
Economic Focus Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Diamond prioritized a fortress balance sheet more than anything else."
"Everybody now is just thinking about oil, oil, oil, whereas what we supposed to have done with this oil was to use this oil and now expand the economy."
"Donald Trump's messaging on the economy is about one thing: the stock market. It's so puzzling to me, it's almost political malpractice." - Commentator
"Investors are too focused on growth stocks and defensives right now."
"Throughout the series we see visuals all about earning money."
"It's not red or blue, it's green." - Rupert Murdoch
"We're on the House floor wasting time talking about fire alarms, not the economy, not inflation, not affordable housing, not lowering costs." - "Democratic leader Mr. Jeff"
"We should put as much focus into economic sense as we have these belief systems."
"If he doesn't spend half his debate talking about how he can put America back on track with the economy, it is the only issue that he ranks higher on with audiences and voters."
"Instead of focusing on 'orange man bad,' let's focus on lowering costs and boosting the economy."
"By golly, let's face it, we need to make sure that Middle America stays the strength of our country and the only way that's going to happen is if we can do something to really pay attention to the problems they have."
"Mainstream news pundits would like to use racial strife as a deflection from core economic issues."
"Join together or split up, focus on economy, and have one of you die really, really slowly."
"We've been stuck politically in this issue for decades... What President Trump did from the very beginning is say let's flip it, let's figure out how to do economics first."
"Throw out everything else, it's the economy, you silly goose!"
"Mainland China wants improved relations and more economic cooperation with Taiwan as well."
"The West is profit-driven, not purpose-driven."
"People on the alt-right don't only care about capital."
"Shrink your armies, build more buildings, that's all I have to say about that."
"An awesome economic focus campaign, I love that."
"We're going to start winning again. We're going to make America wealthy again, and we're going to make America strong again."
"Africa is rich in natural gas, oil, and various other natural resources. However, natural gas stays the center of attention."
"Live and Let Live, work together on economy first, work on that, you know, but why would you impose idea on people, you know, idea concept was completely different."
"It's about healthcare, it's about jobs, it's about economy, but right now it's also about leadership in the midst of a crisis."
"What we really want him to focus on is inflation and maintaining economic growth."
"I'm going to shut down the virus, not the economy."
"It's always been about the economy, it's always been about inflation."
"What values are we supporting? All the traditional American values have collapsed other than making money."
"I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed, but I do work here. The only color company cares about is money."
"For your first idea group as Denmark, I recommend taking economic ideas."
"Plenty of opportunity right now, but you need to stay focused. It's war, a currency war."
"Black economic empowerment should be our religion."
"Focus on building up your nation economically."
"Democrats need to wake up to political reality and focus on inflation and economic anxiety."
"It's about the money in America. It comes down to the money." - Roland Martin
"All we have to do is deal with the money. That's America. If you ain't dealing with the money, you ain't dealing with nothing in America." - Mustafa Santiago Ali
"No matter how you slice this, it all comes down to the dollar."
"Our blueprint starts with black folks. It starts with the economy, healthcare, and criminal justice reform." - Congresswoman Joyce Beatty
"London was quite homogeneous, increasingly it feels like London is basically just this space where it's like it just serves an economic purpose."
"We're focused on stronger economic ties, jobs growth, and support for the middle class."
"Stop worrying about interest rates, the labor market, whether used car prices are going up or down, and all these other nonsensical things. Look at the growth in the money supply." - Steve Henke
"Trump was going to his stakes and he was hammering the economic issue."
"Making Harry and Megan a Mr. and Mrs. is not going to put any more money in people's pockets or get them a better house or better quality food or public services."
"The only thing we need in America is our money."
"Right now, our priority is to improve the economy."
"We need a system in which having a decent job at a decent income is a priority for the society."
"There are two pillars to the campaign: the record on the economy and taking away our freedoms." - Celinda Lake
"He thinks the only thing this country cares about is the economy."
"Every empire from the dawn of time has tried to make sure that they have safe borders on all sides so that you can kind of like exhale and focus on your economy."
"All that matters is economic growth and what is happening within the overall economy because the economy drives."
"It's just measuring growth, right? All that matters is how useful the country is to corporate profits."
"Rebuilding a nation requires fixing its economy."
"Focus on one issue and one issue alone: the economy."
"Builders will focus on multi-family rentals as developers go where the money is."
"Nowadays, China is all about money; schools are no longer a place to teach and educate but have become a factory to produce college exam machines."
"It is the economy front and center."
"Stop worrying about the fed and pay more attention to the root cause of the macroeconomic worries."
"From a government perspective and from an economy perspective, healthcare should be your primary sector where it needs focus on."
"We're going to try, right? I think the president, when he has a moment, when he is at the podium, most of the time when he's speaking to American people, he speaks to the economy, he speaks to lowering costs, he speaks to what matters to the American people."
"The president's focus is on middle-class Americans, on working Americans, making sure that we deliver an economy that works for them."