
Consumer Warning Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"You'll see them say that I will get to that but before I show it to you I want to tell you this and this is very important this is a warning and I'm dead serious fake gurus come in all shapes and sizes."
"Optavia is just another horrible diet MLM." - Blair
"Entering the hobby and having something that has lost so much value is worth nothing, that's the biggest crime."
"This plan is here to get your money. They want your money."
"It's trash. It's absolute trash. It is without any doubt one of the most uninspired greedy trashing mobile games I have ever played."
"Consider this a public service announcement if you've shopped at GameStop... your information could be leaked."
"The car warranty scam, they're like, 'I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.'"
"The bracelets were found to contain dangerous levels of lead."
"I thoroughly recommend that you avoid buying preferential matchmaking premiums as it looks like their Golden Age might be over."
"But Mirage isn't this. It's a lukewarm attempt to reheat the classic formula using an engine that was built for a Viking simulator to rake in your money while they work on their next Odyssey RPG and game about [___] witches."
"Multi-level marketing is categorically a scam."
"Just be aware that it could get really costly if you start liking it."
"Live streaming and short video platforms, perhaps the only avenues left that promise overnight wealth, are unfortunately riddled with counterfeit goods and deceptive practices."
"Please don't give it to them because they don't love you they don't care about you they are only after the money."
"It's literally a scam, they've already gotten your brain."
"We're seeing how this type of industry can scam and swindle money from a lot of people."
"Fashion watches often fall short in quality, don't believe the hype."
"Anyone who has an experience with one of their fake gurus, leave me a message."
"When a game is free-to-play, it's designed to hook you and grasp your wallet."
"What we've experienced so far is just a small taste of what we're going to have to swallow when it comes to higher prices."
"That's a perfect example of why you shouldn't purchase Roblox NFTs. Yeah, you're kind of just throwing your money down the drain if I'm being honest."
"Don't let people going balls to the walls on these banners warp your brain about what's a lot."
"The least you can do is avoid MLMs like doTERRA and Young Living."
"Jake, stop selling your tips and tricks like a guarantee for financial success."
"Samsung's Galaxy Fold: a disaster waiting to happen."
"This is just horrifically dumb scamming right here."
"If your food is made in a big Factory owned by a transnational Food Corporation, there is a good chance that it will cause you harm."
"You suck, your industry sucks, you're scummy people, it's a scummy business, it's a ripoff, people stay away from them."
"Americans will be shocked to see dark storefronts and shortages of hundreds of products during the holidays."
"I think a vast majority of the products sold are predatory and will hurt or hinder long-term growth."
"This is the ultimate tourist trap, guys. This is the ultimate tourist trap."
"The moment you see more than two currencies in any video game, that's a sign it's pay to win."
"Established titles is a scam company. You don't actually own any land in Scotland and don't have the right to call yourself a lord."
"Gorilla glue must be held liable because their bottle only says 'don't put it on your skin,' it doesn't say 'don't put it on your hair.'"
"Loot boxes are hiding within the in-game purchases label."
"These sets are going to be a rough hit for your wallets, but they look pretty awesome."
"Surprise mechanics, fun presents, whatever. It's still a virtual slot machine."
"We live in a world where they literally put out a buggy mess that was purposefully gutted to try and sell skins."
"If you don't like rose, you will hate this collection because it is a very overpowering rose but absolutely stunning if you like rose."
"Torture your friends with the [ __ ] voodoo doll that you can buy on the Internet. It's [ __ ] up, but alright."
"Refurbished dials may look enticing, but beware of sloppy work and overdone brightness."
"Dodgy cases, especially over-polished ones, can hide a multitude of flaws."
"Expect high prices and expect prices of everything to go up."
"If it just says fragrance, that's a huge red flag."
"MoviePass is one of the greatest scams in history."
"Stock up on canned goods and pasta folks, it's not gonna get any better."
"Be suspicious if you have to pay any money to get something free."
"Don't pay for those thousand dollar courses."
"Caught in a trap it was supposed to be for free and now I'm enrolled in something."
"This is actually an IQ test. If it doesn't deliver the goods and get your money back, this stuff is amazing, I absolutely swear."
"Guys, please don't be distracted by Robinhood." - Video host
"Nothing is free, especially when it comes to gaming."
"Stop buying influencers' NFT and crypto projects. If an influencer or somebody online tells you to buy something, do not [__] buy it."
"MLMs are predatory, they're manipulative. Don't join them."
"Wish simply isn't the cost, no matter how small it might seem."
"But all those specs do you no good if the blower dies in two minutes or its performance halfway through its runtime isn't enough to move any dog dookie."
"This is how credit cards became the modern-day loan sharks."
"Do not trust that company. It's time for us to take back our manufacturing our technology."
"It is described as a very dangerous game—anybody considering to buy the game must be prepared to face the consequences of their purchase."
"A lot of people, especially people that are young, are going to see these ads and they're going to be misled and scammed by them, which is really unhealthy."
"There's going to be a toilet paper shortage this winter."
"This is my serious warning to DIYers out here: we're getting ready to approach the most predatory state we have ever seen for Independent Artists."
"You can just buy one online for like five dollars because that sounds like a great idea to buy definitely not a scam right."
"This thing is cheap for a reason."
"Strike number two came with the built-in SD card."
"When it's gone, it is gone for good."
"If you ever see a pack like this on the market, on eBay or anywhere like that, do not buy it."
"Everything in Japan is so cute, so just warning you if you go, you're spending a lot of money."
"Caveat emptor means let the buyer beware."