
Financial Consequences Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We're already inflating the currency beyond all measure because sooner or later somebody has to pay for this crap."
"If you fuck over your audience, if you fuck over your customers all the time, eventually you're not gonna have any customers. Fucking over the world the way that BP has fucked over the world has lost BP tens of billions of dollars."
"It's a moral victory, but the money is gonna... come out of somebody's pocket." - Bryant Camareno
"Trading is a serious business. You'll either learn the pain of discipline or you will learn the pain of loss and regret."
"Reducing inflation will come at a great cost, naive to think raising interest rates will make things good."
"Having a low or no credit score can have severe financial consequences."
"If you're late and maxed out on credit cards, you're losing over 350 points."
"I lost virtually everything I had earned as a direct result of Trump." - Michael Cohen
"People let things slide up until it affects their pocketbook."
"It has to get to the point where it's affecting them negatively enough to notice money wise for them to care."
"People would rather die themselves than dare do something that benefits black Americans."
"Fear can have a huge financial impact even if it's not real, even if there's nothing to fear."
"Erica's gonna get sued in this six ways to Saturday."
"Those with a connection to the money changers don't pay the consequences for risk-taking."
"When people start to lose faith in their government, it's not just bad things in financial markets that happen but bad things in social markets that happen."
"You cannot be irresponsible with money forever and avoid the consequences of that irresponsibility."
"If the Supreme Court says yes, it's huge because it affects all presidents going forward and it would almost certainly bankrupt Donald Trump."
"In a price war, you may prompt a few more people to buy it from you today, but you'll be sacrificing millions of dollars in future sales."
"Shows how much punitive damages can actually be."
"Sydney Powell... facing consequences... 1.3 billion with a b as in boy."
"We already have Americans being told that if they think the wrong way politically that hey maybe it's okay if we shut down their bank account because they say bad things."
"That tweet was single-handedly the most expensive tweet of all time and that's because the Securities and Exchange Commission sued Elon for having a tweet that was misleading and was false and cost investors a ton of money."
"I think this is what the end of this looks like: she loses, she owes a bunch of money. That's it."
"Speaking out about a lack of PPE causes serious financial problems...it's really silencing people."
"You fucked up one of them like you fucked up millions of dollars for one of them."
"Accountability is real big and that accountability happens by hitting people in their pocketbooks."
"Shut your mouth, you're destroying my career under your guidance, under your agents. My value dropped 30 million."
"It's not worth this abuse. It's not. Baby girl, if anything is broken, it's coming out of your paycheck. Understood?"
"Who got rich off this 20 year bore that we fought in Afghanistan?"
"You must come to a point where you hate debt and its consequences."
"We're talking about fines of a hundred thousand dollars, 250,000 if it causes death."
"He's mad you know, he's frustrated, he owes E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million." - John
"You expect to take $600 from me when I'm buying you a gift and then just have no consequences? The consequence is you need to understand how the adult world works because clearly you don't."
"So, with your $43,000 in arrears, you have to fear being arrested, or losing your driving privileges, or any other privileges. All that."
"The last story: 'Try to stiff rent money owed enjoy having your habit exposed and losing your new house.'"
"That's the revenge: getting the money and having them experience the abrupt seizing of their assets at their place of business, having it sold at auction, and then having the money returned to them. Major pro-justice."
"And guess what if you can't get insurance on your house or you can't afford the insurance then you will be in default of your mortgage."
"Local governments can and will absolutely ruin you if you fail to pay."
"Money doesn't grow on trees. If the government is going to give you 5 trillion bucks, somebody has to lose."
"Having a collections account or charge-off on your credit report packs a serious punch."
"The lower your credit rating, the higher the APR the bank is going to charge you."
"If you default on a card, it's called a charged off, they send you to collections, and that lasts on your credit score around seven years."