
Adventurous Spirit Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Aquarius: deep thinker, highly intellectual, open to different adventures."
"That Utah hiker has definitely achieved legendary status."
"If you're kind of on the fence about doing something always tend towards the side of experiencing something."
"I think what comes across... was like the authenticity of her spirit, I guess, of adventure."
"What a crazy ass thing to experience, you'd be safe out there man and don't quit hunting all right don't quit we don't like quitters."
"Danny Hillman is a modern-day Indiana Jones."
"I'm super proud to be Australian. When I think of an Australian, I think of someone that's just like outgoing, gonna try something crazy."
"Thanks for watching this video if you liked it leave a like and if you haven't already please consider subscribing it really helps me out cheers guys and I'll see you next time."
"You have to let it happen. That's how the Norse got to Greenland and that's how the bud Grand Vikings reached those Super Bowls."
"No one knows what's beyond that wall, actually, no one knows."
"You're in for a wild ride you did that you're you're wild."
"The spirit of exploration, the spirit of being the unafraid."
"The magic of this adventure has made its impact."
"We gotta survive, we gotta live life on the edge."
"Choose growth, choose the adventure, choose the long way home, victory over defeat."
"The reason I quite like her is because it's a bit like those guys who climb mountains freestyle. You need to have faith in your abilities because if you fumble at a crucial moment, you're dead."
"Do you dare to dream big? Tangerine blush opens us up to embracing life as the adventure it is, bringing energetic color to our cheeks of exhilaration and encouraging us to try something new."
"Okay, I'll ride a rocket into space at 90. I'm trusting the process. I'm going to trust that I can do this."
"Yeah, I think I could land the plane. I would totally land it. It'd be sick."
"This is the car you really want to go and have an adventure with."
"I love Max's positivity and I love the fact that Lay is willing to try anything even though it's out of their comfort zone."
"I'm gonna go date some dads! I'm gonna go daddy datin'!"
"Why not do crazy things? Why not do fun things? Why not explore other planets? If we're not doing that, then we're not having as much fun as we possibly can."
"Who said you can't burn out in the Jeep? Nobody here!"
"We can do anything, but if we got caught, we won't get caught."
"I am not afraid of impossible I love impossible I wish cuphead and Zelda 2 had a crossover I love it that much"
"Love vibrant experiences, engaging in life eagerly and taking pleasure in discovering the unknown." - Embrace the adventure of life with open arms.
"Let's live a little, throw a glove at your feet and we'll fight later."
"Good luck darlings. If you die in there, I'm keeping your stuff." - Zinnia
"Venture into the realm of conspiracies and extraterrestrial evidence."
"I would like to thank adventurers everywhere for challenging me, for defying me, and for making life worth killing."
"If you got the ticket, you've got to take the ride, kid."
"I'm wild... I love motorcycles... I'm not gonna let you [put your fears on me]."
"This over here is insane. All right, let's try to go ahead and climb up that one more time." - Russell Peters
"You possess this rebellious, adventurous persona."
"When a stranger asks you in the middle of the night to go with them to see Santa Claus, do it. You'll have no regrets whatsoever."
"An Intrepid Spirit who set his course towards uncharted waters."
"At 15 the stakes would be high, but for Anakin and Zena the future would be bright and full of adventure."
"Taking a risk, a leap of faith, going on a new journey."
"Exploring the vast Forbidden West can do something to a man."
"I don't know what the hell I'm doing but I'm having a blast doing it."
"Let's plan a trip like a weekend trip... let's literally do it."
"Take a risk, face the unknown, discover treasure beyond your wildest dreams."
"Be spontaneous as [__] this month and you will have your rewards."
"I would let him take me to the deepest part of the forest, he looks great."
"It's not fun if you're not taking a little chance."
"Empaths are free spirits. They love trying new things and seeing the world."
"It takes courage and trust to venture into the unknown, step boldly forward without looking back."
"I want a Framework in my backpack and I want a seat at the front of this crazy ride."
"In Heaven and Earth, across the seas, into the Wilderness, only I am unbeatable."
"Jumping out of airplanes like that is crazy. I like this phone. It's a nice [expletive] formula."
"A journey that should only be taken by the bravest of souls or the dumbest of fools."
"My passion for exploration and adventure knows no bounds."
"This is Biscuits and me in the middle of the night in pitch dark Alaska in a freezing cold windstorm trying to set a new world record for the fastest potty break."
"It's like look, you got this fighter plane. You might as well take it to its limits. You might as well go and do absolutely everything you want to do in life."
"This person is adventurous, loves to try new things, and has deep conversations."
"Be brave, stay wild, see you on the next adventure."
"So, Kristin's driving down this nasty rock crawl section. She is one badass off-roader."
"It's okay to go on an adventure right? I could explore and maybe find out what I want to do in life."
"Imagine driving this at speed, imagine the fun you could have."
"The one who is most free is the pirate king because the pirate king is the one who will dream the hardest and go on these adventures."
"Despite this, she appeared to have the same carefree and adventurous personality as Aang."
"Embrace the weird, and keep an open mind because if you do, you're in for one wild ride."
"It's interesting to do that, yes, it's like a completely different landscape."
"The whole world now is our oyster we can go anywhere do anything no one can stop us."
"It's an adventure, dare to be different, step outside the box."
"This is [ __ ] crazy, we have no clue what we're getting ourselves into."
"Consider this: running away makes for a good story."
"Embrace uncertainty and live life to the fullest."
"He's just so happy to be here. He's so happy to adventure. He doesn't even care that he was, God, he's just such a happy little guy."
"I just need to enjoy an adventure involving pretty men and dragons."
"Eventually I find the guy he brings me on the Canadian side of the border I linked with will lead and we're both like fuck it me and Willy do stupid trips all the time we know when to call it quits on a trip yeah oh just send me back to Toronto..."
"I want magic and sorcery. Stick me in the dungeon and let me just see how far I get." - Anonymous
"We took a giant leap of faith... even if it fails spectacularly, it will be the greatest year of our lives."
"This has given me some serious lost vibes just going into the jungle trees from the ocean, man. This is cool."
"It requires some grit, it requires some resolve to say I'm gonna cross that river, I'm gonna climb up that mountain."
"My aim is fan, maybe we just wait to get really close to things and you just reach out and grab them."
"I kind of want to break it next time, let's sleep here tonight and do the whole Ouija board thing."
"And who knows, maybe someday something big and hairy will throw a rock at me and I'll get a glimpse at whatever it is that's causing all the fuss, and then I'll finally have my answer, whatever that answer might be."
"Castor himself was a prolific adventurer and pioneer, with the Calypso lying at the heart of his many adventures and discoveries."
"I'm very excited to bust open those doors and find some ghosts."
"This is the end of our lives... but you know what, cheat it, let's go."
"The deeper you go, the crazier it gets. That is without a doubt."
"They will live up to their name. Adventure, unearthly."
"Just go and see what you see, that's the best thing."
"Don't let life tame you. Explore your path like a child. Be curious."
"I can't wait to get out and get it in the air and crash it as we often do."
"We want to continue that spad of exploration."
"So, why were we doing all this crazy stuff? For me, it was a celebration."
"Expressive, adventurous, freedom-loving... never a dull moment Sagittarius."
"Let's devise a plan to go find the biggest beast around here and show it what our genitals."
"It's hard to put into words how bloody cool it is to move to another country and start all over."
"Dude, I'm a daredevil, I love doing this stuff."
"I know not all that may come but come what will I will go to it laughing."
"Perhaps not sensible, but extreme and awesome."
"Is there anything that you won't try? Of course not."
"You gotta live a little, you know? Way out consequences."
"Hoist the Black Flag! Could become a pirate Republic, that could be very fun."
"I'm on my Indiana Jones Laura Croft, I'm a tomb raider."
"Just go out, go and have fun, go have as many experiences as you possibly can."
"I made a promise that I'd gather a powerful crew of friends, find the greatest treasure in the world, and become king of the Pirates someday. We should all keep our promises."
"Let me tell you, when people ask me what my favorite things are, I say get wet and wild, and then I say go into the moon."
"It's about knowing when to get on the rocket ship and enjoy the ride."
"It remained a remarkable achievement and a testament to what can be accomplished with ingenuity, determination, and just a little madness."
"Rugged terrain, unpredictable weather, and crazed people truly make this an epic feat."
"There's something you want to do that's really exciting, an ambition to experience life, to have an adventure, to travel, to learn something really new and exciting outside the box."
"To seek out new life forms, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
"Honestly, like I'm prepared to possibly die today, like I want to go in Yolo for iron, I don't give a f*** what happens to my life man."
"I love the reckless nature of just being able to go back in time and change whatever you want."
"Take the lead, leave your comfort zone, and embrace the unknown."
"Cheers to the hard wind and drink bag, let's do it!"
"Take a chance—be the fool and leap into love."
"Life's more interesting when you're a little bit mad."
"If Captain Jack Sparrow has taught us anything, it's that he'll do anything to survive and have an adventure."
"Driving to the West, into the sunset. I'm riding, riding, riding. Riding in my RV, my RV. Wherever I want to be. Because I'm free in my RV, yeah."
"I like a lover boy, lover boy, like he the type like if he is, he adventurous."
"We're gonna gallop out of here in heroic idiom!"
"Nobody has to ride bulls, you get to ride bulls."
"We decided to make way for the cape to get in on that action once more."
"There is something honestly so much more alive when you go out in the world."
"It's either a situation where I can stop an alligator with my thumb or the alligator breaks my thumb and then grabs my arm and death rolls and it's awesome all around."
"I like taking chances... when you do that you have to be ready to crash and burn sometimes."
"Exploring is definitely worth it in this game."
"They spend the night on the roof. Was it just so that 11-year-olds watching this would think that this was edgy?"
"The world, man. Any opportunity that comes up, I'm gonna take it."
"Life is too short, whenever I have the chance I will try everything that you put in front of me."
"It's a testament to their adventurous spirit."
"I'm going to do everything you've told me not to do. I'm going to climb mountains, I'm gonna live a vigorous life, and if I get to die, I'm going to live life to the hilt and I'm going to die at the age of 60."
"Keep a positive attitude, buy a Rebel 1100, don't worry, have fun, ride the out of it."
"I'm always up for a good adventure."
"You're adventurous and smart, with a keen awareness of your surroundings."
"I think I became nearly the first UK journalist to crash one"
"Tim McLean was a 22-year-old man born on October 3rd, 1985 in Manitoba, Canada. Tim was a very active person, he was very athletic, he loved sports, he loved adventures, he'd love going out traveling and doing new things."
"He's also very adventurous he'll sometimes he'll just randomly be like do you want to do this do you want to go here do you want to go there I'm like yeah let's do it."
"Adventurous people are the ones who are always willing to try new and different things which makes life exciting and fun."
"If you've got adventure in your blood and your favorite thing in life is searching to see what's over that next hill..."
"I'd like to be remembered for a man that's full enough foolish enough to get in a coracle on the river roading on a stormy day."
"There's this adventurous spirit here as well. Remember, this is Uranus, the planet of surprises and breakthroughs."
On Christ's adventurous spirit: "Even though he's vulnerable... he's still going to have... he's also a virile strong man."
"I feel like I could run a marathon or go skiing or hit every shoe store from here to Marin County."
"You're getting passed by kids, yeah. Little adventurous [ __ ]. They had no fear."
"I'm all about trying new things and you should be too."
"That little girl is our little daredevil. There's nothing in this world that she won't try at least once, I think."
"They're always up for something new, adventurous, and taking risks."
"It basically will go absolutely anywhere and everywhere."
"I'd rather have a pirate than a king."
"Overall when I think this aesthetic, I think of casual, functional, adventurous, carefree, natural, and of the earth."
"They might actually be fairly adventurous deep down. I think that if they have the chance, they definitely would be travelers."
"This is part of the fun of mystery and treasure hunting, right? This is why we love it."
"Everyone wants Indiana Jones at their wedding."
"Venus in Sagittarius is very curious, they're very fun-loving."
"You seem adventurous, big reader, smart. Like you're achievers."
"We're spy ninjas, you know that's what we do. We spy, we ninja, and we find people."
"I came here without any money, and I'm having the time of my life."
"I am adventurous; I overcome any fear by following my dreams."
"She loved adventure, she loved music, family, children, animals."
"I'm going to do several cool, weird, and wonderful things, and I'm going to bring you along with me."
"Fearless people. Oh yeah, fearless."
"Fellas, if your girl loves horses, loves camping with a tent, wants to travel all the world, run away. That's not your girl, that's a Mongol horse archer."
"I feel like there's more out there, not where, everywhere. Whatever's out there, let's find it."
"Curiosity and the adventurous spirit can easily punish the off-guard player."
"Europe will be the next adventure."
"Uncharted Mariner, a seaworthy turquoise embarking on a voyage to destinations unknown."
"I'm all about being open to new experiences."
"This person enjoys challenges, new things coming their way, and they might take on any challenge that comes our way and actually try and deal with it and usually win."
"Those crazy enough to accept the challenge must be prepared for the spills, the thrills, and the fantastic fumbles."
"My brother's great, he's super kind and attentive and gentle, and he's adventurous and he's fun-loving."
"I'm gonna send it, I'm gonna try a few things, I expect to be back again."
"This adventure is about gaining confidence."
"Dashing and daring, a drink he was sharing with wicked Felina, the girl that I loved."
"A spirit of adventurous enterprise, a willingness to go through any hardship to accomplish an object, independence of thought and action."
"Feeling more and more like today may be an adventure day, compelled by the tantalizing petrichor that was no doubt suffused in the morning breeze."
"This is a week of just feeling free and taking risks."