
Downloadable Content Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I would even potentially argue the DLC maps are better."
"If you enjoyed the game, please purchase our DLC, Tears of the Kingdom."
"Zombies Chronicles is one of the most valuable DLCs you can ever own."
"Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition: most of the DLC is really good, worth playing."
"Final Fantasy 16 content may not continue beyond the Rising Tide DLC."
"The dawn of downloadable content gave developers the power to continue working on a game post-release ostensibly this should have been a win-win for both them and players alike."
"The later rounds of Smash 4 DLC showcased Sakurai's designs at their most creative and unrestricted."
"This DLC has the possibility of completely collapsing on itself."
"We've got the dramatic ages mode on which is another new part of DLC3."
"Fire Emblem game: robust add-on content available as a download."
"16 pieces of free post-launch downloadable content... fair price."
"There's so many seeds that they've sewn this early on with the core game that will allow all of these DLCs potential DLC is to complete and deliver upon and make a really cohesive story."
"It's effectively DLC but it is expand along content."
"In these days of dubious pre-order bonuses and parts of games being held back for DLC, do take some solace in the fact that you are at least getting a game."
"I hope you're as excited as I am about playing the Wastelanders DLC!"
"You just keep buying more DLC, there's just so many different ever so slightly different games of Jackbox!"
"Wonder Red is perfectly poised to become DLC, giving the series more attention."
"This DLC really allows you to customize things and get the feel that you're looking for."
"For the first time in the series a Fallout game had paid downloadable content available after the launch of the game."
"At its core though the DLC is a character study, an exploration of values, and what it means to be family."
"I'm really happy with this free DLC, it's like a little bit of Seasons mixed in!"
"DLC stands for downloadable content... anything as small or simple as a patch or an update, that's also DLC."
"Hello there and that is the Kenobi DLC the characters included in this DLC is the grand Inquisitor the fifth brother Riva Kenobi and Vader battle damage."
"Enjoy the DLC, enjoy 2.0, it's very, very fun."
"That makes old world blues one of the most memorable and enjoyable DLCs I've played in the Fallout franchise."
"Despite the negativity, the horse armor became the 9th best selling DLC for the Elder Scrolls game."
"I think I've an inkling a might be an inkling actually I'm each either it's either gonna be a DLC character or it's gonna be part of the next smash game."
"But for the players who downloaded the DLC, you can easily obtain a very similar set of clothing, the phantom armor..."
"But with how accessible the overpowered DLC items are to beginning players, it completely offsets the balance and challenge of how a first playthrough should be."
"The idea of seeing DLC expansions for Pokemon Switch."
"It's continuing to show off just how insanely good it is in this DLC."
"DLCs should be fun and not break the game or give anyone an unfair advantage."
"This is the greatest DLC map of all time potentially."
"The May update is the one to watch, not only do we get a whole host of significant additions to the game, we also get the start of season three and a new DLC. It's the holy goddamn Trinity, amen."
"One for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and another for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Pokémon DLC, in the tradition of Sword and Shield, feels inevitable."
"DLC made the game more fun. Now, for me, DLC made the game more fun."
"There's just so much greatness from this DLC..."
"The fact that we're gonna get more DLC is really awesome."
"Nintendo is going a little outside their comfort zone with the DLC, and that's the best thing to praise them about."
"We have done everything we have possibly been able to do in this game except the DLCs and like 90% of the quest, but it has been a wild ride."
"I'd love to see ten Hogg with Chelsea's resources or Man City's resources."
"Happy Homes Paradise is a downloadable content."
"Day one DLC means a piece of the game that was carved away just to be sold back to the player."
"Breaking news: Elden Ring DLC pack announced."