
Personal Gratitude Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"Deeply appreciate you Rob, Emily, Peter, Joe, Lemur, and the rest of your community."
"I'm just extremely grateful I'll be able to grow my family and my loved ones."
"You've been one of the greatest blessings in my life that I could never take for granted."
"This is a memory I will eternally be grateful for."
"You guys are amazing. Your support is amazing. I love you all."
"I'd rather have my hardcore fans and supporters... than to not have that so I really appreciate you."
"Honestly guys, I am so blessed... the best people to work with... the best."
"Honestly love you guys, you're seriously the reason why I'm here right now."
"It's amazing what can be accomplished and I'm particularly grateful for the education I got in Tulsa..."
"It's been from beginning to end Michael, you are welcome."
"I love you with all my heart, thank you for the maps."
"This could have been done for almost 20 years and it hasn't been done, so you're the one that got it done. So, Mr. President, thank you, thank you very much."
"I appreciate you immensely. Thank you for being here today."
"I like to end all of my days in Disneyland park right here, outside the fire station where I say thank you to Walt Disney."
"Vision must be valid. The only way you know something is valid is that it came from the one who made it."
"It's so humbling to see how much support I have."
"If the biggest complaint I have today is that I'm trending on Twitter, then I'm remarkably blessed."
"Smash to me reflects the entire industry... I'm just really thankful for Smash."
"Thank you. You have no idea. I waited 33 years to hear that. Thank you."
"I love you Perla, I love you, I love you, thank you so much for this."
"They backed me from day one... it's been great for me."
"Thank you all so much for being here I love you so much."
"Felix, I love you, thank you so much for the inspiration."
"I wouldn't change a thing, I'm grateful for what I've done and what I've made."
"I hope that all of you guys are having a great life... you guys make my life so much better."
"Thank you, Mr. Jim Grant, not only for being on the show today but for helping me get to where I am today."
"Sharing with each and every one of you guys has been so amazing to me."
"It just feels like I've had a second career given to me."
"I love you, and because of you and your support, I get to do videos like this, which is literally just a dream, you have no idea."
"I love you guys so much for the bottom of my heart."
"Moon landing oh man too freaking cool thanks brother I appreciate you."
"Any support from my fans really does mean a lot to me."
"You need to go see sway so that's that what you've done for our station man it's just incredible so if I never had a chance to thank you for that I'm thanking you right now freeze tag man I appreciate it man thank you."
"Appreciate everybody making those orders Ultra love man I remember doing this stuff 10 11 years ago man so to still be doing this you guys have been helping me grow I couldn't ask for nothing more."
"Having people who just want to be a part of it really means a lot to me."
"Kyoto Animation has meant many things for me, beginning from stability in times of unrest to introducing passion and giving me a lot of wonderful things in my life."
"I'm so glad I'm a guy. I wake up and thank God every morning."
"That's why even for myself... I'm grateful for that."
"I'm very lucky I was born in the 21st century. If I was born during Viking or Spartan times, I might've lasted 15 minutes."
"For all of you guys that help support what I do... you guys make that possible."
"He left a legacy that is pretty wide open for us to carry on and it's in our hands now if I could thank him and hug him again I would just thank him for the life he gave me and the friendship we shared and till we meet again."
"You guys are what made this happen. I'm so glad."
"I wake up every day grateful to be married mostly because I love my wife and family, but also because I simply could not be a single man in this environment."
"He made a difference, I think he succeeded in many ways... I'm very grateful that he's be regardless to where you stand."
"Thank you so much for being willing to share your gifts with me and with the community. It means so much."
"Well, I was lucky to have an amazing teacher."
"Thank you, Sean, so much for all these. Look at these amazing comic books."
"I just feel lucky, you know? I feel grateful."
"Keep dreaming keep doing keep your head up and keep on for one last time I'm Piplup Phan 77 thank you for watching something that has meant so much to me I'll be seeing you on the other side."
"Thank you Wayne it really it really meant a lot that you took that time out of your day to reach out to me and talk to me."
"I appreciate that sister, big bomb, big bomb."
"The outpouring of love and support has meant more to me than I could quite literally ever ever tell you."
"I'm so thankful that I didn't die before that day happened."
"Without you guys, none of this would have been possible."
"Thank God for Jan Winner personally because that's pretty great."
"I just want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you guys so much for everything I wish I could cry I genuinely wish I could cry I can't so this is um this is my car and this is my friend's first reaction to my car I hope you guys enjoy."
"What are you going to do for yourself today that will make you say thank you to yourself?"
"I did this for you because I really appreciate you."
"Shout out to Mummy for being that shining example."
"I'm just really lucky that I got to be on it."
"And RobTop, in the off chance that you're watching this... Thank you."
"Just the love and the support that I've been getting from all the people here, it's just been amazing."
"That woman is an absolute gangster when you got a gun tattooed on your hip you are somebody not to be with you know what I'm saying."
"If you're going to support me so much as to buy a teacher or a hoodie I'm going to give you a hug."
"Those kind of nice comments definitely give me +10 morale, you know? They helped me out a ton."
"I just wanted to say Jordan, I appreciate the fact that you sung 'Revenge' for my prank."
"Thank you for encouraging me as I do all this cookin', and thank you for sticking with me."
"Big shout out to the JD fam, you guys are awesome. It means a lot to me."
"I just feel so blessed, I really, really do."
"I love you guys more than anything and thank you for allowing me to stand on my own two feet."
"These are all so amazing, thank you, thank you, thank you MJ for sending these over."
"Thank you for making this show an important part of your morning, it really means the world to me."
"To this day I stand in infinite debt to my father."
"I wake up thankful and happy and I choose love."
"I genuinely appreciate it because at least somebody looking out for me child because you know be a lot looking out for yourself all the time."
"You can't do anything for your parents greater than that and if they don't tell you that I'm going to tell you that."
"You guys are the best thing that has ever come into my life."
"Feet don't let you down or anything, bro. Everyone needs their feet, so I guess in a strange way, Feets are really important and one of the things I'm really grateful for."
"Every new person I meet reminds me how lucky I am to be alive."
"Happy birthday John thanks for making all the bad news tolerable to here-ish we'll love you guys."
"Thank you, Joshua Movement. Love this brother. So glad to see you setting the captives free."
"I owe this man everything, and I owe you guys everything as well for helping me go essentially full-time."
"Thank you to everybody that's given me some support to make this possible."
"Compared to what other people do for a living, I know I'm fortunate."
"Thank you for helping me feel better from last week."
"And thank you to my mom for giving birth to me so I could experience this 28 years ago."
"I love you guys so much, thanks for hanging out."
"I'm still in contact with a Redditor that let me stay with her and I'll forever be grateful."
"I felt so privileged, really, really privileged."
"It makes me more thankful for all the things that I can do if you ever have broken leg you're like it's a pain in the ass."
"Thank you so much, Ann, for thinking of me and taking the time to send it to me. So excited to have it here!"
"Yeah, I'm really grateful to get to be there. And obviously, I mean, I'm wearing a Kershaw shirt so I probably have to say that, but it's true."
"Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate that."
"God is really shining over me right now, like, he really is. Like, I really don't know what I did to deserve this."
"I guess overall I'm just grateful that Mario is in my life and yeah what the heck I'm glad for that weird brother too."
"I'm grateful to be quarantined with a boyfriend who I can actually thoroughly enjoy being in quarantine with."
"Thanks for the inspiration and keep getting the money shouts with the boy Michael Romero. Thank you brother, we appreciate you."
"I am so glad God chose me as one of the voices to speak His goodness."
"I'm happy about that a lot of people don't have supportive parents I'm very lucky to have supportive ones."
"Your support is the reason why we're here now your support is the reason why Ace is even a possibility you know."
"I want to give back to the island that has given me so much."
"Thank you Hassan for streaming every day for us, it genuinely makes my life better."
"I owe it all to my mom and dad, they believed in me when nobody else did."
"All of you guys are literally the best fans out there, so thank you so much for always writing to me, sharing stories with me, and fan fiction artwork. I absolutely love it, and it definitely, definitely makes my day."
"Give yourself thanks, show yourself some gratitude for taking time out of your day to practice, to do something for yourself."
"You guys make it fun, I totally appreciate y'all rocking with me."
"Thank you for praying for me. I do not take it lightly."
"You are everything to this channel and to me."
"The top donation is 49 pounds, so I don't think that will ever be topped in the next week or so, but thank you, Dylan Jeffrey, for that 49 pounds, you don't often see that sort of, it's incredible, so generous, Dylan, you are a legend, man."
"You've inspired me and so many other people literally all around the world."
"So grateful for that time. It set me up for my career, my life. Without Zack Ryder, there'd be no Indie God."
"One thing about Sacramento, they gave me my first chance, I love the city, I love the fans, the community embraced me with open arms."
"Life is good, man. I still can't believe I'm here right now."
"You guys literally changed my life and I will always be grateful for that."
"I'm extremely lucky to have the amount of support I get around the world."
"You set me free, thank you. Warren's flash drive is on my desk."
"Major success, thank you so much, Bill Doran."
"This community has been a godsend to me at times."
"Enable hand washing timer in settings to start a 20-second timer."
"This could not have ended any other way. It is exactly this, this is what I am talking about. This is what I am so grateful to have been part of for 35 years."
"Nathan G said, 'Thank you for what you do. I go back to your old videos from 2013 to help me stay on fire for the Lord.'"
"Thank you so much for trusting me with your recipe."
"Every single one of you are so incredibly valuable to me."
"So many great things have happened in my life, I feel very blessed."
"Shoutouts to the fighting game community for just loving what I do. You know, appreciate you guys so much because without you guys I would be nothing right now."
"I'm grateful for people who watch my YouTube videos. I'm grateful for you if you're watching this right now."
"Look at this in the morning when you wake up you're just looking at the ocean."
"Launch day was just a reminder of how many people are willing to be there for me."
"You guys did a fantastic job thank you so much for dedicating it to me I love this community and when people dedicate stuff like this to me just beautiful works of art I love it"
"My mother truly blessed me with the biggest gift of looking at the world from that lens."
"I've never felt so blessed to be in a position in my life."
"Congratulations on hitting 1K. Thank you all so much for making this dream come true. I love you guys."
"Thank you for existing and being my sunshine." - Aletta Skye
"My support network around me has been fantastic."
"Thank you, Heather, for reminding me how to live."
"I'm really blessed to be here. I'm super happy and thankful to be making this journey."
"Our son is at home with his children today because of America and I would like to say thank you."
"I still feel that what Dave Pritchard has done for me was highly unusual."
"This means the world to me. I can't thank you all enough for embracing me."
"You like me, you really really like me. Thank you so much, you guys."
"I owe you guys only for how much do you have changed my life and what you supported me."
"I lost hope that I will ever find him. I just wanted to thank them that God has used them in my life."
"I'm just really grateful for having the series and for having met all of you through it all."
"Thank you to all those beautiful souls who have supported me. Because of you, I am here."
"Thank you for championing the whole lifestyle that I think is so important."
"The lasting impact of this show, not just on the public, but on our lives, is a ton of gratitude."
"Shout out to my beautiful wife, shout out to my kids man, shout out to London and Scarlett."
"I've succeeded in reaching that mountaintop, and I owe Nursery Rhyme, Red Heart, and Tareq a great deal for helping me."
"I'm so excited about the future, Tyson. Thank you so much!"
"I'm very, very thankful that both my mom and dad supported me."
"Wow, Uganda has given me something I could never have imagined possible."
"I look up to my mom because she went through a lot for me and my sister, so the fact that she did that for us, and I mean, we're pretty, we're doing well, okay? So I look up to her, and I love her a lot for all the hard work she put in."
"I'd like to thank everyone from my coaches to my teammates, you guys taught me the importance of teamwork."
"I love you guys, I appreciate you, I'll see you on the next one."
"I'm okay, my car is totaled but the outpouring of support and messages that I've gotten is really humbling."
"This is definitely my family and I really appreciate everybody."
"The freedom within our lifestyle... feels like a constant sort of gift to ourselves."
"Sometimes the greatest gifts are the most unexpected and something you never realize you wanted until it's given. Thank God." - Mark Hamill
"Hannah is so sweet, she loves me so much, it's so precious, she helped me a lot emotionally."
"I love you so much and I really appreciate every single one of you."
"I am so happy to be here and to be part of this."
"Thank you so much for liking my face. I'm so grateful to have married a man like you. Thank you, Preston."
"I'm just thankful that my life looks the way that it does and that's in large part because of you."
"True beauty is from the inside not from the outside... thank you Samir for such a gorgeous lesson."
"I feel like I've been able to say I've made it for a while now, but 1 million subscribers, that's a lot of people."
"Thank each and every one of you guys from the bottom of my heart for helping me build this community from the ground up."
"Thank you so much for the super sticker, you're amazing just the way you are."
"Generally speaking, I feel just very fortunate."
"I just I love it, I'm so so blessed to be able to continue to do this for you guys."
"Life sucks, I hate everything and now I'm here with y'all and I'm so grateful."
"It's one of the last holdouts and for that, I'm incredibly thankful."
"I was able to come this far thanks to you talking to my father. Like you said, my dream came true much faster than if I had to do everything from scratch by myself."
"Thank you guys, love you, take care, peace, be safe."
"There's some weird stuff going on in the world and I'm lucky to be here, a lot of us are."
"Life has just been crazy right now and it's all down to you guys so thank you so so much."
"It's the support that you guys have given me and I really love doing this and I appreciate that support."
"Thank you so much, Kaz Kaz is seriously one of the most generous and kind people I've ever met."
"Everybody here is the best. Lynnae is the best. All of my team, all of them here, they're incredible."
"I always say the greatest thing that ever happened to me was growing up poor because I'm always grateful."
"I'm grateful. I'm grateful for life. I'm grateful for health. I'm grateful for strength."
"Vince McMahon was so good to me. He was always good to me as a person."
"I'm surrounded by great people, I've got a great circle around me, one of my best friends, me, absolute gem and a rock to my life as well."
"It was a real honor to have you to ask me these questions because I esteem you so highly and I see you as a major voice in the body of Christ today not only to women but to us man and I want to thank you for what you do Lisa with all my heart."
"You guys are a real encouragement to me."
"Although my channel still isn't big by any means I still appreciate all the support I get you know I'm just a kid in his bedroom making videos no one has to subscribe but over 800 of you have and that really means the world to me."
"Thank you so much, I really do appreciate each and every one of you guys from the bottom of my heart."
"I'm so grateful to be able to root you guys on if you're going through something like this."
"I owe everything to you. I owe my husband, my house, my car, my dogs, everything I have, the clothes that I'm wearing, is because of you guys and your loyalty to this franchise for 50 years."
"Your heart, you are the kindest and most giving person I've ever had the pleasure to have in my life."
"Thanks for all the support y'all, it really means the world to me, it's a lot of fun and I won't be able to do these videos without all you guys supporting me, so thank you."
"I love it when I meet you guys on the road, it means the world to me."
"I love you guys man, good to see you guys all the supporters that's here."
"I've had nothing but lovely positive kind congratulatory happy messages."
"Thank you, Mr. Dennis, you're my icon."
"Every time I turn around, the Lord has been better than good to me."
"Leave Your Mark here. I appreciate every single one of you."
"I donated to Nesbits Lanes because Nesbits Lanes has donated to my life."
"I just wanted to take this moment to tell you guys how appreciative I am of you guys."
"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me. God bless you."