
Community Discussion Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"A place where people who love lore can come to learn more about it and hold intelligent discussions with people of a like mind."
"Thank you guys for tuning in, we are going to have a conversation about the red pill manosphere community. Is it toxic? Is it congruent with faith?"
"Discussion is how we keep the design and impact of Portal alive, even if Valve never makes another Portal game."
"We're going to be talking about the big patch and our meta expectations."
"First thing I want to elaborate on is what we talked about a little bit ago before we move on to this crazy call, is that Katarana did and I just want to hear you that she reached out to you to talk to Prime then you about this."
"Nobody is coming to save us. Well, it's an implicit recognition that the reason we can't talk about fatherless homes when white people can hear is because they can't do anything about it."
"I can't wait to hear them talk about it. I'm all in."
"Do you agree? Do you think there is a big camping issue in modern warfare?"
"Is this the biggest reveal? I mean, it broke literally. We always talked about it, that would break down probably. What about just in general? Because, like, Minecraft in general."
"I've heard a pretty compelling reason as to why 1.20 might be an archeology update." - Caption
"For some reason as of writing this I haven't seen anyone talk about sparkpelt as a serious option which is a bit odd to me."
"Do you believe the OU council should consider un-banning Zamasu to see?"
"I'm here to throw my hat in the ring on what's going on surrounding Hogwarts Legacy and just have more of a conversation on where we are at as an industry."
"Thank you so much... hopefully it's been therapeutic and we got to talk you guys on one of our favorite series."
"It's like it's incredible that there is this show and that people care enough about it to want to watch it and be a part of that conversation that I think no matter what is positive."
"Imagine if Umar and Kevin got together and said, 'Let's have a debate.'"
"Appreciation, that's always the case for the staking and stuff. I think we're just, we lost the point a little bit, though. So like, is that why you're making Pulse Chain?"
"Some of this is not a correct reflection of black folks experience of Kwanzaa and so it's just a matter of like having that conversation and making sure that everyone feels heard in that room..."
"If anything, I hope we can at least agree that Splatoon too could have been better."
"Icons are coming back and other people were saying that icons are coming back."
"The question is, why do people think that this black hole is the largest- and more to the point, who are those people, and what information did they use to draw their conclusion?"
"And it is this mass prediction that has shaken up conversations surrounding the largest black hole in recent months."
"I'm not talking about black people, I'm not talking about white people, I'm not talking about any nationality, this is a socio-economic thing I'm talking about."
"Welcome to Girl Talk, a series where we talk about taboo topics that should be normal."
"That's one of those strange steam mysteries."
"It seems like everybody's looking for the truth on this."
"Let me know what you think the next Epoch is going to be. What's the next meta?"
"We can have a discussion about things and [ __ ] that goes on what we're excited about."
"That's my verdict. You don't have to agree with it. That's the beauty of React Court."
"Let's have a real gangster meeting in private with Farrakhan and other strong black men and speak as men."
"This is all speculation of course, but that's why we're here to have some fun and think about the future."
"If the dinosaurs had paid a tax to stop climate change, they would still be with us in chat today."
"I just really wanted to throw this idea out there: Does not appear to be armament haki to me."
"We must have the conversations. It's only when we engage each other that we can begin to open our eyes."
"Have you guys seen what's going on over at the epic game store?"
"We're talking about Bethesda news. Always love getting the Bethesda tidbits together and talking about them with all of you."
"What a fight it is dressing up to be. Keep the conversation going in the comments section below."
"Let me know what your thoughts are. I've used this to great success in a number of different campaigns."
"I got a surprise for you today... I want to talk about this LBGTQ Community stuff."
"It's amazing how everybody's got their own answers to the questions and it's uniting us all to figure it out and to bring the puzzle together."
"The big question remains: for what purpose? Share your thoughts with us."
"The fact that you guys are having those discussions... it's amazing to me."
"I'm a big believer in black people understanding wealth in us having economic conversations together that allow us to grow and figure out how this power thing works."
"Switch Pro exclusive? No, is that your Prime Four? No, it totally is."
"This list is about incompetency as well as proving that problem leaders are everywhere, not just ShadowClan."
"This hobby is not easy, I don't know if anyone's actually beating this on hard mode on YouTube."
"Not everybody agreeing but everybody having an opinion... that's what it's all about."
"But this isn't the only one, this isn't… this isn't like trads are just saying 'hey this is the issue we have, the issue with Pachamama, here now, we need to, you know, really rope you into traditional circles,' uh there's been a lot more, right?"
"We talk about the fights, and you guys are going to talk to us about the fights."
"Let's not freak out on one another, let's have a nice lively yet respectful conversation about our differences."
"Some people are confused about whether HSP or SPS is a thing, whether it's the same as or separate from autism, or what's even going on here."
"What y'all gonna do with this six hundred dollars? Let me know what y'all about to do with y'all six hundred dollars."
"What do you think about what we've talked about? Are you excited for Crusader ships?"
"If you're in love with The Expanse, leave a comment and let's get a friendly discussion going."
"I still think we get above 100K, but I think you're right. Everyone, we're gonna get close to 100K and then everyone's gonna start talking about 200K and 300K."
"We need to talk about this stuff collectively together."
"How do you think U.S. border patrol found the drugs? Comment down below with the hashtag #startopic and let us know your opinion."
"What's important about this conversation is what it reveals about us as black people."
"Let me know your thoughts on the characters we could expect to see."
"What do you make of starfield's delay? Do you agree? Do you disagree?"
"That's the real Secret Sauce of The Last of Us it sure gets us talking."
"I'd be very curious to see... Pizong's thoughts on the Yone and Yasuo changes."
"Those are my thoughts on the case of the Ammons family. Please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section. They always generate an interesting dialogue."
"Anytime the gaming community talks about Super Smash Bros, it's for one of three reasons."