
Personal Uniqueness Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"We all have a unique song and I think most people are leading lives of quiet desperation."
"You gotta figure out what makes you special."
"You're beating the competition because there's something about you and your gifts and your energy that no one else can compare, no one can replace you, no one can do it the way you do."
"What's wrong with being you? It's cool being you."
"No one can take what you have as an individual."
"If you are going to be Spider-Man, if you're going to be a superhero, then you've got to be different. You can't just be Peter Parker. You've got to be your own character."
"She wasn't like anyone else, and she knew it."
"The world still needs that very special gift that only you have."
"God wants you to see nobody can do it like me."
"Try combining what you're doing with a secret obsession of yours and you'll probably stand out a little bit."
"He's independent. He's not like the rest of us where it's like, I don't like it but every once in a while it happens and I'll just get back up and fight back."
"There is nothing wrong with you, you may have some peculiarities but we all have our individual weaknesses and strengths."
"Your person sees you as someone very unique, like you're your own person, and they really admire you for this."
"Your brain is not as intelligent and unique and beautiful as your emotions are."
"Your handwriting is beautiful and is unique to you."
"Isn't that enough i guarantee not one person is looking at you and someone else and deciding you know what i like the other girl but because this one is just so quirky with her roll of bubblicious she's just cooler and better and more appealing."
"The most beautiful thing about your essence about your special magic is that it doesn't need any of those external wins to exist."
"An artist needs to have their own unique recognizable style."
"Remember that you are what makes you awesome, not just where you go to school."
"I feel like a very rare gem right now, oh my gosh."
"Have confidence in yourself. You can't be anybody else, so love that wonderful whole being that you are."
"Your spirit guides want you to embrace your uniqueness."
"Be confident in the skills that you do have because you are unique, and that is your superpower."
"We're here to shift the collective from 3D to 5D. That's why we're here. And the way we do it is very unique, we each have our own way of doing it."
"Breaking of the norm breaking away from the conventional is really coming into the unique gift that each and every single one of us has."
"Honing into what makes you unique, that's what we need to see here on YouTube."
"Trust those weird connections... makes you way more interesting."
"I am different, not for my present qualities but for my future influence."
"I always keep saying it and I still say it to this very day but why me, like what is it that you know it was oh god what was it that was so special about my stream?"
"Social media is making everybody pretty much one-dimensional, predictable and pretty much the same."
"Mommy and daddy told me I was special. They were right."
"I think it's really just about believing in yourself. Each and every single one of you has a unique ability."
"Awakening... a realization shift or discovery of oneself... embrace your own uniqueness."
"Flaws are the things that make us special, the cracks within us are the beautiful parts that need to have light shed on them."
"Individuality means everything to me because there's only one me and there's only one you and there's only one this person and this person."
"I used to think I'd never fit in, but Jack, he didn't mind my weirdness. He kept telling me I was special."
"But none of that matters because you have your own style and your own voice."
"Your difference is your strength, a testament to the change that is both necessary and possible."
"I feel like my experience is unique in that way."
"Your power is being yourself and no one is gonna be better at being you than you."
"Kenna decides to embrace her unique appearance rather than conceal it."
"Something's wrong with me, but the thing that's wrong with me is what's right with me."
"Do not let other people talk that uniqueness out of you."
"Just like a good soup or curry, you're gonna taste the combination of flavors, but you're not gonna get lost in the mix."
"Astrology is our unique sheet of music, our modeling clay."
"You gotta be different, gotta make your own way."
"We can't make everybody conform to what society calls normal... it's about being who you are, being unique and being special."
"Everybody's life's filled with challenges and difficulties and triumphs, and that's what makes everybody unique."
"The secret of your success is your individuality."
"I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. The show goes on."
"You are important, lovable, special, unique, and extraordinary."
"Until next time, stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world really does need that very special gift that only you have."
"Everybody is born with their own unique way of tuning into energies and understanding things."
"I credit my parents for it, you know, for really supporting me and allowing me to be as weird and unconventional as I wanted to be."
"You're far more fun, far more interesting than anyone else in this bloody world."
"Rare Beauty is what you are, just unique and special."
"There is only one you... Fall in love with that person."
"I'm just freaking chill... being yourself is literally the most unique beautiful thing."
"You are the most aesthetically driven person I've ever met."
"The form from which a comparison makes any sense, different amp, different guitar, different effects, different you."
"Steve Irwin was just such a like intensely weird man but in that way that you kind of have to respect and he was just hyper focused on protecting Australia's wildlife."
"You are something special, spiritually gifted."
"Be a warrior in your life. Don't be one of the Millions be one in a million. Don't just be a leader be a leader for the leaders."
"Not every body out there that comes and does what I do will look like me."
"Being different, wearing pink, being loud, no I'm not going to change that."
"I knew Scott was writing a book and I was like, well, my book can't be anything like that... what do I have that's unique to me that could be helpful to other people?"
"You are a radiant being with many unique talents, Scorpio. Feel the creative power within you."
"The level of love that you can reach is unique and special."
"You're extremely intuitively lit, there's something about you that is not of this world."
"Maybe just maybe the way I am, the way I'm wired, isn't a problem after all... it's a freaking blessing and I love it and I'm loving myself more."
"Isn't it great to be different? Isn't it wonderful to be exactly who you are?"
"I don't give a fuck, you're special? I don't understand."
"Persistence and then trying to find your unique way of doing it."
"The star is about standing out from the crowd, something you've been working really hard towards."
"Each body has a potential of its own, different from others."
"Stop, I'm the one you're missing, I'm pink diamond."
"You're standing out among the crowd because you're unique."
"He's gotta come up with something to be special."
"I feel like they're going to try to continue to show you with actions what you mean to them."
"You are amazing and you have something unique and remarkable to bring into the world and that is you."
"Every person is different, every relationship is different."
"I look at creativity as if it's like a superpower each and every one of you has a specific individual superpower that makes you who you are."
"You're the most valuable thing in the universe... there's never going to be another person with your light signature."
"Believe it or not, your life is very unique to you. Your situation is unique. Whatever your schedule looks like, these things matter."
"The very thing they judge you for is the very thing they're going to wish they had."
"Appreciate who you are and the unique qualities that you offer to the world."
"The reason you feel alone in this world is because you have a special talent that others only dream of"
"You're the most original. You're the freshest."
"My mama told me I was different, even when I was a baby."
"There is something about Anthony Edwards that is special."
"Liz is Liz, Liz is uniquely Liz, and I respect the [__] out of her for that."
"Impressive is when someone notices something about you that other people didn't notice."
"I never fit in. People think I'm weird because I see things before they happen."
"What makes you unique for this role? Why should I hire you and not the other five people I've interviewed today?"
"Just like with stones and their inclusions, each of us has our own unique quirks, and sometimes it just takes learning to appreciate them."
"Your connection is occurring in the physical world because with you, they realize at some level that you are very different."
"You can't stop being who you are; that's what makes you stand out."