speed, it is very, very, very important."
"I think tank is one of my favorite items for stats to be honest yeah you should get on heroes that don't even have a nagging Eames that's what I say you know."
"If you can't beat them join them honestly at this point for all the people out that say you know cryptocurrencies is a scam blah blah blah."
"To underestimate your enemy is the dumbest thing to do right now."
"Why screw up your chances of winning more gunfights? Just be patient."
"All you have to do is put a black face on a policy if you want to kill it."
"Punching a guy in the head? Why not jab him faster and safer?"
"Planning to fail is planning to fail." - Michael Muir
"Keep the Emperor happy or he'll kill you, so win quickly."
"A leader in Zelenski's position... ought to take heed of Putin's words and sit down and talk now."
"Escaping directly into the South like this is simply too risky."
"Always look what the other person is doing before you make an edit."
"I'm George Washington. To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of presenting."
"That's better than nothing, he just has to be very careful not to over commit, not to overextend. That's a lot of queen."
"Vipers are the answer: blinding cloud, parasitic bomb."
"It's important as an independent filmmaker that you find a distributor that's gonna do well for you."
"You've got to play a lot more cautious because of the enemies you're coming up against."
"This is going to be one of the easiest bets."
"She's extremely broken, extremely powerful, get her if you have any interest."
"His recovery doesn't snap like so use that to your advantage if possible."
"Take your time, you're not gonna run into enemies all the time."
"Get the first one right and you're all right."
"If you want your direct strategy questions answered...if you want the best online coaching experience that I am proud to say that we have, then go join WODprep Masters right now."
"You demand what you really want. You don't start at a compromised position."
"Business owners don't plan to fail, they fail to plan."
"Leave your enemy an escape route, don't box them in because they'll fight like hell."
"Have a plan, understand what you're doing..."
"Take advantage of the information that you receive when you receive it because sometimes it doesn't necessarily hit right now today."
"Men always underestimate the pain their ex-wife wants to inflict the faster you realize you're in a war the better you will fare."
"If you want to do something different, go all in on your graveyard."
"So it's all about putting your backs to the angle, back to the angle, and then before peeking here, right? Like, you saw how I just repositioned by putting my back to this angle."
"Do what works first, then start reinventing the wheel."
"Lean into it. Every time I talk to him about hey what are we doing here the response I get is lean into it."
"If you are attacking, you must have easier access to the enemy than he has to you. In short, you must have the high ground." - Kang
"First thing everyone should do literally today is do your banking for your business at Chase." - Jack McCall
"There's an inherent contradiction in the Democratic message... We need more candidates like John James."
"Make sure you have a plan A and a plan B at least."
"Your bio is your seven-second chance to hook."
"A good plan this week is better than a perfect plan next week."
"Give them what they want but never what they expect."
"Utilizing tactics like these will go a long way as you progress in Apex Legends."
"Understanding your customer is the single most important thing that you need to do with anything before you start anything."
"Every single time when you do a half measure instead of full measures it always bites you in the butt."
"Top tip for this game: try and get a couple of desks in, it will help you out in the long run."
"Stefon Diggs always, but sneaky start Emmanuel Sanders?"
"Keep your Magikarp close to you because you could pull in the biggest fish in the sea: the Gyarados, the dragon of the sea."
"Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer." - Don Corleone
"Light machine gun, like that's the light machine is probably the way to go."
"Prototype Amber is actually pretty good because it gives you free energy."
"One should always hide one's true intentions."
"Don't do that, that's folding. Do this instead, this is a power move that's going to serve you guys."
"If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."