
Family Relations Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"My sister is one of the happiest, funniest people I've ever met."
"The most important thing for the restaurant is for my brother and I to be family, to get along, and to love each other."
"Always be nice to your brothers and sisters, guys!"
"Anytime you can be nicer to the new dude you just met then you are - yo kids that's a red flag sir that's a red flag."
"The best of you are those that are best to their families."
"But you know the outward things that I saw of Alec with his kids and his wife were just that. They seemed to enjoy each other's company."
"After he got frustrated that she didn't pick up his calls...calling her a selfish little pig."
"It isn't important now, welcome to the family."
"I love my parents, but I wanted to tell them who I really am."
"How do we get back to a position where I can see my loved ones?"
"You may still sit at Thanksgiving with people who have different views, but you still think they're kind people."
"Some men never tell their dads that they love them."
"When Jesus arose, He wasn't related to nobody."
"Picking a dad is not something that you do because you like his hair."
"You can choose your friends but not your family."
"Blindness is empowerment and freedom; people depend way too much on their eyesight."
"When he got flown home after the suicide attempt, it was like talking to my brother for the first time in like eight years."
"I look so different what'd your mom say she didn't she hasn't seen it yet I thought you went when children I went to the venue that's where everybody was and then she left you did we marry 16 years though basically."
"Thanks everyone for your advice about how to talk to my niece. It helped sort my thoughts out and consider things I hadn't thought of."
"Essentially the best way I can summarize our relationship is by saying that she was very proud of me and loved to talk about my accomplishments."
"Be good in-laws. It's like some people go out of their way to be bad in-laws."
"Grandchildren still, that thing is something wrong, something wrong. No, you're not doing anything wrong."
"Frankie does that to his brothers and sister, wow, does, I love you, see, I don't tell my siblings I love them often, you probably should, you should tell them."
"The Elric brothers are technically uncles to the seven homunculi as they are actually related by blood."
"You'll make a fine Squire, my brother's going to be a knight."
"What's amazing to me is that you're sending your kid back to college or your cousin's coming from New York or whatever and they're on the same plane as this."
"If someone was [assholing] me, even if they were related to my spouse, I would do the same thing."
"Happy birthday mom and dad! How they got the same birthday? They are twins!"
"I had hoped I'd be able to save the world and then visit my dad."
"All roses are edible. Wild roses have five petals. Apples and blackberries are actually part of the rose family."
"He saw his father praising him extensively and realized that it was the first time in his life that he had seen him so happy."
"I believe they are lost causes now if you have a family member who's like this."
"You're a great daughter. You're kind and sensitive when you don't even have to be."
"It's not a letter addressed to her attorney, it's a letter addressed to her mother."
"Elizabeth had a great relationship with her father."
"The offender knew the family. It wasn't a stranger."
"You don't choose your family, you're just born into it."
"I said, 'Yeah, mom, but I'm your son.' I said, 'I'm your son.' I said, 'You were the one that did me dirty.'"
"He said Dad this is who I am Brian Carter Poston and I wanted you to know that."
"Sending her some money would not make up for my long absences but still a hundred Ryo was an enormous sum of money for both of us."
"I think everybody's going to get to know each other, both sides of the family."
"One of the benefits of maintaining family relations is an increase in your risk, an increase in your sustenance. Sustenance not just wealth, by the way. It's your health, it may be better. Your education may be better."
"I was fine. Happy. I had even fixed the relationship between me and my parents."
"The greatest of all happiness, next to divine happiness, is to be at peace with one’s immediate relations."
"We love our in-laws, we have such great in-laws."
"My New Year's resolution is to be nicer to my brothers."
"What if our families don't like each other? We are friends, Applejack, and after tonight our families are going to be friends too."
"If you're a discerning reader, you've probably surmised that my relationship with my family is strained at best."
"I want to be that rich auntie who travels the world, brings you back expensive gifts, and then sends you home to your parents."
"I really hit the jackpot with in-laws, like they're incredible."
"It's possible my parents hate me and they want to kill me, that's very possible. I am very convinced of their love for me, I'm a hundred percent convinced that they love me."