
Player Enjoyment Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"So that is nightfall done. I do really like this map. It is really fun."
"The only measure of success is do people like playing your Island."
"We were just riding a wave of positivity and feedback, and just people enjoying this game."
"I actually kind of like this mini boss fight..."
"Gender functions differently from race... it ain't the same thing."
"For all the things that can be criticized about Reforger, there's so much more to love."
"I really liked the combat in it, the combat is absolutely awesome" - Praising a specific aspect of a game.
"It's truly great to see players having a blast for this entire main event experience."
"It's broken, it's so broken but I like it so much fun."
"They each have their own movesets... I freaking love it."
"Frustration may be a big part of this game for you, but for me, I want to enjoy the combat without being punished for exploring."
"Skip's just been booked here. Ramsdale's obviously enjoying his life at Arsenal. Very animated goalkeeper," Mark observes.
"I think that's kind of half the fun of playing a brand new content drop is finding stuff that you maybe didn't get spoiled for you by some of the content creators."
"Thanks for the developer for putting this game together because it was really fun."
"The combat here is so speedy, so slick, it's an absolute treat to play."
"Don't ruin the fun of the game in the name of balance."
"It's a beautiful balance between the boots on the ground gameplay everybody loves and the tactical gameplay."
"He's on a good spell at the moment and he's enjoying his foot but that's what we want to see."
"Choose the character that you enjoy. If you don't pick a character you're having fun with, you're going to quit playing this game."
"A good game is a good game. If this game is solid, if this game is fun, if this game is something you enjoy playing with your friends, then I think it should succeed."
"Isn't this fun isn't this meaty isn't this enjoyable for you we'll fix it later it was never about min maxing never."
"The more kind of interesting and complex mechanics they add, I'll be singing their praises so much."
"A game master's highest priority according to the RPG social contract is to provide a fun and entertaining experience for all the players at the table."
"Whirling Dragon Punch, that's a fantastic talent, it's really fun to use and I think it should be baseline."
"Much of why people are enjoying HSR so much is that it took a lot of issues or absences in genshing and improved them to be more enjoyable."
"Players optimize fun out of the game because what they enjoy is being fun."
"Blaze's levels are short and sweet, and that's what makes them fun."
"The game is just more fun when people are enjoying it."
"Age of Empires 4 overall has a quicker pacing in the early game, making it more enjoyable."
"That's the enjoyment you'll get out of the game, yeah, that's it." - "That's it."
"Sometimes the simplest things in Minecraft are the best things."
"I still view that like I don't think Champions should ship as balanced Champions should ship fun to play."
"Psychonauts 2 feels like the kind of game that is rarely made these days, but I'm so glad it was."
"With the new system, we would get value equal to the amount of content that Supercell actually releases, which makes sense to me and is enjoyable and is fun."
"Dungeons and Dragons is a game where both the fans and the source material consistently say, 'Don't worry about the rules, just have fun.'"
"I love literally everything. The game feels really fun."
"It shows clearly that they get it on what makes classes fun."
"I've had a really good time watching the players up here."
"If you enjoyed the previous game you will enjoy this one for sure."
"Overall my impressions have been pretty good... it's been fun to play."
"I love the physics-based aspect of this game, it is absolutely amazing!"
"These games are not even close with this deck. I love it."
"The questing was interesting and enjoyable for such an old MMO."
"It looks and feels so good and it's so stuffed with charm that even its most basic moments are a joy."
"Planeswalkers are the marquee characters for magic, but I derive so much joy in following the adventures and misadventures of the supporting cast."
"Players love to double things, and this enchantment draws inspiration from doubling season."
"If your players are having fun, then it's not necessarily a bad thing."
"Easy to learn, difficult to master" - Sakurai's guiding philosophy for Melee's gameplay.
"Risk and Return: the essence of fun in gaming." - Sakurai's approach to game design.
"Let's get this game done... it is going to be a fantastic title that people will really enjoy."
"Vampire Survivors proves that looks can take a back seat to straight-up challenging gameplay and enjoyment."
"I've decided to add in a money aspect because I do like the money aspect of rollercoaster tycoon."
"Thank you, Minecraft, you're such a good game."
"The graphics and fun you could have was just incredible."
"I just love the animation of it, it's so smooth."
"Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is a perfect Crash game."
"Truly Halo Infinite is a world in which I love spending time and that I'm thrilled to return to both as a designer and a player."
"We're not trying to destroy their game, we're just trying to make it enjoyable."
"If you have had incredible high seas adventures and you've had a lot of fun with Ghosts of Salt Marsh and the ship combat is super fun and awesome to you, great. That's awesome. That means you're doing something right and I applaud you."
"Miitopia ain't perfect, but damn does it have a premium supply of charm."
"Nisei facilitates that style of play, that enjoyment perfectly."
"Tear effects are the most fun items in the game, full-stop, hundred percent. Don't disagree with you."
"It's always quite cool to see some characters even if they're more iconic get passed on for ones where the team feels would be more fun to play."
"Halo Infinite is absolutely without a doubt the most fun I have had playing a new Halo game since the Bungie days."
"Use communication, keep an eye on your ammo frequently, and have fun."
"PvP with consequences is way more enjoyable."
"That was really triumphant way to make the last bit of a boss fight really easy and fun."
"Mansions of Madness gets a great recommendation from me."
"Paralysis...let a lot of players enjoyed utilizing."
"This synergizes so well because we're shooting ourselves for giving ourselves more damage movement speed and tankiness it is insane it works so well and it's so much fun to do."
"I'm very happy that Ritual Dagger got good again."
"A unique well-balanced magic item that your players are gonna love to have."
"The real litmus test of DMing is whether people show up and look like they're having fun."
"This game is all about colors and drafting and I love it and that's Hadara."
"The Gunplay plus no skill-based matchmaking it feels amazing and it allows me to be able to play without any exhaustion at all."
"If every class got the Shadow Priest treatment, WoW would be fun as [expletive] dude."
"Exotics are also getting massive buffs in the warmind expansion for everyone to enjoy."
"I love King even yeah is he overtuned in Tekken 8 his throws are way too strong his heat is way too strong I don't care I [ __ ] love King."
"The combat is definitely one of the highlights I just think it feels so incredibly well done."
"The new system is just better for the game... it's more fun and exciting."
"Tempered recently, the three-time MVP has said how much he's enjoyed this season, but ultimately only he knows which way he's leaning." - Sports commentary on player's mindset and future decisions.
"Understanding it is essential to enjoying the game."
"Volition is paying extra special attention to those nuanced details that will overall increase the fun."
"I want to see what we enjoy as gamers and Fortnite players."
"This was by far the weirdest mission we've done so far but it's awesome I love how quirky this stuff is."
"I think people are absolutely going to adore this game."
"Honestly it was an absolute pleasure to watch so much was going on across the map."
"This game is just something else, oh, it really is."
"When people actually play the game and if they're having fun playing the game then that's what that was our goal."
"Start bringing stuff into this game the players will enjoy."
"If you're gonna do a paid game open communication and making sure your players are gonna have fun with your game matters and this DM skipped that step entirely."
"I'm really happy with this game and I feel that the game look was tight and enjoyable."
"Gaming needs to be fun and that's what means the most."
"Most of our success actually came from people genuinely playing the game and enjoying it."