
Respite Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"For these kids, recess is more than a brief break of sunshine. It's a break from war."
"We've got to take a break to toast some rare good news."
"Many of you have just been asking for a break, like you just want life to give you a break."
"It's respite, a chance to steel oneself against the coming horrors."
"It's nice to take a breath, this is the first breath of fresh air that we've had in months."
"Talking with your therapist can serve as a respite from the outside world, a battery recharge before you're back out there."
"...realizing that the destruction hasn't commenced yet, Anastasia decides it's okay to enjoy the vacation a little."
"That was a break, that was a good break."
"We've been back for nearly a week now and only now do we feel like we are slowly starting to catch our breath."
"It's finally time to breathe a little bit."
"It was the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives."
"It's really tiring when you're trying to save everybody. Well, even God gets one day off, I know."
"Everyone needs a break in this family, everyone needs a break, yeah, from the battle of struggle and the loss."
"Let's give it a rest. We've had enough of death for one day."
"Nice little breather though by the way."
"A brief interlude in your adventure that replenishes your energy and nourishes your soul."
"This isn't fair. Just need a little break."
"It is for those who seek spiritual respite and rest from the burdensome knives that occupy the mind at all times in this Babylon system."
"The park is where you go for a respite from big city life, and if the park is lousy, I think your city is lousy."
"That's awesome. How long has it been, besides vacations, since we took a weekend day off and did nothing? I can't say I never did anything reselling. I did edit a video, but besides that, we did nothing but pretty much just lounged around all day. It was nice."
"Sometimes the simplest images have the most grace, and such images give us a much-needed break from the overstimulation of our world."
"...a win for Liverpool, the result lifted them to fifth and offered Vanitas some much-needed breathing space."
"Take a break from the sorrow, take a break from sometimes the harsh reality."
"Take a break. Respite can come from a family member, friend, or paid in-home care provider."
"Even in the face of her suffering, she sought solace and simple pleasures, finding respite in gentle walks and intellectual journeys."
"In the midst of a ridiculously busy day, you have somehow decided to pull out of the traffic for a while."
"Parents can enjoy some much-needed me time in this area."
"The wrongdoers, I've only left them for a while."
"Being able to hop it gives me a rest from my own thoughts you know that's the thing that's the thing I think Parenthood does that that's not discussed a lot I'm glad you brought that up."
"That was like our chance to take a deep breath, to exist, to breathe."
"...a relief, a respite from wrestling."
"For those who revel in the corruption of the pure or who find themselves spurned and neglected by a world that despises their differences, Lamashtu offers respite among her grotesque brood."
"If you want a few minutes every day that has nothing to do with the madness that's going on so I'm really glad that you're here."
"A French farm for me was a vacation from the horrors of war. It was a little bit of a time out where the war was close but not so close that for a little while the audience as well as the horses could breathe again."
"Hope came to them, a place where they could rest and heal."
"I enjoy a tragedy in my life a little bit because it gives me a holiday from my normal worries."
"I finally have a minute to breathe, a minute to myself."
"It was a comforting thought indeed that for a while anyway there would be no desperate men at the door of our flat in Baker Street, no life and death cases to solve ahead, where four whole days as suspended and happily uneventful as this train trip."
"Rec is usually something that most prisoners if not all prisoners look forward to and no matter where prisoners are at whether at a jail or a prison no matter what they're able to or not able to do well at rec rec is usually still a break from the norm."
"For the first time of their relationship as a trio, they weren’t focused on the war."
"We need like a break from the snow and rain."
"When the devil had finished all the tempting, he left until an opportune time."
"I feel like we're due for like a breather where we tell a Survivor story."
"If you ever need time to walk away from something or time to relax, I hope and pray that you have people in your life that are true friends."
"It's a weird silver lining to have a brief moment to breathe."
"Snatching a few moments respite from the fray."
"Life is a series of train wrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness."
"Thank you, show creators, for that little bit of respite from everything that's going on."
"I can't explain the peace of mind I had knowing I wouldn't have to brace myself for any of his stupidity for a while."
"After years of living downtown, the past few months here have been a calming respite."
"It's kind of an oasis in the midst of a hectic day."
"Just for this once, let's forget the bad things."
"It's like a little break from the world."
"It's a nice respite from the darkness that you're in."
"This is where we leave our problems at the door."
"Sometimes we all need a break, especially in 2020; it's been a hell of a year."
"The momentary ceasefire allows the men to relax for a little while."
"That should help all of us find a little respite at least every Sunday morning while we work through the impacts that Corona is having on our lives."
"This feeling made him relax and forget about all the battles."
"Filter out the hustle and bustle, the island returns to peace."
"Foster caregivers should not be ashamed of using respite; it is there for a reason."
"It's a welcome break from the hustle of everyday Japanese life."
"Hard times were forgotten, at least for the day."
"I like to create a respite from that."
"Let's not start now, haven't they had enough? Let them live."
"Ruby is like the respite that I've been hoping and praying for."
"Visits from loved ones offered a flicker of hope, a temporary respite from the bleakness of prison life."
"It's like during that time nothing else exists, and it's an outlet for them, a way for them to just be and breathe and a good break from the chaos of life."
"After twelve awful days, the fury passed, and the fleet rested in a harbour."
"It's better to have that temporary sanity break in the middle of madness than plunging into madness altogether."
"It's all focused on respite and getting away from negativity and embracing camaraderie with your friends."
"Take a break from all the hate and the pain and all that crap that's out there."
"Dear God, won't you send me a break? I need to get away."
"Get yourself some counseling setup and a support setup where you can get a break."
"We can come away from the cares and the worries of work and the week that was and just rest."
"We're just so lucky to have crafting because it gives you some respite and something to do, doesn't it?"
"All I want is a respite, all I want is a break, a lucky break, all I want is to have a normal life like everyone else."
"Sometimes they needed time away from the constant bickering and never-ending controversies of their family."
"Let's take a break from the chaos and escape into the alley."
"They give us a little bit of respite from the kind of microaggressions that typically experience in the normative world."
"Once they dealt with her daily tasks, having another cup of tea was a pleasant respite for them both."
"You need downtime, you need sort of a creative respite."
"They breathed out a collective sigh of relief."
"Sometimes as moms, I feel we need that, just a little tiny reprieve where you can just kind of collect your thoughts."
"Once in a while, life cuts you a break, gives you a time out from whatever it is you're going through, even if it's only for a few minutes."
"Everybody is just breathing a collective sigh of relief."
"It was like being in an oasis after being in the desert for such a long time."
"I believe in divine intervention, and that was done so that I could just get some respite and some time."
"We just took a bit of time to regroup, sort things out, be together as a family."
"It's a good option to kind of sit down, chill out, get out of the sun a little bit."
"This is where you sit to unwind after a long couple of days."
"The bond between them deepens as they share this moment of respite."