
Spatial Awareness Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"Kurigiri's Quirk is coordinate-based so in order to use it he needs to know the exact location where he is supposed to open the exit portal."
"You have to move away because the left is going to come out right afterward."
"Just the feel coming off that corner where he kept opening up his hands to give the Lamborghini enough room was really superb racecraft."
"Navigation and spatial awareness are important enough that you need to have backups for these things."
"As long as you get back on track, you didn't f*** up."
"Stick to the outside, hop, and if you make sure you do need to be aware of people around you because they'll cut you off."
"Grid cells and place cells seem to be a key part of the machinery behind your sense of your surrounding space."
"Five feet apart because they're not gay [Laughter]. I got a better idea though, all in your face."
"That pick was all about space, Charlie. You hit it right on the head. When there's guys on the field, he creates space."
"Thoughts on this body placement... Ethan is outside of Zanna's room in that little hallway."
"So if she's here, if the camera is here and she's standing here talking about and I'm on a bench here..."
"I'm actually uh right here on low ground by the mini and I'm like well maybe I can stretch an angle to the corner."
"Complete understanding of positioning, space in relation to the pitch, but also in relation to his own talent."
"It's nice that you're able to pull this out to get more room."
"We're not crawling, are we? The gas is coming in, so let's see, we got the north, the high ground here."
"Just like the thought that our room is not... I don't know, just just like coming into a room that you think you know and finding out the dimensions are changing."
"Most gunfire will be revealed on the mini-map."
"Lexia recalls being in the deepest part of the forest when they suddenly found themselves at home."
"It's the meticulous calculation and attention paid to the spatial arrangement of objects that invokes the feeling of an omnipresent designer."
"The most important thing that you should always remember is how you feel in a space."
"It's not just something that's magically gonna kill you through a wall it will very clearly dictate where the damage is gonna be and leaves it up to you to exit that space."
"Technically it's probably about as high as the fences um so it's actually fairly low like sometimes you think it's like super high like six stories up and it's really only like it's on like the third story I think technically."
"I actually don't think it was the distance, it's so odd, you know, look at this, oh wow, fucking amazing."
"To say Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system doesn't do it justice. Jupiter is a world so roomy that it could swallow every planet and moon in the solar system and still have room for more."
"It's only three and a half feet right there."
"The missile knows where it is at all times because it knows where it isn't."
"That's roughly the same as 3 1/2 football fields."
"The most important skills in melee combat are your sense of space... and tactile feedback."
"They're essentially sort of like location markers that show you exactly where you are in space based on their own, I guess you could call it, the blink."
"Flashlights and things like that illuminate three tiles around you."
"The good thing is I've learned a lot in terms of where a lot of things on the map are."
"Distance is a resource, so if you want to loop, you want to loop around the long wall."
"It's just an immense space and you can feel it, you're walking blocks to move from building to building."
"There's like a stairwell right there to the top floor."
"I would always feel like I was being watched, and whenever I felt like I was being watched, I would always get a feeling of exactly where I was being watched from."
"The fluidity of eFootball starts from the moment a pass is made to your player with smooth movements to get you around the pitch."
"You draw a line across the desert and I'm sitting there, I'm everywhere."
"Always try to keep a big distance as possible between the tracks."
"This feels like a house. Wait, is that a hallway?"
"The key to Telluride is... if you cram me in the third row my head is gonna brush against the headliner and that's a little uncomfortable even when you lean the seat back."
"Let's not block the restroom, but what if we did this?"
"A nice vibe through here too, just outside their room door."
"You feel pain projected out into 3D space at the point in space in which your hand happens to be."
"Your proprioception is your body placement in space."
"You need to remember which door goes where."
"Pushing all of your furniture against the walls of your living room may seem like the default space-saving solution, but depending on the size and shape of your room, it is not always a good idea."
"It definitely shows the ability to keep your quad in orientation and know where you're at at every given point."
"When I'm in these spaces, I feel like the floor was different."
"That's where your foot would go right there."
"Walking in here this is what you see."
"These techniques are like projecting graph lines or radar lines in your vision, being able to see how objects relate to one another."
"Are they on the bottom floor instead of the second floor?"
"All of these aforementioned axial rotations tend to exert a lot of tension on a person's cognitive map."
"There's the front, this is the left side, over there's the right side."
"We live in a three-dimensional world."
"When we think about their view of their journeys, their view of space, it's very different from ours. We can visualize space in a way that they couldn't. Their mental maps are very different."
"And the way this all looks in 3D space is that these x, y, and z's are all going to be doing their thing on the grid and going in the directions that they go in."
"I want to imply that that's actually curving back in space."
"You know, I’m always like, gray on the left, gray on the left, you know, that I say to make sure that I don’t get it wrong because I am pretty angley challenged."
"The spatial things are very, very interesting."
"The spatial aspects of this are important."
"The spatial aspects of this are terribly, terribly important."
"The more reverb something has, the more your brain thinks that sound or thing is further in the cave."
"Love seeing the shadow on the ground there. It gives a real sense for your position spatially, and without having that beautiful sunset in the background, you can really see what's going on."
"If you go up, the ground is down there, even if you're at the North Pole."
"This helps massively because you no longer have to assume you need to translate an object from an arbitrary location into the middle of your world; it's now already there."
"Reverb gives you the feeling of being there."
"The muscles in real time are telling us where we are in space."
"It's kind of perfect, all the spatial stuff. Impresses me, the ability to know where you're at in comics. That's a hard thing to draw."
"You really gotta trust your feet to tell you where you're at relative to the fence."
"These things are communicating in all sorts of detail, in all sorts of location."
"Building up spatial navigation... is deeply rooted in neuroscience and biology."
"To process images effectively, it's crucial to build models that respect the spatial structure of the input data."
"Deb has an innate sense of spatial relationships and color."
"Film as a reflective tool engages us in the spatial qualities of films."
"Luffy has a lot of room to work with here."
"The parietal lobe integrates things in space, putting together all of those sensory inputs."
"It really helps with your spatial awareness."
"If you go to a show and you close your eyes and you ask your brain where is the singing coming from, it should say right where they are on stage."
"There's a sense of space here that's incredible. You can see for miles here and there are so many different subtle changes within the landscape."
"Visual spatial thinkers think in images. They learn all at once. They make up their own ways of solving problems, and they have a better relationship to space."
"That's going to give you a huge boost in your understanding of where things are placed."
"Spoiler alert: while making games 3D is supremely important, you could probably imagine how understanding where the player is and where the walls are is also useful for things like video game AIS."
"Practice playing things without looking to help develop your spatial awareness on the keyboard."
"It's actually really rare for planes to collide if you think about like a 3D space."
"This flying business gives you a total different perception of space and people and everything."
"Every top angler's got grit, subsurface vision, and they almost think in three dimensions."
"The separation and definition of sounds in space was definitely upgraded."
"Do anticipate the height of the plants that you'll be growing in these bales because they're suitable for anything."
"It's really important to count the exits as you're going around; it makes it so much easier to know where you're positioning."
"We want to make them play in traffic, the more hands, the more feet that are in a small space, the better you're going to be defensively."
"Ultimately you get a cohesive simulation where everything moves around in three-dimensional space."
"Humans can enhance their spatial awareness and inform decisions by creating mental images during the spatial reasoning process."
"By looking at this information, we can say which things are closer and which things are farther away."
"We're doing a 360 of this room; it's a massive room."
"Love it, the ability to work between the numbers, between the hashes, take advantage of that space."
"The JC5 does a wonderful job of taking all those little details in the recording and then not only giving them a proper sense of space but it just allows you to focus on them in such a natural way."
"Here I am, also here is the space in which Here I am."
"The ability for these headphones to place instruments in space is absolutely 100% the most remarkable."
"The friend you choose should be stealthy, precise, and have a good sense of space and distance."
"A simple yet effective trick to add more sense of space to your drawing is to make the bottom surface too reflective."
"You really do get this strong sense of space around the head and separation between instruments."
"This has been incredibly valuable for me to learn how to 3D model stuff and how to solve problems by having a spatial awareness."
"You can see the depth, you can see exactly what you're getting, it makes it easier for the potential buyer to envision the dimensions and how much space it's going to take."
"The base of the triangle represents your gap from the curb."
"Your brain does not give a crap about lifting weights; it does care about where am I located in space so I can move appropriately."
"I just need to work on my awareness and my spacing."
"You get a really true sense of space."
"It positions the performers in the room with you."
"The spatial pattern which surrounds us affects us."
"We have this need to know about the space that we're in."
"The entire soundstage opens up, air and space infuses it, and drags delicate details along with it."
"We have three-dimensional perception of the space in front of us."
"Human-centered design is at the core of the design approach, considering how users perceive and move within the spatial realm."
"One of the coolest things is the rear overhang has been framed, so inside you're getting a real feel for the space."
"You want to get the ball where there's space to play."
"Position vector locates one point in space relative to another."
"I'm the master of putting big things in small places."
"Our brains are really good at remembering spatial information."
"We are bodies in space... and as such we are instinctively aware of our body in relation to objects."
"Ultimately, everything is 3D forms sitting in 3D perspective or space."
"Space is effectively safety, isn't it? When you've got less space, you're higher risk."
"Make sure you have enough room around you; I don't want any injuries. We need to stay home, but we need to stay safe."
"The kid understands space better than Jean-Luc Picard."