
Sports Preference Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Pound for pound... I'll prefer to watch MMA over boxing just because it appeals to me a little bit more."
"Gabriel Jesus or Richarlison? I'll probably go Richarlison."
"Messi or Ronaldo? I'm Team Messi in that scenario. But I appreciate them both. They're the best two players of our generation."
"I would rather Liverpool win the league than City if Ronaldo goes there."
"Since Bruno signed, he's been the most impactful player that we've had."
"I'm taking Rooney over Kane all day long, sorry."
"Michael Jordan over LeBron James any day of the week."
"If England aren't going to win it, I'd love to see Portugal, Argentina in the final."
"I'd rather clap than watch Man City take Mönchengladbach apart."
"Magnus is always gonna be the favorite no matter what."
"I have to go with '95 Hakeem over 2000 Shaq."
"If I had to choose between Salah and Neymar, I would choose Salah."
"Wilder vs. AJ for undisputed would be my favorite fight. That's what I would want out of all of them."
"Who's your running back here? Taylor, that's Taylor for me, it's Bijan for me."
"I would rather have Josh Jacobs than Derek Henry rest of season."
"If you asked Cristiano Ronaldo to pick his favorite strike partner during his career, I am fairly confident that he would say Benzema."
"I think the Chiefs are a better team, so give me the Chiefs in that one."
"Offensive play is more attractive to the fans in every sport."
"Big up LG, I'd rather play Bayern right now than Leverkusen, yeah, that's what I'm saying, blood."
"Messi or Ronaldo? I've always been more of a Ronaldo fan."
"I prefer Rashford just on the eye; Sterling probably is the better footballer."
"International breaks always for me I don't like them because I just love Premier League football and watching Manchester United week and week out."
"I'd rather have Neymar at 70% than any of those players."
"I mean, I know we've had golf and UFC and stuff, and those are real, but team sports just hit different."
"If it's not going to be united, I'd rather chelsea win it because they're less offensive to me than man city and liverpool."
"I love it, I love Jerry Judy as a wide receiver too."
"Life's too short to not watch good football, and I don't see Man United play good football, so I'll find it where I can find it."
"I'd never drop Mason Mount if I was a Chelsea fan."
"I think the one I prefer out the two of those is probably Bruno Fernandez because I've seen quite a few people pack the Roberto Firmino."
"I'll take Wenger over Arteta. At least Wenger would actually attack, blood."
"Corey Davis is the best, no abilities Corey Davis. I like him better that way."
"He just wants to play football. He wants to play in the right way, get in some great positions."
"Ronaldo, my favorite striker in football history, still."
"I'd be quite happy to see Zidane at Manchester United."
"Give me LeBron over Harden in any scenario even if Harden had better stats on the surface."
"Joke of a player, would I take a corner over a Navas, a Lodi, a Tavernier? I would, yeah."
"He loves speed and the heavy metal football of Jurgen Klopp."
"Suarez or Aguero... it has to be Aguero, yeah."
"That's a player I would take at Manchester United, I would take Tilleman's 100."
"I'd love Jack Grealish at Manchester United."
"All countries, players, and boards want to play test cricket."
"In terms of the Premier League, he's the best for me."
"If it's Heat versus Nuggets, I'd be like [__] Jokic because Jokic is a dope ass player or Butler."
"Nine greens on the ocean. How does anyone not like playing that?"
"I just love it. Like for me, arm wrestling's like my favorite thing."
"De Bruyne is my favorite, I think he's the best center mid in this game."
"I'm going with Miami because I think Miami is the best team in football right now."
"I prefer real grass than artificial grass because you get skinned up more, it's bad, it's rough on your joints."
"I'm taking Larry Bird, oh man, everything is better."
"I'd rather replace a preseason game with a regular season any day."
"I think basketball is my favorite sport to watch right now, just in general, I think it's the most exciting."
"I always love defensive-minded teams."
"Pitching is better than hitting, and that's the truth."
"I really really like this hole for fpo."
"If I had to have a favorite in the West, I think it would be the Denver Nuggets."
"Clean sheets, that's what goalkeepers like."
"My favorite sport by leaps and bounds is hockey."
"I'm rooting for Philly because Philly Milwaukee would just be more fun."
"I think I like the gameplay of people that are good on grass like Roger Federer, Petra Kvitova."
"I kind of want Kirk Cousins, he was playing so good before he got hurt."
"If you're a type 3 skier and you prefer in most situations for your skis to stay on, I think pivots are really good."
"I would rather have Jalen Brunson than Kyrie Irving."
"I'm a proponent of winter breaks; it's so much more exciting."
"Great ski if you're only going to have one pair of skis in your quiver."
"I always liked playing defense on football more than offense."
"Messi or Ronaldo? Messi, of course."
"I actually like soccer. I know a lot of Americans don't like it, but I actually like it."
"The three cone historically for a long time we know, if you're a Patriots follower for a long time, you know Bill Belich loves his three cone times."
"I tend to believe that physical activities like swimming or surfing are more beneficial than things like chess or eGaming."
"Right here, right now, I'd go Mallis over Bernardo Silva."