
Gaming Characters Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Warlock, a fantastic option for dealing with a super annoying new defender."
"Sephiroth though I welcome with big open arms... I think it's quite cool the sevens on a cartridge."
"Midna serves as a genuine aid to Link, with more personality than other companions."
"Engineers are very badass now, so what Tom Phillip gets is he starts with the double-barrel item."
"Hello everyone and he's here Thorik Ironbrow is here probably the most requested character in my opinion."
"Good choice, she seemed to be the best candidate as Spring Man was already an assist trophy."
"The stomp will never betray you. There is another character down here, they are a replica like you. Their name is Torch and they are the head of security on this floor."
"All these characters are good. If I had to order them, I think the first and second one is either Min Min or Pyra/Mithra. Those characters are stupid, they're really, really stupid."
"Urza is just kind of a bad guy... except in Commander you can definitely still play him and we're okay with you playing him too."
"Her boss is Master Hand because it could really be Ganon or Dracula."
"The Amazon overall is just one of the strongest characters in the game."
"A horror pirate that mills, a human druid that creates wolves, a dragon that goads, and a sort of party captain."
"Scarlet's one of the best characters in the entire game. She's super good."
"Barrett easily one of the best characters in the game and owns this moment so hard."
"Lucas is overall a very strong character, really missing the top Lucas player."
"She's one of those x factor characters that many enemies are not going to be able to play around very easily."
"This makes him basically the first true Hydro hyper carrying gentian impact."
"But Sonic will always outshine Mario in the personality department."
"Gwen and Renekton are both kings of like melee brawls."
"He can brew plagues, he has souls gained plus 25 when plagues are spread which is massive."
"This tension is best exemplified by Saint-14, the angry Russian Titan who made a name for himself by slaughtering Fallen—that's his thing."
"Nilu is definitely one of those characters who I believe will shine brighter with possibly new characters that fit her playstyle."
"Scary powerful monks, scary, scary powerful later on, yes."
"Faith has a twin sister named Kate who plays a major role throughout Mirror's Edge."
"Number 9: Whitney Pokemon Gold and Silver - 'Whitney is a Goldenrod City gym leader with a simple dream: prove the worth of the oft-overlooked Normal-type Pokemon.'"
"Tandemouse is two mice and Tandemouse can evolve into Remouse or Fourmice."
"Number twelve: he does say to Blue at some point, 'What's your name again?' And Blue says, 'Come on, that joke is never funny.'"
"I'd love to see Little Mac as a playable character."
"Octane is so fast and OP. That's so fast though. Bangalore is so fast."
"I make no secret of this internet but Jaina Proudmoore is my favorite World of Warcraft character of all time."
"Overall I am very pleased with this new character... a great support that I really like."
"In a day and age of Spartans being emotionally tortured or unremarkable, it's nice to see Halo propping up Spartans as these ultimate badasses again."
"Fundy is a true neutral, bound only by his want for acceptance."
"Holy Paladin benefits from the no holy power thing, and the use of the two-handed mace is so cool."
"Dark Angels have the one unique character that can lead the hell blasters in Azrael."
"I mean, come on, Jaina, you should care about Anduin more than you hate Sylvanas."
"It's Kratos, then Ryu Hayabusa, then everything else is a surreal."
"Kazuha is one of the strongest characters in all of genshin impact."
"The utterly massive knockoff buff made Bisharp the most threatening dark type around."
"I fully expect Cypher and Killjoy to become the new defensive synergy."
"Bowser finally has some time to shine as a playable character."
"Jigglypuff is a default playable fighter in Super Smash Brothers for Wii U but not for 3DS."
"Overall, man, I'm very happy with my symbiote supreme."
"I think getting actual characterized Hand of Atriox members from all of these species would be fantastic in the future."
"Cooper and BT's trademark move, given the nickname fastball."
"Yone is also one of the strongest season 11 champions on the rift."
"She's a support marksman who deals decent damage while also providing plenty of utility for her team."
"Nightmare is the only animatronic to have an entire night named after him in Five Nights at Freddy's 4."
"There is no shame in being a healer, Hank taught me that."
"Alham was almost immediately instated as one of the best characters in the entire game where he has remained ever since."
"I think shadow the hedgehog should be the mayor of New York City. He would probably do a better job."
"Duchess... Class act, S-tier when it comes to support champions."
"He's very confusing so if you like wrestling and you like tricking people into falling for various mix-ups he is the character for you."
"PPMD redefined two of melee's most recognizable characters."
"Alexander the Great primary with Ethelfled secondary."
"I feel like Banjo Kazooie would be an incredibly popular inclusion."
"It's like, every character has cheese. I think you can say that."
"And a new character is looking like he’ll make his debut in Kingdom Hearts 3, Zeus himself."
"I'm gonna miss all me Megalosaurus I'm gonna miss Rockstar The Rock Drake he was just an absolute Legend."
"Darius is one of the strongest champions in the game."
"Swiper no swiping, every with Shawnee purple penguin and direwolf."
"Mona is definitely an underrated character in everyday play."
"Jinglu and Don Hong are going to be the two strongest characters in the game for damage."
"I think the silent king is pretty much the hands down winner."
"She's like the miniature version of Dark Magician Girl and she literally completes the deck."
"Generally playing as clanking rubric automata backed up by powerful Sorcerers."
"He's got into it, and he is going fast! Wow, they also made Knuckles."
"But for me hogs eels loons paste lava hounds."
"Not only is Tetsuko unblockable but it makes some of our ninjas unblockable too - including our commander."
"Rogues are just such a popular class fantasy."
"Mr. Game and Watch's frame-by-frame movement is distinctive."
"Top tiers tend to be the characters with some of the least amount of weaknesses and they tend to be the characters that you'll often see either in top eight or you'll see top players making deep runs just by simply playing this character."
"The lesser of two sidemen compared to ambi pom yeah fair enough but the turbo sideman of the hitmont family pro boxer pro kickboxer hasbro manufactured toy might even be the reason rapid spin became a move in gen 2 to begin with."
"The black arcs are now characters, equipped with items and attendants."
"I really like Alfred and his dogs every fighting game should have a character with a dog in Cal furred he keeps saying rub my brain."
"Vanguard veterans with storm shields and lightning claws are pretty good in most chapters to be honest, but they really get a ton out of White Scars."
"Who would have guessed the bear and bird named after instruments would have some kind of musical talent?"
"I feel like Lara Croft or Nathan Drake when I do this, and it motivates me so much."
"Looks like it's Stagnant Water versus Madong Wong as he has finally arrived to assassinate him."