
General Opinion Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Cheese on a pizza in general is obviously top tier."
"The majority of the general population are crying out for some honesty."
"The bulk of people being pretty decent, pretty common sensical, pretty warm and tolerant, nice."
"A lot of people have got a desire to be a bit tactically minded on some level."
"All in all guys again this is a very solid movie."
"Almost everyone across the spectrum looks at this kind of stuff, they hear about hospitals... and almost everyone knows that it is horrifying and insane."
"It's a good game with plenty to like. I'm not saying it's bad by any standard."
"I think there's a lot of distrust and distaste about that."
"We've been of the view since the fall of last year."
"Everybody does believe that this was somehow very, very important."
"I think I can speak for everyone the entire planet when I say yes."
"Hollywood is just spineless en masse." - Jim Carrey
"No one comes out of this looking particularly good."
"I think generally speaking, this is a great sports car."
"There's a lot of good country music out there."
"Mercedes are just nice cars... in general they're just nice."
"It is very very useful and also very fun to use."
"It's definitely not the best but it's also not the worst."
"So these kind of systems, I believe, are important."
"I think a lot of people feel that way about the boys."
"Just the very raw values of it, I think, are generally very positive."
"All the faults that you can point to for all the criticism you can give to him."
"There are no Pro piece I mean you're you're hard-pressed to find anybody."
"Some people are just never gonna be interested."
"Overall, everything here tastes pretty good."
"I think it's a huge improvement over the past few years."
"Generally speaking, I think we all like to see justice get served."
"They're just better, they're way better in every way."
"I think a lot of people like it though, I think so."
"For the most part I'm happy with the wave in general."
"There is no like all those things we said there are pretty good I think I think that they're really valuable advice."
"People are massively underestimating all of this."
"It's a whole bunch of nonsense at this point."
"Anything that's generally in the 90s and above, it's gonna be a good movie."
"I think most Americans have figured it out now."
"The vast majority of people would welcome the truth."
"The overall sentiment from just fans in general."
"It's complex and variable, and I think a lot of people underestimate that."
"Most Christians that I know are pretty cool."
"I think everyone, most people would be happy with that."
"She was actually liked and respected amongst the general population."
"People are very excited in general."
"Academics are generally regarded as very important."
"We're just saying generally it's quite a good show."
"Would most people be very happy with this lens? In general, the answer is yes."
"I think it's popular for a reason."