
Monster Movies Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Wingard emphasized his intent for audiences to invest emotionally in the monsters as characters."
"Both characters are dangerous monsters misunderstood by Humanity." - Terry Rossio
"It's like movies you put on and watch big monsters tear cities to pieces."
"King Kong is a must-see for cinephiles and kaiju fans alike."
"Kong: Skull Island's greatest accomplishment is how it modernizes a classic character while still maintaining the feel of a classic monster movie."
"All I care about is monsters being monsters. That's my bar."
"The monsters look really [ __ ] cool. I just need the monsters on screen for 100% of this movie."
"House of the Wolfman, this Wolfman looks wonderful, especially in this classic black and white render. He's tough and the movement on all fours is great."
"When something's good it's great and I'm just having a lot of fun watching Godzilla. These movies have giant monsters in them and they fight, and really, that's rad."
"There's an actual kaiju who is a mutated Meganura."
"2014 Godzilla, that like when's Godzilla gonna show up you know like what am I gonna see him blow shit up but I never really had that thought for shin Godzilla because I was sort of interested in what was happening"
"It's a thrilling ending and is an enjoyable monster flick all the way around."
"It's a love letter to giant monster movie fans."
"The king of monsters and savior of the city. It's good to be the king."
"Godzilla figured out how to more effectively fight Ghidorah."
"Kong seems to take a more strategic approach to combat."
"We need Kong, the world needs him to stop what's coming."
"It's more about the characters than it is about the monster scenes."
"Predator is without a doubt one of the most iconic movie Monsters of all time."
"It's nice to see a film that's just about monster fights. If Legendary Pictures remembers this, they can't go too wrong."
"The true victor in any battle between King Kong and Godzilla is, of course, the audience."
"He wanted to make a different kind of monster film and approach New Line Cinema with an idea. He wanted to make a film that was about something we as humans hold dear: dogs."
"Anytime there's a monster, Godzilla, shark, dinosaur, eats people on it. It doesn't matter, I want it all."
"Godzilla did nothing wrong. He's just defending his territory. You were the ones who built San Francisco there."
"It's cuz he's Godzilla you Dingus. He hasn't been a bad guy since the 1950s."
"Here's Motion Picture adventure and excitement to stagger the imagination among the Fantastic monsters raging out of the Flaming bowels of Hell."
"Universal’s grouchiest monster is also the only one played by multiple actors."
"Bride of Frankenstein Lives: A beautiful love story."
"This movie is pure monster fun, and proof that sometimes you need to wipe the slate clean to build something new within a seemingly immortal franchise."
"Godzilla is easily the most recognizable monster in all the 20th century. He's big, he's mean, and he's spent downplaying the severity of radioactive fallout for millions of children everywhere."
"Maybe King Kong vs. Godzilla right send me into like a weird emotional Zillo we're home yeah."
"Introduced in a 1961 solo film, the Queen of the Monsters is a seemingly magical being worshipped as a god by the natives of Infant Island."
"When it comes to Godzilla, they're about to find out that he's actually kind of on our side."
"The king of monsters and savior of the city."
"There can't be two alpha titans, and these are them. It's Kong and Godzilla, baby. They are the alpha titans, and I am so stoked to see this movie."
"Warner Brothers is banking on the next installment of the monsterverse franchise Godzilla and King Kong."
"It's a film that you can just have fun with it's a shut your brain off and just watch a bunch of giant monsters smash the [ __ ] out of the city type flick and it's fun."
"I think this is by far the best version of any of the universal monster films that we have gotten in a couple of decades at least."
"Cinema audiences in the 1950s knew what to expect from monster movies; giant animals and men in monster suits in low budget black and white."
"It's King Ghidorah, what more could you really ask for?"
"The Monster boom once felt in the 1960s is now striking the globe once again."
"Biollante, one of the greatest practical effects in cinema history."
"Any Toho or kaiju fan, any monster movie fans, should definitely check this movie out."
"Mark II Goji is definitely the best."