
Islamic History Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Adoption is something quite permanent... now you become the second almost like a second parent for the child."
"Seeing the three Spider-Man together was pretty cool."
"All these things can be traced back to an extent to the climatic chaos caused by the eruption of 535 and they all feed into the early evolution of Islam."
"The vast Islamic domains offered many opportunities for trade, intellectual, and cultural interchanges."
"Islamic history because the Umayyads in Spain now blossom in culture and begin to build beautiful and impressive buildings."
"It seems that Islam is now split into several groups... During this time, a significant change took place in Islamic history."
"The relics of Muhammad are like the Islamic version of the holy relics of Jesus."
"He had continued Nur ad-Din’s efforts to rally the Sunni community."
"Muhammad's story comes from the 9th century, much too late."
"The original Mecca was located in southern Turkey in Ur, south of Edessa. It is much too far north once again but directly above the present and current second Mecca."
"Even our Prophet adopted cultural practices if they didn't contradict Sharia."
"You were the most beloved of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam of all of his wives."
"This new Quran that has been found in the birmingham library called the birmingham folios."
"From the beginning there was dissension in Islam."
"Saladin ruled his empire for around another half year before dying on March 3rd, 1193. This defender of Islam was buried in the Grand Mosque at Damascus where he remains to this day."
"The Islamic Golden Age is a critical moment in history... achievements greatly advanced the frontiers of human knowledge."
"The Ottoman Empire, probably the strongest Islamic empire of its period."
"Clearly, there was something that convinced the Arabs of that time that the Prophet was not a liar and the words he was bringing were from God."
"She was the shelter of the widows and the orphans of Medina."
"Ali accepted Abu Bakr and his successor Umar as caliphs and retired from public life."
"The Sahaba found inspiration in Quranic stories, integrating them into their lives."
"And what is astounding is that it was built about 100 years after the death of Muhammad. This is very late for Muslim historians, and it is going to cause traditional Islamic history all kinds of trouble."
"An excellent example of a companion of the Prophet (SAW)."
"All of Sunni Islam agrees that Abu Bakr is the first Khalifa, no one can deny this historically but how exactly did he come into power?"
"Abu Bakr has to be out of Medina with Usama him and Omar stay behind the rest go towards the Romans by the way."
"The biggest split in Islam has always been since the death of Muhammad, the split between Sunnis and Shiites."
"The prophetic line continued through a female, challenging Arab arrogance at the time."
"The oldest companion of the Prophet is Abu Bakr."
"Learning Islamic history is different than Western history, alhamdulillah. We are blessed with eyewitness sources."
"How did the wives of the Prophet Sall become so knowledgeable? They were married to the Messenger of Allah Sall and the W was coming in front of them, and also Allah blessed them to be people who they acclimated themselves and conformed themselves."
"For a good primer on Islamic history, 'Lost Islamic History' by Firas Alkhateeb is a great book."
"This is a history where the Islamic world would be the first to colonize the Americas."
"The Golden Age of Islam, for those of you who don't know, refers to an era in Islamic History when Muslim and non-Muslim, Arab and non-Arab scholars living in Islamic Empires were leading the world in many fields of study."
"The Quran, revealed in the year 610 in the ninth month on the 19th night, while Muhammad was in the cave."
"In the 250 years or so that the Fatimid Khilafa existed, it proved itself to be a fascinating state that is well worth studying by students of the past."
"Khadija, a woman, was the strength that allowed Islam to fully bloom."
"The history of Islam is so rich that if we were to start talking about great luminaries, inspirational characters, teachers, scholars, poets, intellectuals, activists, people who struggled for the path of Allah, there is so much to talk about, it is unbelievable."
"Muslims ruled much of Spain for almost 700 years."
"She herself remained Muslim after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, she continued to teach, she led battles for goodness sake."
"All of the millions of the Quran that are written... they all go back to the blessings of Zaid ibn Thabit in his compilation of the Quran."
"When he found out that Zaid could read and write, he asked Zaid ibn Thabit, 'Can you write the language of the Yahood?' And he said no, so the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, 'Learn it for me.'"
"Abu Hurairah is an early convert to Islam... when he migrated to Medina, he was absolutely impoverished."
"Muslims developed human rights centuries before they were really articulated in the western tradition."
"Alchemy in the medieval Islamic world had two dimensions: the mystical speculative dimension and the practical aspect."
"This was Islam’s first caliphate and took hold right after the prophet’s death."
"Medina remained the spiritual center of the Muslim world, the center of knowledge."
"The kingdom of Granada was a Muslim state when the Muslims took all this part of Europe."
"The Islamic tradition in West Africa spreads almost exclusively through nonviolent means."
"The first transmission of Sufism was between the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr in the cave."
"It has come to be remembered as Islam's Golden Age."
"The victory of Badr was unparalleled until the conquest of Mecca."
"He's chiefly famous for the military expedition that he led northward against the city of Mecca."
"The translation movement also played a role. Rich Muslim patrons paid translators to translate books from languages such as Persian, Syriac, and Greek into Arabic."
"Islam in its early time was a make-or-break deal with the Companions and with the early communities."
"It really is an act of full courage, an act of bravery, that this newly formed, literally baby ummah, is literally two years, a year and a half old."
"Islamic civilization... were not only the caretakers of human knowledge for over 800 years but also those who added to it great thought, great ideas, great contributions, and then gave it to us."
"Imagine what it was like to see the first expressions of Islam from Africa, from Yemen, from Assam, from all these different places, and to interact with those people."
"The Umayyad period is extremely important in our understanding of the formation of the Islamic world."
"The murder of the defenseless caliph was a profound shock to the Muslim community."
"The Golden Age of Judaism and literature and thought and writings... was in Islamic territories."
"There is no chivalrous youth like Ali and no sword like Zulfikar."
"It suddenly struck me that there is no book in the English language that really engages seriously with the personality, the thought, the influence of Imam Ali on the Islamic intellectual tradition."
"Imam Al-Hussein left Medina on the 28th of Rajab."
"We have arrived at the point where the Prophet (peace be upon him) has left Makkah and he has now begun his first day in Madina."
"From the ninth and especially from the tenth century onward, the transmission of material became much more precise."
"The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam trusted her, and took her as a confidant in seeking her advice."
"The futuhat was something that we as Muslims honor and cherish."
"The rock itself which is the central component of the building is said to be the place where Muhammad put his foot as he began his Ascent to converse with God."
"Abu Bakr became the sadik, not based on any miracle but the miracle of his morals."