
Film Scene Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"This is probably one of my favorite scenes from the entire film."
"When a believer genuinely asks Allah for forgiveness, then they should know in their heart that Allah forgave. You should not doubt that Allah forgave."
"This moment comes to us as a flashback to Reed's childhood."
"I loved when Spiderman turned on instant kill mode."
"There is a scene where he parachutes out of a biplane and that looks really good... and then a goat helps him, it's true."
"This sequence is perhaps one of the best depictions I've seen of what it's like to be young with a crush."
"This is a super sad but you know as we said the previous scene with with Billy's character references his reality and this is our yellow ranger training but they're actually all at her funeral."
"Just one of many vampires infesting a desert strip club, Santanico Pandemonium creates what has to be one of the sexiest scenes in all of film."
"Not only is this an amazing action scene, it's arguably also the moment in which the character goes from being Diana to truly becoming Wonder Woman."
"The presentation of the shooting scene at the end was pretty crazy."
"The scene is really visually cool as well, and also the scene has the huge buildup of tension."
"The Avengers assembly for the first time in New York, music yeah actually that musical moment."
"Well why don't we just check the records? The coolest scene in that movie though is when he's in that house with Nagini and the bounty hunter shows up and then explodes the room."
"The scene between Thor and Rocket is pure greatness."
"Most metal ever, probably my favorite scene."
"Steve Carell actually had his chest waxed for the scene in The 40-Year-Old Virgin."
"Luke's biggest moment is that he made himself a hologram."
"The final scenes just had my heart. It's so terrifying, yet incredible."
"So, their in a terrible rush to get this body cleaned up and to get the car cleaned up but The Wolf is always calm, collected, and verbose."
"Kelly tap dances with the cartoon mouse Jerry. The sequence required the utmost care to pull off; animators had to painstakingly use rotoscoping to match the mouse's movements with Kelly's frame by frame."
"An iconic sequence made the film within a film 'Lullaby of Broadway' unforgettable. The number is absolutely packed with a huge crew of tap dancers. While they all move in sync, it feels and sounds like we're in the middle of a thunderstorm."
"This scene of Miles clearing his throat and getting ready to sing as the camera spins around him, magnifique!"
"There's going to be a scene where they're going to keep a little bit of the edginess and Blade is going to kill a room of vampires."
"This is one of the best lightsaber battles in Star Wars."
"Kylo's vision of Han was a really great moment."
"Thor's arrival in Wakanda in Avengers: Infinity War."
"No scene epitomizes Wi Titi's genius better than the Gladiator scene."
"The post-credits scene, which again introduces us to Spider-Man 2099."
"The emotional payoff is insane in this scene."
"It's a very surreal scene, especially because fellow clown Gary... is also there."
"As a film, Captain Marvel really starts gaining momentum when Carol Danvers crashes through the roof of a Blockbuster on Earth."
"Damn you saw how that ape sacrificed himself for Caesar."
"Kratos comes face-to-face with his past, a scene that was so powerful and made Kratos actor Christopher judge cry while filming."
"Thought the very last shot of Cap dancing with Peggy was beautiful."
"That training scene is a great training scene."
"This has got to be one of the best escape scenes."
"Wow, they put their whole foot in this escape scene."
"There's one that references The Matrix with Monodom reenacting the famous scene where Neo dodges several bullets."
"Ah, it starts off with Eminem in this dirty ass public bathroom practicing his rhymes."
"This final battle scene will always be fun to watch every time."
"The final scene in Furious 7 is a gracious send-off with the song See You Again playing."
"The opening scene is so cool, especially with Thanos overpowering the Hulk."
"Loki's death was brutal and impactful, cleverly done."
"When Thanos gets to Wakanda what I love that moment where they're all just sure like whoever whichever Avengers are left and they're just trying to take about one of each stone."
"I kind of want to cry during that that scene there."
"This scene is that Breaking Point...equal parts unsettling as it was beautiful."
"The scene with the eagle thing is so funny to me."
"That final space battle with all of the TIE fighters coming out and all of the Star Destroyer and the rebel fleet hitting them head-on."
"Ray's entire look in the final act of The Last Jedi."
"Accompanying that sequence, Michael Andrews and Gary Jewell's version of 'Mad World' turns a throwback song into a poignant piano ballad."
"That scene in the knife store is just so cool."
"During this illuminati slaughter scene Raymie really wanted this to feel like an homage to the climax of Brian De Palma's Carrie."
"Hearing Obi-Wan tell Anakin he's sorry really got to me."
"I would photobomb The Godfather and the wedding scene when they all get together to take the picture."
"What's the Mission Impossible movie? What's not? This is the Mission Impossible part of the movie."
"This whole opening scene, one of the best in Horror history."
"the house wakes up and in a shot that's so cool I actually had to rewind"
"The scene where stripe was in the room being interrogated by the psychologist."
"It's a sudden sweet moment that will have you reaching for the tissues."
"But here it is, late morning by the looks of it and Kristen and James are tied to some chairs, facing down the three masked invaders that have tormented them all night."
"There was that weird moment in The Force Awakens when after Chewbacca shot him with his bowcaster, he smacked his wound."
"The sequence ends when Peter saves the entire train from certain doom and in another one of the movie’s best scenes, the people on the train see him without his mask…and are nice to him."
"Tony's back and it looks like with the voice-over stuff as well that it's going on during the scene."
"I like the choreography, the dueling choreography in this sequence was pretty good. And why shouldn't it be? Because it harks back to, I mean, these are the two men that have probably fought on camera with lightsabers the most of anyone."
"I've had the time of my life synced up flawlessly with their choreography."
"What's clever here is that Thomasin is actually really standing next to Anya Taylor Joy."
"Inside Out Bing Bong cut scene was too much for younger audiences."
"No one can ever forget the 'I don't feel so good.'"
"This is the most emotional scene of the film."
"That Infinity War opening, when all you hear is that one voice, was chilling."
"Ash's giving Linda a gift so we mostly just see close up to their eyes for an extended period of time without any dialogue just a music I guess maybe it's supposed to be awkward I don't know it's not quite romantic."
"I loved Owen Lars in that scene... He's like, 'Pardon the language everybody,' he's like, 'F*** you.'"
"Remember the scene where Kano ends his battle with Reptile by emphatically deporting Reptile's internal valentine with his bare hands?"
"It's one of the most romantic things I've ever seen."
"My favorite action sequence of the film kicks off here as Paloma and Bond try to get away with Obrichev."
"On a mission to save, Batman crashes in on Lex Luthor's kidnappers for hire. Thus ensues an exceptionally choreographed scene that showcases Batman's stealth and fighting skills to their fullest extent."
"He utilizes each of the turtle's weapons and even does a Neo running on the agent Smith clones from Matrix Reloaded move using Donny's stats."
"As soon as Superman showed up... it was obvious there's nobody else needs to be here right now."
"The montage of Cap and Howling Commandos taking out those various Hydra strongholds in Captain America is one of the best sequences in the MCU." - Unnamed commenter
"The discussion at the grave from the Deathly Hallows part two."
"Skipping stones by the river from the Deathly Hallows part one."
"I always tell people my favorite scene is when I went up into your room and I told you about how great your father was. That's a great scene, I love working with you."
"Barry Allen's beautiful rescue of Iris West and a cascade of hot dogs, it's just so sweet and heartbreaking."
"Okay, let's go. Aredes, on your feet. The last time. Take me along with you. Tie the professor up, but don't kill. I take no chances."
"The wing suit was one of the coolest parts of the film where he's jumping off the police station building. He hits the button on his suit and it just inflates, and then he flies off the building, which was epic."
"Gore gets the better of him and... uses Stormbreaker to open a portal to eternity. Valkyrie gets stabbed, and I think Jane gets injured as well."
"I think this is the single greatest Spider-Man scene put on film."
"This movie elicited such huge, huge reactions for me. There are a lot of scenes that I could bring up, but there's one where Jason Bateman gets shot. This scene made me lose my [ __ ] mind."
"The scene where the firstborn are killed is genuinely haunting."
"This film totally made up for that when it got to that scene where Esther or uh, Nina Lina whatever her real name is, is just stabbing the [ __ ] out of that detective and says, 'How the hell did you know the mother didn't even know?' and he goes, 'But she did.'"
"...the killer Michael throws a guy in an electric Transformer or shoves his head through a dude's forehead."
"That's always been a very awkward scene to me where I know they're trying to pay off the whole it's all in the reflex's baby lime but just the way that it's executed has always come across a little awkward to me."
"...the chemistry between Zendaya and Timothy Chalamet was fantastic... they kiss on the dune, I was like, yeah, that was hot!"
"The scene as a whole is first of all one of the greatest male bonding scenes ever put on film."
"I loved the scene when Bond is researching Elektra after the funeral. It's like he's reaching out to wipe the tear away."
"Number 1: The chest burster - Alien. 'We couldn't even imagine how that felt. It was tough enough just watching it, and it shouldn't be surprising that it has a reputation as the most famous death scene in the history of horror cinema.'"
"The iconic Paul Walker versus Tony Jaa. Oh, yeah, you know what's so funny about this scene too? When I read the script, so you're gonna take the one guy who does all wide shots, runs around, does flips and kicks, and put them in the smallest set possible."
"A prophecy that misread, could have been one of the best scenes in the entire film."
"...a moment well worth watching when a sleazy lawyer is brutally bisected by the titular spooks."
"...a moment where early CGI and horror meet to terrifying rather than unintentionally hilarious effect."
"...manages to feature a scare so effective the viewer might momentarily remember they're watching a film."
"...a shockingly large-scale moment of action horror which manages the difficult feat of combining the two genres gracefully."
"The music is so good during that part too."
"It never gets old there are shocking moments and twisted stuff the whole sequence with Alfred Molina is literally perfect."
"No matter how many times I watch that movie, whenever the transformation happens, it almost makes me tear up every time."
"So inside that snow speeder we see Luke Skywalker and snow speeder outfit as well as Dak Ralter his famous accomplice."
"The wrench hallway scene from Old Boy is probably my favorite."
"That was a good scene, man, that was dope."
"I love the decapitation. I really did. I thought that was like a really cool way to end it."
"Hands down the best lightsaber fight scene was Anakin Skywalker versus Obi-Wan."
"I think this is honestly one of the best scenes in the movie."
"The arrival of Zod's crew on earth is one of the most suspenseful and visually arresting sequences in the film."
"The moment where Django throws off his blanket and we see this kind of expression of empowerment."
"I felt the calmest I've ever felt shooting any love scene."
"The most rewatchable scene... this is the most entertaining movie the last 50 years."
"The Indianapolis monologue, Quint dying, and just the last nine minutes when he kills the shark."
"Halloween for the return of Michael Myers has one of my favorite openings of any horror movie ever."
"It's like 15 minutes of one uncut shot, and it's really well done."
"My favorite cutout scene is when they put those automated robot droids out in the corridor."
"Ernest has a really cute scene where he imagines himself as sort of a Peter O'Toole Lawrence of Arabia type character."
"That's just one of my favorite kills."
"That ending alone is one of the most iconic scenes in horror."
"Schindler's List... the opening scene where Liam Neeson goes in and ingratiates himself to the Nazi command is one of the best things Spielberg has ever done."
"Here's one of my favorite directors ever and one of his best scenes ever."
"Laura tilts the cross grave marker to create an X."
"It's like one of the best jump scares I've seen in a long time."
"I legit teared up when I saw Chewie's reaction to Leia's death, it was a good moment, man, that hurt my soul."
"I'm very glad that Patty Jenkins fought for it because to me, absolutely beautiful, beautiful scene."
"He impressed the [__] out of me with that scene in Infinity War."
"I think the Odin death scene, I really like that scene."
"It's the moment where Arthur finally snaps and lets loose, allowing the Joker within to take over."
"The scariest scene in the film was when Alia encountered the spirit inside of the elevator."
"The scene with Zoe Bell on the hood of the car is one of the most tense pieces of film."
"They have a whole scene in reverse and you don't realize it's in reverse until halfway through it."
"That's cool, that's a good moment."