
Apocalyptic Themes Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I'm just trying to get all this work done in the middle of the end of the world."
"The end of days is approaching and the moons turn to blood, but on the Andrew Klavan Show, that's where the fun just gets started."
"Apocalypses are both the end of one thing and the beginning of another."
"The church is going to be removed sadly the earth is going to descend into if you think it's chaos now folks you haven't seen anything yet."
"One's got this whole apocalyptic atmosphere in the ancient world at that time."
"I found a second y2k movie, which is also known as 'Countdown to Chaos.'"
"There is some indication that the end of time will be near when there is mass devastation and famine and hunger and environmental degradation and conflict and warfare."
"The devil knows its time is limited and has pulled out all the stops."
"In eras of apocalypse, one frequently finds psychopaths gleefully contemplating the ruination of institutions and contributing to the demise of their own civilization."
"We're talking about the Antichrist here. He's gonna Slaughter millions of innocent people."
"Four horsemen of my created apocalypse four carriers of the plague who will infect a miserable brethren you van Helsing are now one of the phone it's the most evil speech ever spoken by Dracula in the whole series."
"The beauty of it though is that divine source loves you so much that it's still giving you good luck to still be here."
"When this event happens, you'll have people taking the mark and then you'll have people living free and clear."
"We've tripled our size... despite it being end of the world."
"Apocalyptic literary style, which you find a lot of in the book of Revelation, was used by Old Testament prophets when they were prophesying concerning world events."
"I use my imagination to think what it might be. I guess we're all in an apocalyptic mood, but at the same time I'm thinking of films like Nausicaä and even in Ponyo." - Hayao Miyazaki
"He treats the cataclysm at the end of the final yuga as an opportunity to purge what he considers to be evil from the world."
"We're living in the apocalypse, the great revealing, the great unveiling."
"You got the seven trumpets... horrendous creatures... they kill a third of the world's population."
"If God won't be your leader, then guess what? You will have a leader, and that will be the Antichrist."
"The first Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are all human developments humans cause all this stuff it's a false apocalypse before the real one starts."
"Times are dire, we are about to be gathered again into the arms of the mother."
"From its birth in the early 19th century as a genre, science fiction provides the apocalypse without the prospect of some Ultimate Reign of God."
"The core issue of the mark of the beast revolves around worship."
"This is the way the world ends, a victory for the golden Legion."
"Welcome to the end of the world as we know it."
"The Antichrist will be welcomed by millions of those on Earth not taken with the Rapture. Unfortunately, his true identity will be known soon to those left behind, that his true intentions are death, destruction, and control."
"The apocalypse is not simply the end of the world, it's the end of an era of alienation."
"It was truly the End of the World As We Knew It."
"One of the things I like about the storytelling though is how apocalyptic this world is."
"The day of the Lord is coming suddenly like a trap."
"Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men just to begin with a terrible winter, a king or queen strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark."
"We're living in strange but perilous times and we're living in the hour of the soon coming of Jesus Christ."
"The seals have been broken and the truth is here."
"Empowered apocalypticism is understanding that old worlds are dying and new worlds are being born constantly."
"The apocalyptic prophecies in cuneiform tablets serve as a reminder of the deep-rooted human fascination with the end of the world."
"The Quran tells us that the sky will be stripped away from the earth."
"Apocalypse... cataclysmic... biblical proportion."
"The mark of the beast involves loyalty to the antichrist and worship of the antichrist."
"Individuals on the system obviously feel like individuals, but actually, you are part of a collective group mind."
"Demons performing signs which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world..."
"I really loved that there was a lot of World building a lot of end of the world building but also also a lot of really great character moments human aspects of it really really loved it."
"God allows the Antichrist to take over the world so that God can get all his enemies together in one place at one time and then wipe them all out."
"This is like something out of the Bible to signal a doomsday or an apocalypse."
"The end of the story is the church leaves triumphant, the devil is cast into hell."
"It's baby's first seven as the doomsday killers attempt to bring about the end of the world."
"Welcome everybody to the coming apocalypse! I'm Pastor Paul Begley."
"The treacherous threads of his deception in the end times... they're being pulled tighter."
"If we are that close to the tribulation, then the world is about to see war the likes of this planet has never seen before."
"The same kind of thing is being shown here that the destroyer is coming and CERN is working towards that."
"The enemies of God are acknowledging that here at the Sixth Seal the wrath of God the day of the Lord is now beginning."
"We are in the midst of the Book of Revelation."
"This is the beginning of sorrows... our job is to occupy and do the work God has called us to do."
"We're going back...to the apocalypse, and this time we're going to survive."
"A song of the end times, the dawn of oblivion."
"Not just the hero, but in a sense, it's also an end of days prophecy."
"Over the course of this film, you can absolutely hear the death and rebirth of the human race."