
Sociopathy Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"How To Basic intentionally misleads first-time viewers to believe that it is a how-to tutorial channel." - Unknown
"Most pathological liars are almost always sociopaths."
"Frequent and Compulsive Lying: Once you get to know them a bit better, sociopaths often seem shady and dishonourable."
"No Guilt or Sense of Responsibility: They seem frozen in adolescence and they lack the emotional tools to learn from experience."
"Shallow Emotions: Sociopaths do shocking things and their horrible acts, from leading double lives to emptying other’s savings accounts to sabotaging others in the workplace, may be readily apparent or may not be discovered for years."
"Imagine this: you have a group where everyone is agreeable... but the moment you insert one sociopath, they will take over everything."
"The whole Maga explaining construct is are the tools of a sociopath right you know when you argue with a sociopath they'll always have the thing they say to kind of latch on to and then they're easily able to kind of shift what that thing is."
"Everything this man does is characterized by an inadequate sociopath."
"You know, there are a lot of narcissistic sociopaths out there and the anonymity of the internet emboldens them. So a lot of this trolling epidemic that's going on are just a lot of these individuals who have those personality distortions."
"Those who seek always to destroy us with lies and libel are nothing but soulless charlatans and bloodthirsty sociopaths."
"A lot of them are sociopaths so I... don't know if sociopaths recognize that they are evil."
"So when I work with the sociopath it's kind of weird how do I help them be moral it's like you said it's not morality it's just the simple nature of things where they realize they can actually feel that connection."
"Unrepentant, unfixable sociopath. No weepy backstory to make you feel good for the villain."
"Sociopaths don't actually value relationships and bonds with other people. Any emotional bonds that are thought to have been created with the sociopaths aren't real."
"All things are possible to the Lord... have faith in those promises and live to be worthy of them so that in his time the Lord can make them come true in your life."
"On screen sociopaths may be monsters but there is usually no denying their genius."
"They don't have any remorse, nothing seems to be able to stop them from emotionally devastating and in other ways ruining the people closest to them."
"He's a sociopath, he doesn't feel remorse for anything that he's done to anybody."
"Sociopathy doesn't mean we're evil. It means we have the ability to restrain our empathy."
"It nails that cold, ruthless, and sociopathic personality Davies intended for the character, showing the master's enjoyment of inflicting pain upon others."
"Sociopaths don't enjoy hurting others, but they engage in mind games."
"The truth is that most of them are sociopaths, and we don't know how to change sociopaths."
"He was about the most treacherous sociopath in organized crime during that era."
"When people think about sociopaths, they automatically think murderers."
"Folks, is it sociopathic to be decent to other human beings?"
"She's like, 'I've got this theory that sociopathy might be a spectrum like autism. So does everyone not everyone's on that spectrum? No, no, no, no, no. It's still rare.'"
"You can't not help, I mean, maybe if you're a sociopath, you wouldn't be able to feel the weight and significance of it."
"...for a guy to go from car to car the way he did it was truly a uniquely sociopathic display."
"Psychedelics can be effective tools for learning empathy - but if you're a sociopath, it's probably not going to help you."
"Yeah, but I think the fear of most people is that what do you do about the people that are psychos?"
"I mean is she a wit? We don't know. I think it's just like pure like sociopath even the way she describes like as like a gravel pit sounds like some Stephen King like like she just went down to the gravel pit and like choked a puppy to death with her bare hands."
"In modern dating women need to be sociopathic they need to drop the empathy."
"The scariest part about sociopaths to me is that they genuinely feel like everyone must think like they do."
"They're not cowards, they're not cowards, and the vast majority of them are not sociopaths, are not narcissists."
"It's honestly hard to articulate just how sadistic and sociopathic this is."
"One of the most dangerous types of sociopaths."
"It's better not to be governed by sociopaths."
"The smarter the sociopath, the more they are able to overcome their obstacles."
"I always love getting to dive deep into a sociopath, but I especially liked it because it made me think about actors and acting."
"Saga of Tanya the Evil is my favorite magical girl story, one where our heroine is a complete sociopath fighting for not Germany in an unholy merger of World War One and World War Two with magic."
"The baby boomer generation is sociopathic in its behavior because it was the first generation to have a completely different approach to life."
"We are watching a true sociopath in motion."
"You've gone so far down the end, you've circumnavigated sociopathy and ended up in compassion."
"Sociopaths can be the hardest to spot because they are so good at deception."