
Celebrity Activism Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Taylor Swift, one of the most politically influential personalities in the world."
"Terry Crews is very brave to come out and say what he's saying."
"Taylor Swift will be activated politically by the Democrat Party to further emotionally manipulate millions of American females."
"Suddenly Fox caring about the environment trying to smear Taylor Swift because she flies on a private jet to her concerts."
"If Depp stays in this conversation about abuse, I think his acting career will likely be over and he'll have to become a full-time activist."
"Princess Diana continued to use her public profile to raise awareness of issues that had been swept under the carpet by polite society for years."
"Marilyn Monroe's support for Ella Fitzgerald and her collaborations with African-American performers were groundbreaking acts of defiance against racial Norms in Hollywood."
"If a celebrity actually wants me to see them as a shaker and part of the hashtag resistance they need to be like Chris Pratt."
"Ice Cube was being called toxic masculinity because he got together with this plan and he didn't really consult with black women."
"Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have raised more than $35 million to aid Ukraine."
"Tom Hanks is a white celebrity who wrote an op-ed to discuss the evil of racism and the alleged whitewashing of history."
"Swift's outspokenness in the face of Trump's criticism underscores her commitment to addressing social injustices and advocating for respect and dignity in discourse."
"Her candid statements struck a chord with a wide audience, igniting a broader conversation on the responsibility of public figures to speak out against injustices."
"I'm happy that Meghan and Harry have spoken out. They're doing the right thing."
"When you see celebrities... leading the fight... this is a big moment."
"Cash register cleared after 34 years of a wrongful murder conviction at the age of 53."
"I applaud Nicole Kidman for... putting her money where her mouth is."
"Gaga used the power of her celebrity to make real change for people she cared about."
"Dave Chappelle just wagged the biggest pair of balls I feel like I've ever seen from any celebrity."
"Unity, man. So, I'll take it. Let me give another shout out to Nicki Minaj. She in July 9, 2019, it was reported that she canceled the performance in Saudi Arabia."
"LeBron James: doing more for reform and helping the youth of America than Ben Shapiro ever has."
"Harry has created a movement of kindness, love, and safe spaces."
"BTS donated a million bucks to Black Lives Matter and the army was like, 'Yo, if they can do it, we can do it.'"
"Charlize Theron is 48 years old, continuing to captivate audiences with her talent and charm while also making significant strides in advocating for gender equality and social justice causes."
"LeBron wants to be the outspoken modern day Muhammad Ali when it's pro-black, but when he has to tell the truth and it goes against the black athlete, then he becomes, 'Well, hey, we're just here to talk about the ball game.'"
"Ice Cube's contract with black America is the most gangster thing you have ever done."
"For those of you who hadn't been looking on Twitter, Kanye West has been putting out copies of his contract. And lo and behold, random white folk are upset."
"What activism is Bad Bunny engaged in? Is she engaged in any IRL activism?"
"Prince Harry is dedicated to fostering sustainability within the tourism sector."
"From comedy to controversy: Russell Brand's journey."
"She once wrote an angry letter to Britain's Prince William, expressing her displeasure with his love of fox hunting."
"They want fame and cushy jobs, they don't actually care about gay rights."
"Harry and Megan preach about the environment. Harry and Megan talk about their children and wanting them to have a better future."
"We're very lucky to have him in the Free Britney movement..."
"Hassan did support Julian Assange and then continued as though he didn't admit that later exactly."
"Rihanna stands with Colin Kaepernick and it's not about the money for her, it's about what's right."
"I promised myself that if I ever was successful and got a platform from acting, then I would use that to not just fuel my own interests, but to help other people."
"Chris Hemsworth really is doing God's work by calling out Brie Larson here."
"The Nixon administration had former Beatles front man John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, served with deportation papers."
"Gabriel used his newfound star profile to support humanitarian causes."
"Audrey Hepburn is ambassador for UNICEF. With this title, She takes parts to the organism campaigns to save children."
"Several of the members of all of these groups used their platforms to be vocal about social and political causes."
"Look what caring has done for Angelina Jolie, this is just the beginning."