
Strategic Decision Making Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"They are the judge that pushes combat into strategic on the fly decision making."
"But knowing that it's not I I I would like to look at countries that I don't want to be like and say what do they do and if they do that then maybe we don't do that."
"Using TMs right away might seem like a great idea and sometimes it is but holding on to TMs to the last possible second tends to be the best idea."
"He's looking at the best way to make sure he gets the best deal possible for American workers."
"Saying yes to a new feature request is easy... The most important job of the product owner is to decide what NOT to build."
"Knowledge is power; effective intelligence gathering enables informed strategic decisions."
"Will that lead to significant growth this year? If not, table it."
"If fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight, even at the ruler's bidding."
"Let's do Murlocs. I mean, I'm sure it's good. I guess I'll do Murlocs. Whatever, I've never done it. Let's do Murlocs."
"Every decision truly has to be tactical and strategic on a higher level than anything you've done in previous modes."
"I don't wanna go pursue something that we might win 51-49. That's technically you win but you're losing the war."
"The Khan always made the most logical decisions. He knew that the Emperor and the Imperium was kind of [ __ ] up but he saw its merits and the fact that refusal to join would be a bad idea."
"You can shoot things to sabotage something in case you don't have a wrench or a screwdriver."
"You have a winning hand, you have really played your cards right."
"If you just go splash the first day in free agency it's not as fun for Jerry because it's easy for Arthur Blank to go buy Kirk Cousins for 50 million a year."
"Last year we were just able to make like a lot of clutch calls and like clutch decisions in like a in a lot of bo5s."
"Strategically hold back or take multiple actions in one turn to make the right choice."
"Operations management decisions set the direction for the entire company."
"A scenario can end in one of two ways either success or failure."
"Lead the Industrial Revolution where the path you choose will define your world."
"Real estate is an investment, it's an instrument, it's a vehicle. I make sound decisions."
"Abnormal times in business, though, when an industry is in crisis, are like a fork in the road."
"You definitely want to pick your battles, you don't want to get into a fight that's a losing battle."
"Choosing a business structure opens up a different future with unique twists and turns."
"This is the way they needed to go, smart decision."
"Drake know what to do when to do it, who to pick to do it with, you know, facts."
"Any business decision you make will be a good business decision this is a good start."
"Think of red as like, okay, if you think it's trending red, you gotta play that direction."
"The most important decision you can make at a poker table is whether or not to play your hand."
"It's important to look ahead and know whether or not we need to do something different."
"The decisions you make in the expansion draft tomorrow will decide whether the franchise sinks or swims."
"So the question is what can you do in the next 90 days to prepare for just some craziness that's coming over the next 90 days okay number one you're gonna take profits if it makes sense very key is if it makes sense."
"Decisions made in the late '60s, early '70s about equipment, technology, organization, and human capital... pay off handsomely."
"More caution, more selective exercise of power."
"Jaime displayed his courage and ability to make intelligent decisions in the heat of battle."
"For my money, it came back to the call by Doug Peterson on fourth and one on the goal line. He was relentless with his play calling, he never gave an inch."
"Don't let emotions drive you. It's an emotion game, balanced with logic. Control your emotions, and you'll succeed."
"Every choice that was made regarding platforms and media outlets had solid reasoning behind it."
"During the naval arms race, the main issue for building new large ships wasn't do we have the labor or do we have the shipyards, it was more do we have the money."
"I don't think you should ever change your winning roster until you know it can't win anymore."
"I really encourage aggressive and decisive moves when they present themselves."
"Stand up for yourself, choose your battles wisely."
"Gotta know when to hold 'em, gotta know when to fold 'em."
"She knows her stuff, yeah, it's like her trusting me in the car making good decisions, I trust her out on the polo field."
"This game is really unique in which players with good decisions can play at the highest level."
"We've begun prioritizing the production of Ark ships over military vehicles. We need a weapon that can turn the tide and we need it fast."
"We decided to take the crowd away. I didn't believe that we would gain anything, even if you were able to destroy the police station that night."
"Making sure from an intake that we're validating that the thing that we're determining to or deciding to do actually does align with our strategy."
"One way to think about Nash Equilibria is that they are self-enforcing agreements."
"Game theory is based on the idea that preferences are real."
"Generative AI has enormous potential for analysts and business users that want to quickly access that data for more strategic decision making."