
Film Anticipation Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"I love the other Thor movie Ragnarok, this just sounds like it's gonna be batshit wonderful."
"This movie looks like it's going to be amazing."
"The future only looks brighter for Black Panther."
"Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness promises to show off the multiverse in all its glory."
"This is the Batman movie I've waited for my whole life."
"It's not a remake... wait for it though. It'll basically be a remake, but it won't be a remake. So Batman forever then came out in 1995." - Humorous anticipation of future adaptations.
"I'm really excited for Aquaman, I love the idea of an underwater adventure movie, I just I'm interested in that as a thing I can't wait to see how they bring it to life."
"I'm excited to see Taika Waititi's take on Star Wars." - John Campia
"Both of those post-credits are the best... gave me so much hope... confirmation of Joe Manganiello... Lex Luthor and the confirmation that Jesse Eisenberg was not cut."
"Somebody is going to be, at least one person's gonna die in this. Don Cheadle, I'm looking at you."
"Regardless, I'm still excited... just to see Bruce Willis again."
"This looks like a movie, oh, I could see a Knights of the Old Republic movie based on this trailer, what do you think I love the trailers of."
"It's definitely gonna be lights out. If James Wan is backing up something like, you gotta believe it's gonna be good."
"I'm excited for Obi-Wan simply because of the casting news like I'm excited to see Higgins Christensen again."
"As long as the movie is good in December, that's all we should really care about."
"I'm here for the original Pixar stuff. It's cool to see them back on that boat."
"Yes, I want to watch this film because I'm sure the story will be great."
"It's gonna be a while before we see footage of Spider-Man: No Way Home."
"Black Panther went from being, like, a much anticipated Marvel movie... to actually being a culturally significant film!"
"Black Panther is sitting in the perfect position to just make all the money."
"Black Panther is the one that a lot of people including myself have been waiting for."
"What do you think about Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantomania? I'm very excited for it personally."
"Just like in the comic book world nobody gave a fuck about Black Panther. And then all of a sudden they know a movie is coming and everybody does."
"Solo 2 is already done it's Lando and all I want is Donald Glover the entire time as Lando Calrissian."
"I love the trailers, if I hated the trailers I would still put Kong Skull Island at number one because it's Kong man, it's my boy he's back and I'm so excited to see how they spin this into making Kong a hero right up front."
"Bill Murray in a Ghostbusters movie in general, that's a huge buy for me."
"Spider-man is gonna be the perfect character to usher us into phase four." - Perry
"I'm already psyched for this movie, anytime the Alan Silvestri score pops in."
"Overall this suddenly looks to be a whole lot more of an enticing movie."
"I'm actually excited to see the Dune remake."
"Fight the oppression, not the minority status."
"Should people be looking forward to Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Yes, Mark, yes."
"I'm so excited to see Ryan Gosling in this movie... sci-fi is my jam."
"Just wondering by Avengers 5, will we have mutants? You know, like, that's the big question we're all kind of wondering."
"If they drop the trailer for Black Panther two with 'oh [ __ ] that's Storm as a big surprise... people are gonna go nuts."
"This is the movie we dreamed we would see one day when they said hey there might be a new Star Wars movie."
"I believe there is a decent chance we get a 'Man of Steel 2'." - John Campia
"I'm already super hyped Rogue Squadron and Rangers of the New Republic."
"I don't think if you'd have been like, 'Hey, what do you think we're gonna get?' I'd probably be like, 'Oh, you know, Over One Kenobi, I probably would have picked Rogue Squadron.'"
"If you're excited to see a film then see the film."
"I think we're going to get continuing we're going to continue to get great films from him as a director."
"Whether him dying now is irrelevant, there was going to be a biopic about Kobe Bryant at some point."
"Harley Quinn does end up being as good as a lot of these early reactions are saying and we like it as much as maybe some people are now thinking we might."
"I'm paying to see that and bring all my friends."
"I was craving a Dungeons & Dragons film... this new one already looks to be much higher quality."
"I just want to express my thoughts... I believe I have a lot of high hopes of Sonic movie 3 not just being the biggest Sonic movie but possibly the best one in the trilogy."
"Marvel continues to find a way to make things that are completely different from the other things that they've done."
"I would be 1 million percent surprised that this film isn't amazing and blows the doors off the franchise."
"Fans of the old DC and the Snyder DC would come together and celebrate a new beginning."
"Join me down below in the comment section, share your most anticipated movies of Summer 2023."
"New Nolan movie equals most anticipated film."
"Affleck stuff would have been the best Batman film that we ever saw."
"I just want everyone to see it, it is going to be an Oscar Contender."
"If a sequel could recapture that balance, I'd buy a ticket."
"Regardless of whatever our opinions are about any of these movies, the studios have a lot coming your way."
"I think we're gonna see Thrawn in the feature film after this kind of buildup."
"The first trailer dropped... but all my friends who have seen it... are telling me this is going to be a contender for best picture of the year." - Christian, on "A Monster Calls."
"It is nice to be able to be legitimately excited about Star Wars again for what appears to me to be good reason."
"Batman can lose, uh, and we have this upcoming 'The Batman' film featuring the Riddler of course..."
"There's absolutely a 100% chance that Miles Morales and a Spider-Verse reference will appear in this movie."
"The last shot with the Joker scene, like I suspected. It's more or less the last shot."
"A big question on the eve of Deadpool's premiere: who is this secret cameo?"
"I think Deadpool 3, okay? Kevin Feige brings out the greatest filmmaker of all time."
"Considering Natasha Romanoff sacrificed herself in endgame, it's not surprising that the Black Widow movie is set to be released in 2020."
"Quest for eyeballs ear balls and fucking attention building franchises and world building so my god these movies are only getting better and better at least the trailers are and fucking when you see the movies you're like fuck they did it."
"Thank the skies above for the new movie, that's all I'm gonna say."
"I think people are gonna be surprised moved and very engaged."
"Hyped for the film amongst anyone who wasn't a Marvel die-hard was low."
"Buckle up for Dune too man cuz you are in for a ride my friend."
"If there's a Rick Moranis cameo in this movie I will jump out of my seat."
"This Wonder Woman movie looks [expletive] awesome."
"This looks awesome! I've been waiting for more stuff to come out about this movie."
"Let's look forward to the bright future of the various DCEU films."
"Since you guys are mostly a Batman audience, this is the Batman we've wanted, this is the Batman that we have asked for."
"Quantumania: Rests on Kang, more Kang needed."
"Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3: Major consequences, who survives?"
"And we'll have to wait and see whether Godzilla X Kong is the last in the series or if it will beat people's expectations and save the monsterverse."
"The mix of the visuals, colors, and fight choreography make us all ready to upgrade to an 8k TV and watch the film in all its glory when it's finally released on home video."
"Avengers Assemble is the line we've been waiting for, but in hindsight, I do kind of wish it was more of a giant proclamation."
"This is going to be Jeremy's favorite movie of the year."
"I don't know if that's ever gonna happen but look Martin Scorsese is gonna make this movie right the Irishman."
"I love the idea of Robert Pattinson's Batman navigating Arkham Asylum all Shutter Island mode that is just a vision right there."
"I'm excited to see their attempt and here's the thing is this the Dark Tower movie that I've been waiting for my whole life."
"Judge Dredd takes his helmet off a lot, Judge Dredd: When news of this film first broke in the 90s, fans of John Wagner and Carlos Esquera's comic book icon had reason to be excited..."
"There will be multiple Spider-Mans in this next, yeah."
"This does look good, and also at the end of the trailer."
"If the whole movie is like the first 13 minutes, this is going to be an amazing movie."
"Most appealing is the cast of course, which includes Chris Evans, Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan, Robert Pattinson, and more."
"My suspicion... is we're going to get one more Dune movie that wraps up the rest of the story."
"This movie has a hundred and eighty percent on rotten tomatoes right movie it's gonna get all million of those people back on netflix can't wait but i'm excited man"
"I think this movie's gonna be pretty delightful. I think Will Smith, he's a very charismatic actor, a very charismatic screen presence."
"I'm super hyped for Idris Elba to be appearing in Cyberpunk alongside Keanu Reeves. That is going to be amazing."
"I mean no one has ever seen a film like this no one has ever seen this number of loved characters in a single film with this caliber of cast and that's really what drove all of us"
"The action in John Wick 4 promises to be very intense."
"I'm intrigued, I like the cast, the trailer that we saw with the ecto one, I mean, I'm in, count me in."
"This is a win, this is a win if you are somebody who's been looking forward to a Zack Snyder's different vision."
"This is finally setting up the Young Avengers and it's about damn time."
"I'm cautiously optimistic for Netflix's version of Death Note."
"Within seven years there will be a new Indiana Jones."
"Stephen King's fans are sure to turn up for this long-overdue Hollywood treatment of the beloved series."
"If he's in a movie, I bet that movie is going to be [ __ ] amazing."
"The media has been trying very hard to play it up as if something terrible's gonna happen because of this movie."
"Phenomenal movie, can't wait to do the spoiler review."
"Tobey Maguire playing Uncle Ben and Marisa Tomei as Aunt May... I just heard that idea and I just saw it. I think it's so perfect."
"But there you go. I do hope that Shyamalan's upcoming film 'Glass' is a return to form."
"It's a much better pressure when people are excited to go see your movie." - Chris Pratt
"This was amazing. We'll see you guys for Matrix resolution."
"Keaton's here, he's doing Flash, very excited!"
"This movie sets up a sequel so perfectly without sequel baiting."
"Oscar Isaac in this role really does make me feel like they are going to do something profound."
"What do you think about the upcoming animated Transformers movie?"
"This movie could be a really nice surprise, especially if October movies end up disappointing us quite a bit."
"I felt like this was going to do fairly well based on what we saw from No Way Home. We wanted to continue that story, we wanted to learn more about this multiverse..."
"Listen, it's Paul Thomas Anderson, the movie's gonna be great. I mean, you never know 100% until you see it, but I feel pretty safe in saying this movie is going to be great."
"Oh my God. Next bit of news. This is in relation to the new Spider-Man movie Spider-Man. There's multi-dimensional things happening and he might be in a court case because everybody knows that he's Spider-Man, the movie that's right."
"When I heard that they were making a movie based on good old JT and two of the greatest stories to ever feature that character, you can bet your ass I was hyped."
"I want the fans to get to see the film now, you know, the Batman fans are so passionate."
"The next time we see the MCU, they're gonna be building up to something even bigger."
"I think with Nick Fury showing up in this, we'll see that in the marvels more so than this is like, I think they're gonna, I think we see Photon I think we see Monica before we see Nick Fury."
"This movie is gonna be magic. It's more than a movie, it's for the culture."
"It feels like Infinity war and end game and like the big team up so this was and but this is 90 minutes I want to see 40 movies lead to something like this I know I want the next 10 years of my life to lead to something this crazy."
"Well done Zack Snyder, and I'm hoping that this might actually lead to something."
"If Ridley Scott says he's making a prequel to alien, you sit up and listen." - Gary
"She can be in any movie. Her voice, her voice! She hasn't done Vader, but if you watch her in the new trailer..." - Rob
"The movie is also gonna be introducing Neymar Riri Williams and it will center around the war between Wakanda and Atlantis."
"It felt good and then finally I saw okay now this has a good chance of being my film of the year and if this is my film of the year I'd be happier over and I wasn't expecting it to be this good the Kingsmen it is so okay."
"Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania officially kicks off Marvel phase five."
"Deadpool 2 is absolutely gonna happen they are making this movie they are now casting there's apparently six actresses who name still under wraps who are testing for Domino."
"I think Margot Robbie will really do a great job with this version of Harley Quinn."
"The Dark Avengers... seems to be the villainous team that Marvel Studios is most intent on introducing."
"The cast alone and the premise make me tentatively buy it."
"I think Eternals is going to be such an interesting film and it's going to expand the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Where does he go from here with Avengers Annihilation around the corner and possibly Thor's final appearance in tow?"
"I think James Gunn is gonna give DC a great Suicide Squad movie. I think James Gunn is going to give Marvel a great Guardians of the Galaxy 3."
"Lord of the Rings... gotta be some orcs in there."
"Scourge looks to be a very intimidating character."
"The Little Mermaid my pick for the highest grossing film of the summer will be opening as we go into the Memorial Day weekend."
"The Whale is instantly one of my most anticipated movies."
"I'm excited for the movie because it's Adam Sandler leaning into his insane dramatic chops."
"Borderlands the film is gonna be absolutely incredible"
"It’ll be an interesting third Fantastic Beasts movie."
"We are getting closer and closer to this film finally being released, and hey, I really like this trailer."
"If love Jones came out right now, I think people would go, 'Oh my god, gotta see that movie.'"
"James Cameron never disappoints, so it should be a great time. I'm excited."
"I think Wonder Woman 3 is going to be the best of the three."
"There will definitely be a perfect film package just right that will have audiences thoroughly excited and genuinely interested when Amir returns on the big screen."
"This is the Batman film we've been waiting for. I love the Nolan films but this Batman is going to make Christian Bale's Batman look like a Teletubby."
"A new One Piece film? It's about time! Who's up next to join the crew?"
"Welcome back to New Rockstars and with Secret Wars coming very soon on the MCU horizon, that means the multiverse madness has really only just begun."
"Let the anger flow, let your frustration be known. There's no plans for Doctor Doom in the MCU until after Secret Wars, 100% guaranteed."
"Maybe we might get 'Minions: The Rise of Gru' this year. That's what this world needs right now, more than ever."
"Everyone's really championing for that Toxin movie. Let's do it!"
"There is only one new Ghostbusters movie, and that is the Paul Feig directed version coming next July, presently filming and going fantastically. The rest is just noise."
"Oh my god, I'm gonna love this film."
"What's the movie you're most excited for this year? Across the Spider-Verse. You know, and then Mutant Mayhem popped in there and I was like, 'F***,' but I'm gonna have to stick with Across the Spider-Verse. I feel like that movie's gonna be solid."
"It might be a bit early to call it one of the greatest sequels of all time but it's certainly heading in that direction."
"Guardians of the Galaxy volume 3, John Wick, Mission Impossible, Oppenheimer, Spider-Man."
"Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One might end up being my favorite movie of the year."
"If there is going to be a live-action Mandalorian film that gets released in theaters, I'm going to be excited about it."
"I hope it does still happen. I like Taika Waititi. I've liked most of his films."
"I'm actually really excited for the new Gundam Seed movie coming out."
"Word on the street is, director David Sandberg's story about Billy Batson's alter ego is going to be a romp and a half."
"Oppenheimer will be the most important film of this Century."
"The return of a cinematic Joker since Heath Ledger's so brilliantly portrayed the Joker in The Dark Knight."
"I'm always ready for swords and shield movies, especially if done right."
"He's as exciting an actor to me as Nawaz. If I see he's in the film, I'm gonna be as excited as any actor, male and female, that I see in a film."
"This could be the ultimate comic book accurate adaptation of Wolverine that we haven't quite ever gotten in a live-action film."