
Political Maneuvering Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Let's go ahead and start justifying for a war goal in Italy."
"This just about makes sure that Trump will have his lawyers file a complete order of dismissal and it'll probably be granted."
"But in the final sum of things, spear carrier or not... a small load, but a rich one with a few specks of gold."
"Esther engineered a complete reversal, showing nerves of steel."
"Fake electors were also meeting elsewhere in the same state capital at the same time on the same day."
"Charles and Buckingham switched sides, they pushed the reluctant James towards war with Spain."
"You can reap political capital, you don't, we'll pull the plug ourselves."
"Chaos is a ladder speech: You always got to keep everyone on their toes to seize power."
"The goal isn’t to bring out your best ideas, the goal is to grab more power."
"He's gonna sink Joe Biden to the degree that the Democratic Party feels confident in their control over the process of maintaining this seat as it were."
"We just want to find eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty votes."
"That was an attempt, essentially, to use subterfuge and trickery and coercion to overthrow the will of the people."
"When it comes down to it, it's not exactly like a lefty conspiracy if that carefully pulling this off."
"She seems very clever... pulling a coup off, essentially killing the king." - Olenna Tyrell
"What Republicans did with Merrick Garland is something that has never been done before, and they did it without any hesitance, without any shame."
"The second school of thought on this is that Manafort is angling for a Presidential pardon."
"You're basically trying to tee up a constitutional crisis."
"A standard plan that revolved around a basic concept all of which led to a single crucial goal: fabricate a reason for the Sorcerer Kingdom to get involved."
"This bill is just an end-around for basically Congress to come out supporting a full war."
"He's created a situation in which any negotiation inevitably favors him."
"General Primo de Rivera carried out a bloodless coup."
"A classic version of this is to start an international crisis and benefit from a rally-round-the-flag effect."
"This is the most amazing egregious propaganda move yet."
"Court packing isn't some policy scheme... it's really a coup."
"Top Democrats and donors have reached out to possible replacements for Joe Biden."
"Global leaders are blatant in their wheeling dealing and scheming."
"This pathetic Gambit to rig the election has failed."
"If I am to turn a blind eye to one of our most important traditions on this occasion, I expect it to be beneficial to the camarilla."
"Gives Democrats a greater chance of only needing a few people to cross the aisle in order to get done what they want to do."
"The unprecedented attempt to overturn the election has morphed into an effort to achieve the goals of the insurrection through other, more subtle means."
"Mitch McConnell stole the seat for the next president."
"Court packing is a coup, and the radical left is working overtime on new plans to pack the Supreme Court."
"Desantis recently tried to form a private army. Wonder why?"
"Gary Gensler may get his way, and that may have been worked out a long time ago in back channels in meetings with the White House."
"Politicizing carries a negative meaning and refers to political activity usually done to gain support for yourself or your political group."
"Why is the most powerful member of the House handing over January 6 footage to Tucker Carlson?" - "Why is the most powerful member of the House?"
"They made a mistake. They tried to get Trump on their side, so they invited Donald Trump to Davos."
"Trump's hit another level in the past week with everything going on and how he's handling it."
"This vote could literally happen at 1am, which is insane. It's just gamesmanship to try to get basically all this stuff done." - Kevin (Me Kevin)
"Second question: At the time, we were trying to get the FBI to Benghazi to begin its investigation, and that talk show actually provided an opportunity to make that happen."
"If the president fires Rosenstein, he will then have his choice of who he'd like to put in that job instead."
"Operation save big dog involves sacrificing the smaller dogs in Downing Street to save the leader of the pack."
"I genuinely think that by positioning himself openly as a Republican... he's maneuvering himself into a position to be something that the working class galvanizes themselves against."
"Is the pilot flying out of Rajasthan Congress or staying in the cockpit?"
"Florida Republicans trying to undermine the voter enfranchising constitutional amendment passed there."
"In 1876 Victoria is proclaimed Empress of India, this title hadn't existed before and was invented by her clever prime minister Disraeli."
"This was more than just using... calling people and pressuring them and filing fruitless lawsuits."
"Trump always outmaneuvers and makes the media and Democrats look pathetic."
"Varys realizing that Dany will not marry Fagin and will stop at nothing to secure the throne for herself, seeks to take her down."
"All that befriending yesterday, winning over all those vassals, massively paid off."
"He set a kind of trap for his enemies that he knew would eventually be exposed."
"He's been able to politically navigate difficult situations many times before. He still has a constituency behind him that can't be ignored at their peril"
"He was able to effectively nullify any power plays by the big names he ruthlessly and skillfully sabotaged the agendas of all of them."
"By waiting to release the U-2 pilot Gary Powers until after the American election, we kept Nixon from being able to claim that he could deal with the Russians; our play made a difference of at least half a million votes, which gave Kennedy the edge he needed."
"If we have a hung parliament then it will enable us to regroup and prevent certainly will lead to a second referendum."
"The ever ambitious Afghan ruler Dost Muhammad Khan made every effort to take advantage of this predicament that he found himself in."
"Bonaparte used the anti-French uprising in Verona as an excuse to dictate terms to the Venetians with a very heavy hand."
"It's an elaborate system of congressional back scratching."
"It was a clever thing for Robert to do, which perhaps means it was Jon Arryn's idea."
"The political subterfuge Mothma had to deal with was excellent."