
Business Tactics Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"We wanted to go with a maximum transparency launch strategy."
"You will get way more reviews if you call your customers."
"I soon learned the art that if I let coke know that Pepsi would definitely, and that Coke would then jump in..."
"Taking the right strategic approach is essential to being profitable."
"You will be able to push the big guys around."
"If you want to be successful, you buy their product. It's called success by association."
"That is how you can win and succeed in this dropshipping game in 2021."
"The tours were maybe a better answer to how much we spend on advertising because it is in a way advertising."
"Shrinkflation is happening as a Trojan horse way for companies to pass along more expensive things to you."
"Twitter's board is reportedly considering a poison pill defense to prevent Elon Musk from buying the company."
"Negotiating higher commissions with affiliate programs - it works!"
"You gotta give away free stuff, you know? That's how email marketing really works."
"How can we pack when we sell without selling?"
"We're gonna get real we're gonna get real psycho you guys could use the hashtag psycho pricing."
"Pricing your products higher than you would normally think actually pays off in the end."
"It's a way of kind of doing that by the back door... I don't see a world with which this does not get used."
"From a business perspective, it makes much more sense to maintain the ambiguity and then shift the blame to the Adblock users whenever the topic comes up."
"They're stepping on you so that they can get ahead because they know there's so much money to be made."
"Maybe this is all just a big negotiation strategy... right now a lot of people are pissed because we have no clarity."
"The right wing media's business model is this: they create fear, then they monetize fear."
"Amazon recognizes that in the live streaming space... they can increase the pressure."
"You gotta have a gimmick if you want to make some money in this game."
"Super sizing the orders was huge... it's actually genius marketing."
"The drip feeding is a bad strategy long term."
"He finds a good project and he buys it, steals it, makes it bigger and better."
"The deal is being delayed on purpose by the glazers, they just want to dry us out and completely squander our transfer windows." - SD only
"Sometimes charging less can make you more money."
"You have to have hutzpah to make referrals a condition of doing business."
"You gotta live by our mission statement here: create problem, sell a solution."
"This is beyond thievery, this is callous, this is business 101 tactics."
"The Fastpass Beast has finally been killed, or maybe it's just been put inside a cage behind stronger pay walls."
"Supermarkets were using very aggressive tactics to remove local competitors."
"Nothing makes a company more willing than a massive lawsuit, so who knows?"
"Conspiracies have become a marketing tactic."
"I think this is almost predatory tactics from the video gaming market."
"So it's the truth, that's probably the bigger play."
"You're gonna have to employ these other sort of sales strategies."
"Just releasing one solid EV first and scaling it might be a smart move."
"One of the most important sales strategies is the ability to walk away from a deal."
"It was actually a pretty smart announcement to make on a Saturday."
"Make sure people have incentives to actually buy your product compared to someone else's."
"And like most companies, Apple has figured out the best way to squeeze as much money out of you as possible."
"I think they want to use every manufacturer because there's just a lot of market share they can still take."
"You want to be in the position where there's not very much supply but there's a lot of demand."
"Fair enough, right? That is someone comes in for something free, we give them an inferior offer, and then we upsell them the primary offer. That's what we call limited free, by the way."
"That's how you start off levels, we talk about the formula, they know what they're doing."
"Be strong... know your stuff... have walkaway power."
"Make sure you copy their tags, their titles, everything. That's the secret."
"You gotta give [ __ ] away for free to get people to pay a fee."
"Oh, let me discuss this with my channel here. Come here, come here. Those legendary haggling skills. Remember, drive the price up, not down."
"You make things cheaper, then you wipe everybody out, and then you raise prices."
"Lean into what works, kill what doesn't ruthlessly."
"Legacy looking for an opportunity to re-engage."
"You have to give people [__] for free so they can sample your work."
"The single most effective way to sell anything to anyone in 2021 is to be a problem finder and a problem solver and not a product pusher."
"I just want to keep ahead of them and monopolize on the bloom."
"A quick punch with everything going in at once, overwhelm ages."
"You can make the best deals when you're underestimated. Don't go in there telling them how great you are and all the things you do. Just say, 'You got a deal,' and then do your homework."
"WWE why not why not why not, you know? If AEW continues to try and take shots or to have partnerships or whatever else and drive business that way, why wouldn't WWE want to be open to that?"
"This is the opportunity, like this is when you strike, this is when you make the money."
"Threatening to take something away, like profits, will motivate them to pay the full value of your claim."
"Increasing competition, desperation, and dependency."
"How aggressive do you want us to go here? Between a one to ten, one being very easy-going on the account, ten being, I want you to cleanse anything that's crap."
"Focus on setups and strategy and keep risk consistent."
"Business owners like high unemployment because that gives them more power to suppress wages and even working conditions."
"The reason we win is we have conviction and we let the chips fall. The reason agencies lose is they say 'how high' every time."
"It's a great marketing ploy because people are talking about it."
"Persistence is key. Most people that you reach out to are not going to get back to you. That's just the nature of the game."
"The Google method: type in your niche, scroll, and explore sponsored listings."
"So many people I see grow and they're just like, 'Yeah, I think I'm just gonna sell that for five bucks or four bucks.' And that's kind of why I also talk about when I was talking about before about going into supermarkets, for instance, right?"
"Instead of Reinventing the will and trying to come up with original ideas, you are better off trying to outrank your competitors."
"Because you're building such urgency, it shortens the sales cycle."
"It's easier to lower price in response."
"Never make your final offer first."
"A bidding war is always good for business."
"You want to be McDonald's competition, get in there as soon as they drop a menu item, you pick it up."
"It gives that wide diversification and less competition as well on the actual products."
"As my sweet mother always said, if one hostage is good, two are better, and three, well, that's just good business."
"If you're looking to compete in the budget market, you've got to undercut the competition."