
Life Reflections Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"You never know in the moment, but looking back, that is remarkable."
"At the end of your life, that's not what you're gonna feel proudest of or that you contribute into, it's not gonna be stuff or money, it's gonna be your children and grandchildren."
"The thoughts of this will likely haunt me to the day I die."
"You don't want to come to the end of your life and look back over your shoulder at all the things that you might have done that you never did."
"What really happens to all the things that you lose over your lifetime what would you do if at the end of your life someone gave you a box full of all that stuff all the stuff you lose."
"No regrets in your life. That's a lie. Everything got me here. Everything."
"Why do we wait until someone's passed away to say all those things?"
"Confidence isn't what you think it is. You know, but I when I think back in my life and I think about how far I've come in terms of the personal development I used to think confidence was a feeling."
"That's kind of sweet when life circles back like that."
"It felt good to be able to share and for us to process as friends something that was such a big part of my life, you know, and that's when I felt like that level of honesty and introspection was rewarding."
"It's going to be the feelings, the moments, and the experiences that you had with as many beautiful Godly Souls on this planet that is what's going to flash between your eyes."
"Sometimes what we thought was a regret is really just a beautiful remembrance."
"You always had to be, it's a very interesting life."
"What if your thoughts and your soul, your true intentions, is the reason you die?"
"It's one of those rare cases that makes you question everything you thought you knew about human nature."
"Life is short, and your comment touched me and hit a chord."
"I found myself thinking about memories on each song. What happened at a recording session? Where was I at that point in my life? What was I going through?"
"I thought it was like just what the frick the passage of time man, it's crazy times I tell you."
"People, at the end of their days / of their lives, often regret far more the things they haven’t done, rather than the things they have actually done."
"Every thought you entertain, every belief you hold dear, is a reflection of what you expect from life."
"The more you travel, doesn't the world feel a little smaller?"
"What an incredibly bizarre world we all live in."
"When you're on your deathbed, you should have no regrets."
"It's such a beautiful representation of life."
"At a grand level when you're looking back on your life and you can do this those random events actually lead you to the best things in life."
"On your deathbed, you won't wish for more money, you'll wish for more time."
"Time changes a lot of things, it's a weirdly mature topic."
"At the end of the day, it's like... I'm glad I did. I wouldn't do anything differently."
"One of the most common things people say on their deathbed is they wish they'd had more contact with their family and friends."
"It's just like everything is coming full circle."
"When we're all old on our deathbed, all I want to know is: were you happy?"
"There are a few people whom I really love and fewer of whom I think well, the more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it."
"All you're left with is the memories, the experiences you shared, and the people you experience those things with."
"This song touches home with me, reason being this was like an eye-opener."
"Life didn't turn out the way you thought it would when you were younger."
"I'm fine with that, but what I would not be fine with is looking back at 60, 70 and saying, man, you had all these swings and you never swung the bat."
"So when you're you're Superman or Batman passes away it makes you realize a lot of things and that anything can happen to anybody."
"Every single thing that's ever happened in my life that at the time I thought was the worst thing ever, I can look back at now and see the gifts, the blessings."
"I'm 22, I lost the last year of my life, my 21. The whole year was wasted."
"Life is short, and you can't... You know, a lot of your life you spend bullshitting yourself, right? And others. And you have to, because a lot of your life is like, you know, you're fighting with your own insecurity."
"Every bit of it. I may do some of it differently but none of it would I change."
"2021 was weird because I feel like a lot of things stood still but also so much changed for me in my life."
"I just feel like people just think they'd, like, could have just went a little bit harder when they was a kid."
"I've spent 70 years on this Earth and what I remember most is not Black History Month, it's Christmas."
"Your attitude towards life is reflected back to you."
"Our own samskaras, our own impressions about things, trap us here."
"It's a happy ending after all, we can't go back in time and change how we did things."
"To me, stand-up comedy is about life. It's too artistic and too loose to keep that title."
"Especially when you have a life like we have, and then one day it's over."
"Each of these drawings and paintings... come from a perspective on life that is truly unique and prolific."
"If you've made it this far, thank you for joining me on this stupid journey called just two years of my life."
"My biggest fear is having regrets, that's my biggest fear."
"Blessed is the person who could look back everyone has regrets we're all human beings but come look back and not regret and not have regrets that really shatter them at their last moments."
"So, there you have it. 50 years of listening to Heartbreaker and thinking about it both as a matter of history, as a matter of guitar playing, as a piece of art, as a piece of passion. To me, it kind of just represents all the spectrums of life."
"At the end of your life, you're not going to be like, 'Oh, those last five pounds,' you're gonna be like, 'Oh man, I had a wonderful life full of fun and family and friends and food and all the other good F-words.'"
"Interesting the thoughts that come to you at the end."
"Ain't life strange, it's all I can say."
"When I look back over my life, I think the things that will really stand out most to me are the relationships that I have with people."
"There's something about life... it's not really when you die you won't be thinking about what great paper you wrote but the people you loved and loved you."
"When you get to my age and look back, the only things you regret are the things you never did."