
Controversial Statements Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"It’s a dreadful thing to say. I’m aware of that. That’s why I’m saying it calmly. But it’s true."
"Joe Biden literally saying to black people they're not black unless they vote for him is an incredible pitch."
"How far can I push this before sensible, rational, tolerant people say this has to be a troll?"
"It is also important to understand that this individual said that white people can't be racist."
"Why do they want us to go back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant?"
"All lives matter. How can that be racist because it includes everybody?"
"Florida is the new Bastion of the Republican Party... Ron DeSantis The Chosen One the savior of fascism."
"Yes, I said it concentration camps at the U.S border in the United States in Texas."
"I think it's pretty funny what he said if the looting starts the shooting or the looting starts the shooting starts."
"Men do not menstruate, so we all know it's nonsense."
"I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and I wouldn't lose supporters."
"People to forget all of the stupid [__] that came out of Donald's mouth uh in 2015-2016 on his opening in his opening statement where he was announcing his."
"Not sending us your best people, you're bringing drugs, you're bringing crime, you're rapists."
"Just say it, just say the n-word. Hell, I'll say it with you, come on, just say it."
"Jared Kushner: suggested the pandemic fatalities of New York were 'their problem,' considerable circumstantial evidence that he is not of this earth."
"As it usually works is I say something people get outraged by it and then with time it is proven to be true."
"I think most women that complain about the pay gap... are probably whiners."
"Are you tired of video games made by a bunch of [ __ ]? Wow, yeah, I actually just said that."
"Our media sucks. They are the enemies of the people."
"The story here... actual story here... is that Aaron Rodgers... casually threw out there... probably a pedophile."
"It's so insane right now that you have Cuomo getting an Emmy, literally killed thousands of old people."
"I ask Allah to forgive our sins and accept our brothers and sisters in Islam."
"The best way to save everyone from hell is to put them out of misery while they still not know."
"She-Hulk does about as much damage to weddings as Barack Obama at the controls of a drone."
"Uncle Tom was a hero. Man, damn, I just said you were my friend, brother, that you had to end with that."
"If the Pentagon top brass believes that killing American infants is more important than being able to have generals to go kill our enemies, that's the pentagon's problem."
"Slavery is a choice, and they medicated me for saying that."
"Black people are the supreme beings on the planet."
"I said, are you out of your f***ing mind? I said you're completely crazy... You're going to cause riots in the streets."
"He also uploads fireside chats to the channel every now and then, where he talks about how it's a good thing that the Bible exists, or he would rape people."
"White people, they the root of all the evil."
"Trump was right: the media are the enemy of the people."
"It's reductive for us to say all lives matter but not for you to say black guns matter. Interesting."
"Fuck that you gotta be honest kind of controversial but some of you guys may disagree with me and if you do I want to hear your opinion."
"Gamer is slowly becoming the N word of the internet realm."
"Calling Hitler an SJW apparently gets you in trouble."
"Georgia leads the race to become America's number one death destination."
"If you don't see color, you're a racist. Do you know how much nonsense that is?"
"I look at it as, since the beginning, he was always cutting edge, saying what couldn't be said."
"Kellyanne depicts Trump as a feminist. A feminist, I said it three times because it's not easy to absorb that word."
"Women don't have penises, you can get fired for saying that."
"Cult leaders don't die from COVID. That's a [ __ ] way to go out."
"Truth matters and they can't get pregnant, that's the truth."
"I'm a free speech activist so sometimes I say outrageous and controversial things, sometimes I'm a jokester and a trickster and a loki-esque figure."
"She has recently come out in support of concentration camps for kids."
"Calling a black person a white supremacist simply because you don't like their policies is worse than calling them an Uncle Tom."
"Let's go Brandon! Oh my god, what a sick burn! What can he do? Can he do that? Oh my god, from the rapture, holy [__] yeah, whoa!"
"Ain't [ __ ] listen ladies, men are not trash. The men that you are choosing are trash for you and that's a conversation a lot of you guys are not ready to have."
"There were people who were offended by me saying that, by me saying 'no, black people can be racist, white people can be racist, Hispanic, everybody can be racist.'"
"Lots of reality-shattering truth bombs being launched by Joe Rogan."
"I would also just like to say Rachel is so white that I looked at her birth certificate which her parents released to confirm her identity and on the birth certificate it says that the nurse that was present for the birth was Jesus Christ."
"Elon Musk: 'My pronouns are prosecute/fauci.'"
"I'm just going to say it right now, I think women are better than men."
"Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?" - Reviewer
"If you want a good person to do a bad thing, that requires religion."
"I think that the reason why Tom McDonald and all these other people are successful is they're saying the stuff that everybody's thinking but they're afraid to say."
"The business of fighter jets is money laundering."
"A nice global war would be a boon to the American economy."
"If animals don't want to be eaten, why are they made out of food?"
"Democracy dies in the darkness. That is the deep shade of Taylor Lorenz's doxing Libs of TikTok."
"Reward losers with statues? Separate country warring against America."
"Nobody believed anything I was saying because it was so outrageous."
"For me, it's an honor if the Americans attack me." - Pope Francis
"It'll probably piss a lot of people off but they need to hear it. It is what it is."
"You were asked to care about your neighbor, and half the country said f*** my neighbor."
"Every single one of Donald Trump's answers is utterly disqualifying."
"Elon Musk: The whole covid-19 pandemic response was a scam."
"I think Diana was killed but I don't think the people of this country want to hear it and those that killed her rely on that."
"People relish somebody who says the unsayable."
"Donald Trump just gave white nationalism the biggest gift parting gift he could give them."
"He's a Jewish supremacist and a white racist plain and simple."
"There's a reason why they want your guns... addicted to drugs and pornography." - Alex Jones
"Hitler was right by what metric? By what metric was Germany the greatest nation in the world?"
"Honk honk means Heil Hitler. It's literally as Aesop's fable about the boy who cried wolf."
"The truth sounds like hate speech to people who hate the truth."
"I want people wondering, 'Hey why would you say something so controversial? What was your thought process at the time? Have you evolved since then?'"
"Regardless, if it is what they're saying then that's pretty [__] up."
"Both the US and Israel have been in contact with extraterrestrials for decades." - Haim Eshed
"This should weed out some Facebook friends." - Rashad Richie
"It's always going to be your friend till you start saying Christ is black."
"I just know it's not socialism amazing as Hillary I will topless anything."
"I think God wanted Donald Trump to become president."
"Art is a lie but breasts and vagina is the truth, right?"
"We have to address the Jewish problem. There is a Jewish problem. It is more urgent now than it was in 1890, it is much more serious now. We are on the brink of global nuclear war because of the Jewish problem."
"It's blood money, okay? First of all, this lady takes much muchos money from Planned Parenthood. That's actual blood money."
"One of the things that endears Trump to his base is he says out loud the things you're not supposed to say out loud."
"I brought you into this world and now I'm taking you out, along with four screenshots of Miss saying racial slurs."
"What did he just say? That really set off a little firestorm among MAGA and on the right."
"Islam is associated with violence...It was not Buddhists who flew planes into the Twin Towers."
"If a president says to do something that means it is not illegal."
"It's so crazy but it's common sense though, like I can't believe it's controversial to say these things."
"I'm sorry when a bunch of adult men go we're coming for your children my response will be okay, I'm armed."
"The idea that healthy people are endangering others just by simply breathing is the biggest psyop in history."
"I think the president is just trying to get people talking about the danger of or the what he thinks the inaccuracy the possibilities for fraud in mail-in voting, but having said that, he is just going to set people's hair on fire." - Chris Wallace
"People want to know why Donald Trump is so successful is because he is saying the things that are in people's minds that they're afraid themselves to say."
"But at the end of the day, you mark my word, we will plant our flag on the desk of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer."
"Remember, patriotism is the opposite of freedom."
"The liberal media is the enemy of the people. I cannot even believe that Batman was even able to say that and not one person say, 'Whoa, whoa, tiger, pull it back a bit.'"
"The hypocrisy of the statement isn't toxic; you are."
"I want it to flop. If you said that, Eric Larson, if you said that four or five years ago, you would have been blacklisted from the comic book industry."
"Comey drafted the crooked Hillary exoneration long before he talked to her, lied in Congress to Senator ji then based his decision on her poll numbers."
"It's kind of like saying another man should sleep with your wife because they'd be better at it."
"It's no real surprise to me that baby killers are willing to kill to maintain their rights to kill babies."
"Anyone who does anything to avoid tax is a friend of mine."
"They said it in their comedy video that they don't like Jews!" - Ryan
"The reason I played that clip is because you're not you're not gonna hear that on the media you're not gonna hear the stuff that he's saying."
"He's like, 'Oh, trans women are adult human females now, I heard it on a conservative Channel.'"
"Elon Musk said that a spam filter could decide to kill people."
"When someone blindly asserts that men can become women or women become men, it goes immediately to this question."
"Assassination can be an elevating aspect of leadership."