
Subjective Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"Earning more is subjective, but over time, anyone can make a good income doing what they enjoy."
"It really just depends on your definition of happiness."
"He's the best president we've had in my lifetime."
"That's just our personal thought, our personal point of view."
"It's objectively one of the funniest things that has ever happened."
"Whether you love it or whether you hate it, it is its own thing."
"Film is subjective, and that's why I love John's show because I can hear others' thoughts on films they liked and disliked."
"The song itself... dare I say is like objectively beautiful."
"History is written by The Victors against whatever they want."
"One person's chicken scratch is another person's modern art."
"May have got a little weird, may have got a little sexy. I don't know, depends on your opinion."
"Pokhara's like a very preferential type of thing."
"I believe in terms of visuals at least the answer is really a matter of preference."
"There are no wrong answers to this question because everybody has different wants and needs."
"So saying one is far superior to the other is like some kid on a playground saying their dad could beat up your dad or that Xbox is better than PlayStation."
"It's about what resonates with you, there's no one right way to interpret it."
"It's an iconic map no matter how you spin it."
"I'm going to be giving you guys a lot of my personal opinion."
"It's like a Rorschach painting, people see what they want to see."
"Financial Freedom is a feeling rather than a reality."
"There's no right and wrong with art, just find what you already find interesting."
"There really is no right or wrong when it comes to becoming an artist, a lot of it at the end of the day is subjective because art in itself is subjective."
"Beauty is basically it's about custom."
"Art is anything that an artist makes."
"The perfect teddy, maybe, I don't know, according to me it's the best I could do."
"A joke is only funny if both parties find it funny."
"The ending was still really satisfying to me even though I feel like it's not going to be that way for everyone."
"Focal length choice is a very subjective thing. There's no right answer. You have to find the focal length that fits you and the way that you see subjects in the world at large."
"It's not the event, it's the body's reaction to it, which is a very personal, subjective thing."
"Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's not a good tool."
"Not even in the same ballpark to me sonically."
"I'm not saying that this is a superior or inferior way to create art."
"Any bag can be luxury if it's luxury to you."
"This one may be my favorite no it's a three-way tie for my favorite but this one is in there."
"ENFPs' weakness of TI trickster leads to subjective perspectives, but they can overcome it with objective research."
"I think this is my favorite one out of all of them."
"There's no correct interpretation."
"Value is not intrinsic, it is within us."
"It's difficult to say one thing is better than the other when they sound different."
"There is no right way or a wrong way to price your art because pricing is an inside job. It is an emotional thing and really it is your creation, you get to determine how much it is that you are going to price your art."
"What a [ __ ] Fatah bad movie but entertaining very um."
"What are the ways that we want to make the narrative? There's no doubling back, there's no twist, you're going straight forward, but we wanted to make it as subjective as possible."
"Art isn't really like one thing. It could be anything as long as it's appealing to somebody."
"Sometimes a book just has to be entertaining. It's like TV, right? Are these shows good? I mean, it's subjective, right? However, what we can agree on is whether or not they are good or bad, they are entertaining."
"There's not a right answer and a wrong answer... there's what answer feels good for you."
"Are they worth it? That is entirely up to you."
"...I think I'm gonna give it a seven and a half."
"Whatever makes people happy is all that matters."
"If you're back in 50-50, you're the best-looking guy in the world."
"It's not about being good or bad. It's just a matter of preference."
"Age-appropriate is subjective. Growing up doesn't mean it's not fun."
"Ranking is always the toughest part and it is subjective. I always have to mention that there are no wrong answers here, unless you have the ending to WrestleMania 27 on your list. Then you would be wrong."
"Weakness is perceived, either by ourselves or by others, but merely perception through and through."
"These concepts are ultimately up to the audience to decide for themselves."
"Artistic, delicious. If they don't like it, there's something very wrong with them."
"I actually quite like the design of this. I know some people don't, they think it looks a little bit different, but to me, design is entirely subjective."
"Any music that's good is just good, you know?"
"It's a great example of a piece that can be polarizing because anything can mean anything to anybody."
"Everything is how you perceive it."
"Luxury is whatever it means to you."
"This is probably one of my favorites."
"Everything outside of rewatchability was fantastic."
"At the end of the day, art is art."
"There is no objective value of love."
"Some things aren't meant to be measured in objective terms."
"That mac and cheese right there is like an eight out of ten."
"Worth it is a very personal choice."
"It's a personal subjective thing and I'm not the most qualified to make this statement but... I think this is the best Godzilla movie ever made."
"Most art, it's not about anything, it's about what you bring to it."
"...they're all great pistols, my opinion is somewhat subjective, however, when I review guns I try and remain objectionable."
"People love or hate it, but I think it's lovely."
"This is a really cool one for me."
"The beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"I've just kind of assigned them based on how they feel to me."
"Objectively speaking these speakers fall short of some things that I would have liked to see them do but subjectively speaking they sound fantastic."
"You can interpret art pretty much however you want, I guess. A lot of people do that."
"Just because you find it offensive, it doesn't mean that it's not funny."
"Frugality is in the eye of the beholder."
"Our subjective opinions can reflect an objective truth."
"Beauty always has been and will be a moving Target."
"It's like a different type of funny, no it is."
"Art is up for your own interpretation."
"One man's Miracle is another man's damnation."
"Color is such a crazy thing. It's so subjective and I think it's also so tied to my mood and the time of year, right?"
"Just because that stand-up called elder millennial on Netflix didn't make me laugh at all, maybe that made you happier than you've ever felt in your life. And I don't want to take that away from you, because you deserve to feel happy."
"Wow, that was a ride. And I do want to make it clear, out of this, I did really enjoy this film, but it's not for everybody. It's not for most people, in fact."
"These are personal preferences. The quality is beautiful."
"I think it smells like garbage so there so it has to be good because people Rave about it."
"Whether they're good whether they're bad they're always entertaining."
"From YouTubers in terms of whether or not his music is good, it's not really my place to decide. He's a popular artist. Some people love him, some people don't."
"This one is my personal favorite."
"I don't know, my definition for my kind of art again, not everyone's cup of tea, but it just has to be art that is enjoyable. It doesn't have to be good necessarily."
"How do you define a hit song? A lot of people like it, that's it."
"One person's garbage is another person's gold."
"Opinions are subjective, but numerical measurements on the amount of content is objective data."
"Value is often perceived, right? It's in the eye of the beholder."
"How dangerous it is for somebody to rely on their own standard of morality."
"It's okay to enjoy things that aren't necessarily that great."
"Nothing is as good or as bad as it's judged at the moment."
"What makes a movie disappointing is probably way more subjective than what makes a movie good or bad in all of our eyes."
"Utility is not an obvious quantity."
"Color isn't really a property of the physical world; it's just a subjective sensation that we experience in response to the light our eyes receive."
"Looks are subjective, it's kind of got interesting looks but it's also you know not a bad-looking vehicle either at the same time."
"they're the best love it or hate it till next time"
"One person's trash is another man's treasure."
"It's subjective, but if you make a product and it isn't what you bought, that actually is a scam."
"I do think that um there are definitely some people that would enjoy this one."
"Something is only worth what you think it is."
"It's the best, you know. Everyone says it's the best, hardest."
"The proof of God, the intellectual proof of God, and this is the subjective proof of God right through the living, through how you're living your life."
"It was a good movie, regardless of whether or not it's accurate."
"Do you like orange or do you like green? Neither is superior to the other; it's all subjective and in the eye of the beholder."
"Start with a sample because fragrances are so subjective."
"I'm not saying the song is objectively good I'm just saying it doesn't have to be good to be awesome."
"Love is one of those weird things. Everybody's definition is going to be different. It's an intangible thing."
"This is just perfection in a bottle for me."
"...a true Masterpiece even though it's not for everybody..."
"That's debatable and some of these might be actual favorite albums of yours. That's what makes this fun. We're all different, you know."
"There's no right or wrong, I mean you can make it sound like garbage, but that's not wrong if you like garbage."
"Which one is the best? Only you can answer that."
"Fatigue can be seen as an umbrella term with lots of different symptom clusters and fatigue is also very subjective."
"It's very interesting, it's pretty cool."
"What makes a painting a masterpiece is, of course, a subjective judgment."
"It's beautiful to me, I give it an A."
"It doesn't mean the artist is bad, it just means that the illustrations or the story didn't resonate with me as a reader."
"Styling is in the eye of the beholder. If you like it, great. If not, go for something else."
"You'll either love it or hate it."
"Only you know what something is worth to you."
"Well, that's just it whatever in their mind seems right is right to them."
"Seriously, I just like this design. How everything works together. But I can understand how some people may not like it."
"Some things are objectively wrong, like Princess Bride being anything less than perfect."
"There is no rule with comedy, if you find it funny, it's good, simple as that."
"Comedy, you know, you'll all find different things funny. Every comedy is subjective."
"This sounds so much better to me than all of the rest."
"It's something I love, so how can that be cringy to me?"
"Actions can be worth whatever we decide them to be worth."
"I struggle with my ratings when I pick up a book that objectively isn't for me but also is it bad."
"But that's honestly the beauty of stories: they can affect all of us differently, they can mean different things to different people."
"One man's trash is another girl's treasure."
"It's forcing me to be vulnerable because music, like every other art form, is something that people will subjectively like or not like."
"Um, can we try and keep it a positive environment in the comments? I don't really want to see people being like dragging artists for winning because at the end of the day, it's all subjective."
"I think music is subjective, how it makes you feel."
"What is life-changing for one person can be absolute ear diarrhea to somebody else."
"Every piece of art that moves you in any way is a good piece of art."
"Your criteria will be different than mine, so I'm ranking these whatever the order these are the ones that belong in the top 15."
"...this is a very subjective list and I looked at it more from a Fan's perspective rather than a critics perspective even though it is hard to separate that completely."
"...there is no right answer just kind of see what looks best for you it looks okay I would even drop it maybe to 70."
"One person's pro might be another person's con, you know."
"John's my favorite character personally because I did have that Revelation with him that the story is about his faith in Christian and blah blah but taking my subjectivity out of it I think Gary is objectively the best character in the game."
"even if an album is terrible just an absolute trash fire by all objective standards it can still be a worthwhile use of your time"
"Face of the franchise doesn't always mean the best player... subjective and different for every single person."
"If I like it, it isn't worthless."
"I think you have to have a specific type of humor for this; you're either going to think it's hilarious or super dumb because it's a lot of literal jokes and puns and stuff like that."
"It's not that he was universally attractive to people but he was liked."
"The most favorite movies of all time are one of those things where it's like it's not for everybody."
"...a kind of relationship that can't be adjudicated and is deeply private."
"There are no rules to this stuff. If it looks good, it is good."
"I love it but I could understand why some people would be turned off by it."
"Well, if something makes you laugh, it's funny."
"At the end of the day, if something makes you laugh, it's funny. And if it makes you laugh, you can't help laughing, can you?"
"Fashion and things, it's all subjective."
"That does it for this review. Subjectively, one of the best. No, probably the best mid-range I think I've heard to date."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, isn't it?"
"This goes to show you one man's trash is another man's treasure, isn't it?"
"Just because it's not what you like doesn't mean it's bad for all people other people can do whatever they want."
"Ultimately, the value of the property is in the eye of the beholder."
"Favorite does not necessarily mean it's the best for you."
"An emotion elicited, a reader's reaction, an unforgettable wound to the human psyche that is highly subjective."
"Comedy has always been subjective. What's funny to you is not going to be funny to me and vice versa."
"Maybe that's a matter of opinion, Mr. Dollar. I am a collector and a connoisseur."
"Tell me that's not cute because you'd be lying."
"It's my responsibility to enjoy or not enjoy something."
"Productivity is one of those really subjective words. It depends on your own lifestyle and the goals you have for yourself."
"I don't know, in the right light, he's still kind of cute."
"Art is what you interpret it to be."
"Perfection is subjective and that's why you could literally spend your entire life working on perfecting this book for the world."
"I don't know, I know some people out there have to just be looking at this right now, be like, you're a crazy person. This is junk. But to me, this is art."
"...this paint job is one of the things where you either love it or you absolutely hate it."
"But again, overall, this is a great car. Those things I just mentioned are subjective. I can tell you from an objective standpoint, this is a great car."
"That's what's fun about music, it could mean a lot of things to a lot of people."
"My final recommendation based on the data and based on my subjective listening is that the Cali wins out."
"...at the end of the day, it's all down to personal preference."
"An 'oh my God moment' could be a huge Oh My God moment for somebody and then mean absolutely nothing to somebody else."
"Taste is subjective... the food in the buffet for meat was adequate it was nice there's a good selection of food and here you can also make your table reservations as well for some of the other restaurants."
"Some paints just like float your boat and others don't."
"Most sidekings stuff is like 80 to 90 percent you know, it's very good, you know, solid solid storytelling."
"Personal preference is a huge factor."
"Looks Great. I know it's subjective but I love it."
"There's no right or wrong it's just what works and what doesn't."
"I don't care what the right answer is, it feels right to me."
"Some people find some comedians funny and some don't. It's all subjective."
"What determines the worth of it? It's all based on how you feel about it."
"The beauty of music is subjective."
"A book is not bad just because you don't like it."
"Humor now, it's harder to find stuff that's genuinely funny and fresh."
"It's like this feels so easy to get out of my hand feels amazing because it I know that's totally subjective but I feel like a wide variety of people would pick it up and be like yeah this feels great super easy to."
"It's an experience that cannot be rationalized."
"Art is transient, open to interpretation, and in the eye of the beholder."
"There's not a right and a wrong answer here, there really isn't, there's just an informed answer."
"I think it's going to come down to beauty being in the eye of the beholder, how you feel about the grill design."