
Supportive Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"She really made people feel like they had an ally in her."
"Oh okay, I've had it. Don't worry about it, you'll be okay."
"They feel like you've been a therapist to them."
"A woman with a clear and concise green flag takes care of a dude if he's sick."
"This is the card that says you believe in yourself I believe in you too."
"You are both a very profoundly healing presence to each other."
"Fred and Daphne are dating. They're an extremely loving and supporting couple. There's no drama about it. It's not a will they, won't they. They just are."
"I hope she will do well now," said Mr. Lorry.
"I'm invested in your growth, I listen and I absorb and I'm honest about the discoveries I make along the way."
"You are like a beacon of light in this person's life."
"Folks, I hope this video is helpful, informative, I hope you learn something new."
"She gave these two children an enormous sense of support and just had enormous positive impact in terms of their lives."
"I just keep seeing them both, no one should have to see and do the things we do. It's heartbreaking but it's not about me, we learn to deal with it. Thank you, now let's move into Baby D."
"I wish him all the best, I wish him the happiest."
"smut is boring no shade on people who enjoy it you do you I'm cheering you on I just don't like it personally."
"My non-Jewish father is supporting Torah learning."
"No matter what you face, He will be with you. He will carry you. He will strengthen you. He will comfort you because He loves you and He is with you."
"Do check them out if that resonates with you okay I have an amazing October you are always in my thoughts I am sending you all a big hug take care and I hope to see you again soon here on Lumiere buh-bye now."
"Come on, Annie, you can do this. Please, please, I know you can."
"You're gonna be the best in the whole world. I know it."
"Thank you, Joe, changed our lives. We've really been given tools to really help our family."
"You're doing so good, no, you're doing so good."
"Yo the mom, she's like defending the daughter."
"Someone who caters to you, because you deserve it."
"He's sweet. He's understanding, he's non-judgmental. He's open and available. He listens, he's concerned, he cares."
"A true soulmate is someone who wants to see you grow, see you succeed."
"I'm very much someone who is open to being there for the players... the only thing above football for me is family and your health."
"Don't worry, we got you covered and we'll answer all these questions in this video."
"Leon is such a compassionate guy who seriously just wants to help people."
"Seho was the most devoted and understanding of people and always had time to help others in their time of needs."
"He was an amazing person, also patient, kind, and always ready to listen."
"Grandma Tala is very adventurous, supportive of Moana."
"Anything we can do to provide even just a little bit of a distraction is an honor for us."
"You don't have to be everybody's best friend, but you have to be everybody's sister."
"Don't ever forget that you made noise at this show."
"I'm still wishing nothing but the best for you in terms of the game in terms of having an awesome day."
"As a woman, you know definitely I just want to be there for people and that's just that."
"I'm very sympathetic to that perspective. I'm glad we're able to do it."
"He has a heart-to-heart with Li, accepting that Po needs both of them to have the confidence he needs to face Kai."
"I hope you found it helpful or inspirational in any way."
"You all are awesome, Level One News for the win."
"They truly want to make you happy and see you thrive, and not just survive, thrive, not just arrive."
"Embrace Community Connection with those around you because by you being in a community or around people that are like-minded that are supportive, you're going to see a lot of growth in your life."
"I have the most genuine, the most supportive people in my life and I would not trade them for the world."
"When they have a goal, they're very focused and precise. They're good at helping others find their direction."
"Thank you all for being so supportive of our little channel here. We never thought that one video we did just eating some snacks would turn into this."
"They're so supportive of one another that it does come off as this is as close to unconditional love as we can get."
"I definitely think that we tend to be supportive people. Very much in the foreground of our attention is what other people need, how we can be useful, how we can be supportive to others."
"I never wanted to hold her back if she made money if she did stuff like that was just extra, like right you know but I never wanted to have that be her pressure, I needed to be the provider."
"Be supportive. You've been very loving and caring."
"They seem just like a very caring supportive couple."
"Anna is the best sister ever. She's always super supportive and helping her friends and her family."
"I adore you so much. Thank you so much for always putting up with me and being so supportive. You really are the best."
"You're very supportive and always there for your friends."
"He sounds like a wonderful supportive brother."
"Our quest is still to be safe, and if we interpret the behaviors, even the maladaptive behaviors of ADHD children in that model, we then become supportive."
"People feel like they can come to you and talk to you about anything."
"You will ultimately bring out the best in each other."
"Your relationship with them will be incredibly transformative and supportive."
"It's a very friendly, supportive group."
"You're very supportive, someone they can lean on."
"They see you as a ride or die, super supportive, loyal. You have a lot of loyalty to the people around you, like the people who treat you right, you are loyal."
"Aw. I love that for her. And she's going to the School of Design? Dude, this bitch is a designer! God! I love her already."
"You're very present, very present. You almost feel like an anchor to other people."
"Be supportive or get the [__] out. There's no room for judgment here."
"Listen, I can totally get that but don't give up."
"I think half of what I do is psychology... helping students overcome fear and nervousness."
"Students commonly describe Bowie State University as a supportive and inclusive community."
"This album got us all through quarantine."
"They are responsible, intellectual, committed, and supportive."
"The African Ranger, a boot that puts boots onto rangers."
"We're here for you, we pray for you, but we're not here to condemn you."
"They see you as someone who is very nurturing, very caring, very supportive, very giving."
"I think Kandi is a non-traditional person; she doesn't mind doing stuff for her husband outside of the norm."
"You're always there for me, I guess that's why I came here, you always seem to make things feel right."
"I'm drama-free, supportive, loyal, honest, and I have a big heart."
"I'm a good time, I motivate you to do better, I'm very caring, thoughtful, and I love to make people feel good."
"He was always very supportive, very generous with his time and energy, that was one of the things that made him such a great doctor."
"You help them to kind of lift like a burden off their shoulders."
"Cast all of your cares upon me because I care for you."
"Lean on Him, love Him, and allow Him to love you."
"The grace of God is not so you can fall; it's for when you fall."
"I support the Black Lives Matter movement."
"I hope this is actually going to be useful for you."
"I want everybody to win. I'm not like that. I ain't never been a hater."
"He does everything in his power to lift up those around him without a second thought."
"I'm respectful, I'm loyal, I'm supportive."
"I'm your loving and understanding snow angel."
"I am the type of employee who understands how important it is to not only work hard in my role but to support other people in the team and be a positive role model for the company."
"She was supportive, encouraging, nurturing, and supported anything and everything her eager young boys were interested in."
"He's the type of professor who will extend office hours and work individually with students who need extra help."
"I want to be there for him, and I just want to guide him the best way I can."
"I'm not here to steal nobody's job; I'm here to help."
"She was described as a good listener, always positive, and willing to uplift those who were down."
"I'm a very good person wing woman."
"Once again, hope it helps, hope it's not too confusing, and I hope it clarifies some things for you."
"The only relationships that are going to work are ones where you're like building each other up."
"You're all of these wonderful things; you're nurturing, you're supportive, you're healing, you're emphatic."
"Mel was a fantastic person, she was caring, she was selfless, and she was your biggest cheerleader."
"Encourage instead of criticizing."
"You gave your heart, you gave your soul, you were nurturing, healing, and supportive."
"I love this because not only does it have that material that I love from the body Contour collection, it really holds you in."