
Strategic Impact Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Like a rock in the center of a raging stream, Bastogne reduced the momentum of the German assault."
"If Finland enters NATO... Russia's ability to threaten the West with nuclear missiles and bombers will be challenged."
"What if Mr. House received the platinum chip on time?"
"Let's register some more Democrats and swing States and districts and save the world in 2024."
"The effect of preventing special summons is just too powerful to the point where basically all monsters that have the effect have seen competitive play."
"Dark Armed Dragon is insane, a huge game changer if we pull one."
"The assistance provided to the Ukrainian Army completely altered the direction of the conflict."
"Hitting harder with more penetration and equal or higher firepower."
"We're going to piss off the galaxy so much that they rebel against us completely."
"They're definitely driving a lot of attention to it."
"However, the true impact of Eren's decision to attack Liberio is evident when we take a look at Eren as a character."
"And so in the short and medium term, American cluster munitions and munitions sent by other countries may make a critical difference."
"I also had my own theory that some of these pumping metrics actually sort of were like an anchor on the channel."
"I make DeadSec go where it has the most impact."
"The alignment of Wagner Group soldiers with Ukrainian forces could mark a significant turning point in the conflict with far-reaching consequences for the stability of the region and the future of Russia-Ukraine relations."
"It's a massively big threat to enemy melee units."
"Submarines are the first example because they shifted the arena to the surface of the sea to also below the surface of the sea."
"How do I have an outsized impact on whether the tower in the middle of the map goes one way and not the other?"
"Steph's shooting ability is so incredible teams must account for him at all times."
"If we lose our way with Halo, we lose our way with Xbox."
"I actually think give him the number seven. He's been the best impact player off the bench in the Premier League statistically."
"Charles Martel's dramatic and unlikely victory at Tours dashed all hopes the Umayyads had."
"The monumental weight of the Pentagon's disclosure left not just lay people but also analysts, politicians, and strategic thinkers pondering one pivotal question: why now?"
"Secrets supported the resistance and destroyed the morale of the enemy."
"A mission kill is often just as valuable as a hard kill."
"This is a major major victory for Democrats no matter how you cut the cake."
"She's made Hive guardians, she's made Hive light bearers. That in itself is the end game threat, that in itself is huge. It changes the entirety of the world."
"It was a genius strategy that had a massive impact practically everywhere, especially in the Reastes Kingdom where the aftermath is causing these growing ripples and rising conflicts."
"Weather wars... the greatest weapon ever created."
"It's not about beating the mission, it's about sending a message."
"Anything that expands the Switch's demographic is only a good thing really."
"They will dominate the league immediately and the game will change also in England."
"The GME gamma squeeze is a game-changing maneuver."
"One can only imagine what other possibilities and changes may have occurred within the timeline if Rebuta Gilliman were the one to bring Angron into the Imperial fold."
"Dolphins stun the Patriots, costing them a first-round bye."
"Hannibal's leadership has influenced military strategy for millennia."
"There's a conspiracy going around. Fires may have been started in strategic locations to max destruction."
"The French Resistance played a vital role in frustrating German plans during World War II."
"Within days, the Athenian Navy delivered a crushing blow to the Persian fleet."
"The Japanese Would lose all four Carriers in The battle something They would never recover from."
"And this new swampy variant to zombie can be devastating to come across."
"The way he utilizes his charms the way he's forcing out summoner spells is making it very difficult for rogue to approach these fights."
"Valhalla Calling would greatly change the face of the meta directly before the turn of the new era."
"It is certainly a humiliating and damaging blow for the Russians but it is hardly a fatal one."
"Fortress is one of the most successful singles Pokemon of all time and embodies the concept and importance of entry hazards to the fullest."
"This aspect of the strategy was a total Game Changer."
"Ukrainian Army assaults resulted in the total destruction of the ammunition warehouse."
"Ukraine's focus on regaining control of Crimea driving strategic decisions."
"Collapse of kakovka dam disrupts strategic landscape in southern Ukraine."
"Occasionally an AI can so fundamentally transform the economics of a process... that they change the strategy itself."
"Al Qaeda was kept really off balance and unable to strike at a strategic level for 20 years."
"The fact that the Ukrainians did not give in to the Russian missiles and face the attacks with their lives caused the Russian army to take a step back"
"Borosword's release brought Yu-Gi-Oh's speed of play directly into a two to three turn game because of just how consistently and effortlessly it let any vaguely competent strategy one turn kill."
"The China Gigafactory could essentially double the size of Tesla's business in about a year."
"But this news actually could play a significant role in Microsoft finally overtaking Google in the search engine and browser game."
"Cyber warfare presents the possibility of destroying an enemy's industry, infrastructure, conventional defenses, and financial systems through the use of software attacks."
"Pogo Hopper going to one mana instead of two, that's a 50% mana discount and a pretty big deal."
"The scary thing about a player as good as KSP, even when he's not getting eliminations, he's letting his team get more eliminations because everyone else is playing around him."
"Primal Rage, when focused and planned, can provide immense impact in teamfights."
"Warcraft 4 could establish new lore for the game that future World of Warcraft expansions could be based on."
"We put all our force into one stroke, break through their defenses, and hit them where they'll hurt most."
"Inner turret local gold reward 175 gold to 300 gold split amongst champions, really, really, really big."
"...McKinsey's fingerprints were on that as well..."
"Ukraine's outstanding success in this region was enough to ruin the dreams of Russians."
"Lightning storm going to two is one of the most puzzling hits on this list."
"This aircraft is a literal Game Changer aimed at an enemy across the Pacific who thinks they're Out Of Reach."
"Those squads went way up in value because they're terrifying all of a sudden."
"Right now the Russian forces are literally being held off of that city due to civilians pushing them back."
"The Orcus class program is now becoming apparent."
"If Google bounces in any way, you can kiss it all goodbye."
"The shield which has been reduced by 25 early and 150 in the later parts of the game."
"The Ukrainian military's action destroyed Russia's main supply line."
"Striking strategic targets in Russia aims to disrupt their military capabilities."
"Mordekaiser's ultimate death realm is one of the most threatening abilities in the game."
"I think mid is the most impactful because it's what unlocks the map."
"It would shorten the war by at least a year."
"Every piece of military hardware that gets to the Ukrainian forces is a game changer."
"All in all, while the English suffered minimal losses - probably around a hundred or two, the French had lost at least 2,500 dead - including Clermont and many other nobles."
"Any drastic removal of chess pieces is going to be a negative change overall."
"Signing Ronaldo does not change that but signing Ronaldo means that the opportunity missed if we don't sign one is stratospheric."
"In short, this battle, having prevented a war and spurring the Romulan-Klingon Alliance briefly, would have an impact on the quadrant that would last for decades."
"Capable of smashing a hole in even the most well-defended enemy line."
"The rise of Hog Cycle decks marked a significant evolution in Clash Royale strategy."
"The survival of the Ukrainian air defenses will have a tremendous impact on the rest of the war."
"It's revolutionized the way Clash of Clans is being played."
"Spider-Man on Turn 5 is just incredibly impactful."
"Damnation: Just wrath of God in black but it turns out that's huge for its playability."
"The battle of the Teutoburg Forest is considered one of the most important defeats in Rome's history."
"That unite move just feels like... Man, it's the kind of unite move that I don't know if it's gonna swing a fight necessarily right at the start. But if a fight's going well, you're just gonna win because of it."
"As a forward observer, we bring to bear the full might of the United States military."
"Russian capabilities are now severely degraded."
"Having a stealthy 2,000 nautical mile ranged Stormbreaker armed drone operational with the fleet would allow the amphibious force to strike high-value targets all throughout the battle space."
"The strike was not only a strong message to the regime that their actions were inexcusable but it also inflicted maximum damage without unnecessary risk to innocent civilians."
"The longer the gun ship could stay in the air, the more damage could be done to the enemy."
"The x-factor here was the generalship of Khalid ib'n Alwaleed, who is one of, if not the greatest Arab military leaders of all time."
"Influence in the earlier stages may have the greatest impact."
"This work combined with other intelligence and air reconnaissance helped Allied strategic bombers to repeatedly attack the Nazi oil industry and thereby bring the war to a speedier conclusion."
"Pearl Harbor confirmed what advocates of Naval Aviation have been saying for years: an effective Naval Air Force could destroy any ship on the surface of the water."
"The strategic results of the battle was the destruction of an important part of the British Army in the south, which was crucial towards ending the war."
"The SAS have destroyed 37 aircraft, including many of the Ju-52 transports on which Rommel's supply lines so heavily depend."
"The Stillness of Ploesti traveled far... that's how strategic bombing pays off."