
Comic Reference Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"We can take the gauntlet, give it here Thanos."
"And that is the end of Thanos, and now we got his gauntlets."
"Rise and live again as my fist of vengeance, as my Moon Knight."
"Remember with great power comes great responsibility. Shut up Uncle Ben."
"Holy semantics, Batman! You never cease to amaze me!"
"Do we know if that's Flash Thompson losing his mind or is it legitimately Spider-Man?"
"Deadpool asks cable if he's sure he's not from the DC Universe."
"He's also immune to Espers, as in the webcomic the very best Tatsumaki could do was make his muscles twitch."
"It was never like Spider-man's, 'I'm gonna [__] kill him.'"
"Peter quill asks Kitty Pryde, 'Will she marry him?'"
"The court of owls turning lives upside down."
"It felt like those comic strips where a character slips on a banana peel."
"Among these twins' menagerie is a massive Wookiee with black fur. This is Black Krrsantan from the 2015 Darth Vader comics and Doctor Aphra's stories."
"Okay, so wait who does uh who does the the uh equal guy have eagle guy has like the triangular shield in his right hand triangular um like like it has cutouts in it and stuff."
"This is a reference to the comics, where Peter once turned himself into the lizard."
"The one above all is at the top of this list. They're the one above all. Their power levels are in the name itself. They are truly above all."
"It's not the doom from the comics but I do enjoy seeing him amped up on surfer juice."
"So now Etrigan and us won again. Ah, he's back to rhyming."
"What goes down, oh holy lack of answers Batman! Well, be patient, good chum."
"Oh, you shouldn't have done that. You're gonna make him angry, and believe me, you wouldn't like him when he's angry."
"Peak human reflexes: he caught one of green arrows in mid-flight."
"Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer's Supreme."
"This could possibly be the big Avengers event before Secret Wars."
"Donald Blake takes a stick, smacks it on the ground, and Thor returns in his reborn form."
"So that actually was Jason he just switched out with Clayface at the last minute."
"I think that's the perfect. You can quote me on that."
"If this were a comic magazine nobody would believe it."
"The key here is to choose something that kind of almost has a little bit of scarring on it because that's what Two-Face would have, of course."
"Historically, Mr. Sinister has always been obsessed with genes."
"It's a comeback that's so devastating that you almost feel sorry for the Batman as he gets wrecked."
"Juggernaut does not like the cracking mercenary called Deadpool."
"Robin belongs with Batman fighting at his side."
"We live to fight another day, Robin. That's all it ever is."
"Ultron will get a chick to actually, in the comics they got some chick to put him back together."
"Well, they crack open the vault bath thing and they're like, 'Oh, the experiment was a failure. All the adamantium settled in your butt.'"
"Robot helped heal not only Monster Girl, but also Samson."
"I've got it! My Jupiter, those Gauls have mislaid their barrel and they're looking for it! All we have to do is follow them and they'll lead us straight to the magic potion with no extra effort on our part at all."
"Batman was right... partly. Fear is his biggest weapon."
"This is a death of Superman fight. This is Doomsday."
"Grievous gives us an impressive display of what his body is capable of during the son of damir comic."
"It's the black Wookie from the comics, and yes, I know he has a name, but let's be honest here, we all just call him the black W."
"He doesn't, 'cause that's what heroes do."
"I think they want to do something with the Court of Owls."
"It feels like they want to do something with the Court of Owls."
"You better pray, bro, 'cause Killer Croc, that man's a menace."
"The Phoenix Force is just a force of nature."
"What we at least get is a nod to the comics, and the black suit Superman looked fantastic on screen."
"Looks like I just got myself an I.T. guy, welcome to team silk."
"The mutants are dead, this is the new face of the law; we are the sons of Batman."
"I ain't got no date with Peter Parker; I got a date with destiny."
"In love with Mary Jane, she's my main thing, pulled her right from that web head with a lame brain."
"Let's calm down, Avengers disassembled, so get ready for that, this is very exciting."
"You're a good sport, Charlie Brown."
"All of the Green Lanterns have gathered on MoGo to figure out what to do with their dying universe."
"She was bit by the same spider that bit Peter Parker, so really interesting."
"It's The Infinity Gauntlet, and I'm Thanos."
"I'm about to save the day, no cape on, but I go Marvel."
"I'll see you right here in the Bat Cave. Bye everybody!"
"One-on-one with Thanos, Scarlet Witch had his whole number, address, his social, his bank account, his routing number."
"My name is Charles Xavier. These are my X-Men."
"I'm going with the lesser-known super dog, I'm gonna take Krypto."
"It's like if you saw Jon Osterman from Watchmen get turned into Dr. Manhattan and then you didn't see him again until he was on Mars."
"Barry Allen was right here, and he said to me, 'Lois Lane is the key to Superman.'"
"I'm the Human Torch in your Spider-Man and you're mine. I can live with that."
"Venom had almost an obsession for Spider-Man, like a really dangerous symbiotic ex-girlfriend."
"So even though there will be no parades or medals or any public recognition that he saved Earth, it doesn't seem to matter to Jughead."
"Batman Beyond is their Spider-Verse."
"He is frozen in his tracks by Mr. Freeze."
"It's the Kree, it's the Skrulls, it's the Cotati... and it's Earth, and they're all coming together in a quite literal War of the Worlds."