
Cryptocurrency Impact Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Traditional finance will not exist or a large part of it will basically become nothing compared to what crypto will do to the entire space."
"How big could this be? Well, how big is the U.S. monetary base? Today it's 8 trillion dollars."
"El Salvador's move into bitcoin could be upsetting [the IMF] because we know what bitcoin is, what it will be."
"Bitcoin: the most disruptive force in the energy industry."
"If people put their money into Bitcoin, that's not going towards inflation and consumer prices right? People put it into stocks, that might create asset price inflation, but who cares?"
"This morning I was really mad. I said I wanted to curse because this whole thing brought down Bitcoin in a big way. Should have never happened."
"Crypto is going to change everything, but it's early days."
"Talking about Ethereum here. $1.5 billion in Ethereum options expire on June 25th, and it will determine the future of Ether."
"If we just get an announcement that Tesla's accepting Cardano, we would see Cardano explode."
"It's transformative and disruptive capabilities, we would be remiss to ignore a now 2 trillion crypto market."
"I think Bitcoin or at least cryptocurrencies are going to change the world."
"Next week could be bonkers, $25 billion in demand for Bitcoin from China expected to be unlocked."
"Coinbase is interesting because it's so tied to the success or the downfall of Bitcoin."
"If those are never released... how much damage does that do to the crypto space as a whole?"
"A settlement or a win is still a win, a loss is really the only thing that hurts, I think, crypto."
"If this case does end, it would bring life back into altcoins for a period of time."
"So I would expect to see that continue and this points to where I think fiat will just ultimately fail against bitcoin because everyone wants to know borrow and sell basically go short dollars and long bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is going to change the face of our financial industries globally." - Crypto Stash
"Bitcoin and cryptocurrency was the new internet. It was bigger than the internet."
"Especially if only one percent of the world's wealth flowed into Bitcoin, it would be game over."
"Bitcoin: from interesting idea to undeniable reality."
"Crypto is the largest generational transfer in human history."
"Bitcoin is the indicator I think to a lot of these big movers on Wall Street that this is a here to stay kind of scenario."
"Bitcoin will directly affect stable currencies and the banks."
"Speak out against FTX, speak out against Chuck Schumer, speak out against the things that these people are doing because they're having a direct effect on you, me, and every person in crypto."
"Defi can easily capture anywhere from a quarter to over half of all cryptocurrency value."
"This year's list of the richest Americans has been shaken up by divorce, crypto, and a presidency."
"When Brazil adopts bitcoin, that is going to have a knock-on effect on the rest of the entire continent."
"XRP could trigger the bull run of 2019 and overtake Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin could one day replace the world's Reserve currency."
"The power of cryptocurrencies is the first time in any of our lives we've actually had the ability to make a difference."
"Bipartisan bills for crypto transparency, integrating crypto into the financial system, and the impact on Bitcoin and altcoins."
"Bitcoin is oxygen, and it's new. There are some people that are very comfortable in their existence and they think it's okay to ignore it because they're rich and they're comfortable and they're happy."
"Bitcoin is the most radical experiment in finance."
"Bitcoin tanked and I was like you crashed the market."
"Bitcoin will turn out to be a hell of a lot more than money."
"Governments really care are they going to stop it can they ban it at that point no but they care because it becomes a global asset class that matters."
"Bitcoin forces you to think through so many different possibilities. Bitcoin is unique in that it changes your life in many different ways."
"Cryptocurrency seems to be building a way to work around the current system and create something new."
"The most ironic and entertaining outcome would be that the cryptocurrency that was started as a joke ends up being the leading cryptocurrency."
"Crypto will transform the financial sector over the next 10 years." - CEO of Julius Baer
"Bitcoin has captured politicians and central bankers' attentions, and now they are actively moving against it."
"Everything with crypto Bitcoin Dogecoin Coinbase has come to a screeching halt and has gone down significantly since Elon's SNL appearance."
"Smart contracts really changed everything in the crypto space."
"When it gets to $10 trillion, it starts to work for small nation states."
"Crypto may have killed the banks... what an incredible irony that is."
"The existence of lightning should, in an ideal world, kill a lot of altcoins."
"Four percent of respondents quit their job because of gains in cryptocurrencies."
"If Bitcoin goes down, so will the equities market too."
"Bitcoin is far from the bitcoin that we were talking about in 2018... it's clearly shaking the system." - Christine Lagarde
"The future of crypto stands to absorb, without a doubt, the biggest wealth transfer in history."
"I get happy when I see the movement play out. I don't care about Bitcoin's price, I care about what it does."
"I think that when the history books are written, Bitcoin and Ethereum will leave people shocked."
"Bitcoin is the rising tide that lifts all boats. What's more important than Bitcoin?"
"Bitcoin changes the way that you look and think at everything."
"Crypto did not just decentralize how money works but also decentralized who has this capital."
"Don't let something like bitcoin destroy a relationship."
"Libertarian candidate's pro-Bitcoin stance caused a drop in the Argentinian peso."
"We're at minus 65, we're at the second worst year that Bitcoin has ever had."
"Bitcoin has had a rally all the way up to 73,000 showing extreme strength causing the whole world to be captivated at the edge of their seats."
"I think this is the biggest moment in Bitcoin history."
"Bitcoin for me is kind of that thing that is going to change a lot about how businesses are run, how people perceive value."
"Crypto gaming is going to take over mainstream gaming."
"If Bitcoin plays out in the way that we think it will, it's a new paradigm."
"At the end of the bull market, it's going to have a huge market cap as well, so it's not just Bitcoin guys."
"Bitcoin is estimated to have processed around five to seven trillion dollars worth of value."
"Ethereum is contributed more to cryptocurrency and more to the cryptocurrency ecosystem than every other coin besides bitcoin."
"If bitcoin will crash through that 20k mark it's going to be good for all of us, I can promise you that."
"I think what bitcoin's really doing is it's showing there's this new view of the world so far it's been right and if it continues to be right there will be trillions of dollars that flow into the asset."
"Actual life-changing transformative use case of crypto tech outweighs speculation."
"Central planners are scared Bitcoin is quite literally the biggest threat to the existence of central planners because it enables individuals to opt out of a system dependent on trusting central planners."