
Carefree Attitude Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"But the thing is, I ain't never giving a [expletive] about my hair, never, never."
"Aaron just out here just whipping bro he just whipped wherever he feel like going ain't nobody in the back seat it don't really matter he can go wherever he wants you know what I'm saying."
"Once you do [have a couple sneaky mimosas], then you just set your mentality like dude, I don't give a [ __ ]."
"Wouldn't it be nice to not care or not focus on the negative?"
"So now we have the super bowl full pass I'm in just rebel mode I am just I don't give a [ __ ] about nothing"
"I think I'm gonna have so much fun driving this car... I just don't think I'm going to care."
"When you're out late for the party, the fun is never gonna end. There will not be repercussions for what I am doing right now."
"Life is so much better when you don't take it seriously."
"I just want to have fun. Like, the world is ending. It's time for me to have fun."
"Let's go a little fucking crazy, just one of these unicorn horns gonna be out."
"Leave the TV on if you want... Don't worry about it. I just put like a thousand dollars into your account."
"Just roll with the punches, just [expletive] it."
"Once you get older you're probably like, 'I don't [care].'"
"Regret nothing, I'm playing checkers all right."
"It's nice to create an alternative but also just having a blast, not really caring or giving a hell."
"Nice to see that you guys can have fun with the game and not care about the results at all."
"Who said you can't burn out in the Jeep? Nobody here!"
"Sometimes being a train wreck is actually half the fun of these sorts of toys."
"That's just a Margaritaville lifestyle, baby."
"I've learned to be more 'yolo' and go with the flow. Life's too short to make excuses."
"You are blessed, almost no matter what you do, even if you're being irresponsible and silly somehow the universe has its wings over you."
"Socialize, don't take life too seriously, good times ahead."
"Old enough to know better, but young enough not to care."
"I kind of love it, I think the just like Devil May Care attitude, yes, that's it, good one."
"If you wanna just jump and splash in a puddle, go jump and splash in a puddle."
"Just get to chill and not worry about anything. This is great."
"Just enjoy the ride, baby, just enjoy the ride."
"The less you give a [__], the happier you'll be."
"Living in the fullness of God's love each morning fills us with a sense of worth and belonging."
"Leaving no one behind... that's why I never worry... take a chill pill."
"Who wouldn't want to be Snoop Dogg? You just get to smoke weed all day and say the randomest [__]."
"If you have the money to blow, do it. Why not? You only live once."
"We're all going to die anyway, we're all going to be bones and dust and a fungus is going to be... yes, that's how I live my life, cut bangs."
"Everything will be great, everything will be peachy, no worries."
"Running from all things at once without thinking twice."
"Just eat meat, be happy, don't worry about it."
"Forget hatch the eggs man, that's just nice."
"I'm really just going with the flow, 22 y'all, I'm doing me, doing whatever I want to do."
"Old enough to know better but still too young to care."
"Let's leave all your cares behind and have a good time."
"I feel like I'm just chatting absolute nonsense because I'm enjoying myself so much."
"Why not? I mean, there doesn't have to be a reason for it necessarily, does there?"
"Relaxing and don't worry about the world and let's just watch some good fireworks because we can."
"I'm having so much fun, it's all that matters."
"Just letting it all hang out... you're just gonna have more fun with it."
"It's not like disrespect to my opponents, I'm just enjoying life with music."
"People do say I'm carefree. Yeah, worrying won't get you anywhere, you know?"
"She absolutely did not care that she was at a drive-in theater. Molly's just the most adorable."
"It's just so fun, who cares if it wins or not, it is ridiculously fun."
"But it's part of the charm that we don't give a [ __ ]."
"Forget about the drawbacks and focus on having fun, because that's all that matters."
"At this point, I don't give a [__], I'm just here for a good time."
"I'm 30 years old and thank the Lord I've gotten it, I don't care at all."
"I just don't give AF, I'm having the most fun of everybody there."
"There's no reason to stop you but try and enjoy the ride."
"The most delicious in-joke of preppidom is the anxiety everyone feels about being carefree."
"Somehow you just want to have fun, girl."
"I'm at an age where nothing bothers me. I'm not stressing about anything, I'm just happy-go-lucky."
"I'm just having fun. I'm having fun."
"I don't care about what time it is, I don't care what day it is, and most of the time, I don't know it."
"Sometimes it reflected my mental health, sometimes it was literally just me like going out doing [__] I didn't give a [__]."
"Just back yourself and confidence and have fun, don't give a [ __ ]."
"I got these dunks on it don't match but girl I don't care I'm going to school for two [ __ ] classes."
"Honestly, who cares what people think? It doesn't matter, and it's all for fun. You regret not doing something more than you regret doing something, in my opinion. Live life to the fullest."
"They do whatever they want to do and they really have no care in the world for what you have to say about them, fabulous."
"I'm just having fun. That's what I'm doing. I'm just having fun."
"This whole video is about us having fun with each other, and let's just dance bro, like who cares what anybody else thinks?"
"The carefree way I did it, I think honestly is the only reason I achieved the goal I did."
"It rings a little false that you know, 'Who me? I don't have a care in the world.' I don't know about that."
"They're thinking about enjoying the relationship and letting go of worries."
"Just do what makes you happy and don't care about anything else."
"I don't really care, I'm just here for a good time."
"I just want to be that person who doesn't care and has like so much fun with it."
"Just have fun, don't worry too much about it."
"You don't have to be so perfect about it. Nobody cares."
"Dance like nobody's watching or dance like Brock when Everyone's Watching, he doesn't care."
"Smashing watermelons is a lot of fun when there's no price to be paid. Let's smash some watermelons."
"Hair grows back, and who cares if you guys aren't already subscribed, make sure you do!"
"If you love someone you want to see them free from worries our part is not to be stress my friend even as we manage our jobs and various responsibilities we can live freely and without cares because he is our provider"
"You really have no worries you know just like the song says I got no worries about a thing cuz every little thing is going to be all right bro."
"I feel like I'm in middle school with this but I don't care."
"Happiness in a cup, sugar all over your car, and it's a mess, ya don't even care."
"You're living your life like that kid, which is okay."
"I love peace. Yeah, me too. I love peace. So, when I don't have to care about something, the less I have to care about, the more peaceful that I am, you know?"
"I've never felt so free and airy."
"He's all just laughing. Let them [__] do it."
"Cheers. It's already poured, just take a drink. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters."
"Here we go boys, money ain't a [__] thing."
"Sometimes you just gotta enjoy your life and worry about the disasters later on down the road."
"It's always like you just gotta have a good time."
"I love my food. I'm not even gonna lie. I don't even care. I love food."
"There's something liberating about not caring."
"When you're nonchalant, you get up and you don't really care what your hair looks like. You just put on some clothes and walk to the coffee shop and you take life easily."
"'Camp hair Don't care' - I think that's really pretty."
"It's so liberating to actually just not care."
"It doesn't matter, does it, as long as they're enjoying themselves."
"You should try being a bit more Carefree."
"He's just got this great kind of carefree way of being right now."
"Don't worry about the outcome, just smile and have a good time."
"It's house money now, just hit on 16, who cares."
"Life is short, have fun, enjoy yourself."
"It's your life, you're just gonna die and be rotting in a hole someday, you might as well have a good time."
"Rihanna embodies the 'who cares' attitude, she does what she wants."
"Friends that laugh, friends that shout, sometimes we don't know what we're talking about, but that won't stop us, nothing can stop us."
"Caught a big boy, and you know what? He probably doesn't even care."
"Just have fun with it, that's the big thing."
"Life is just a bowl of cherries; don't take it serious, it's too mysterious."
"It's hard not to dance; he hears music everywhere, everything's happy, and he fights without a care in the world."
"That look is nothing but pure joy and not giving a frak about anything else."
"When you look at his eyes, he's happy, he's just riding, he don't care if somebody's recording him."
"They're just out here wandering around in the rain like it ain't nothing."
"Don't sweat it, forget it, enjoy the show."
"I enjoy myself out there, man, I didn't catch nothing, but I don't care, I still had a good time."
"If you feel good, you're training good, and nothing else is bothering you, don't worry about it."
"I grew up as a very happy-go-lucky type of kid that never thought too much about careers and jobs."
"We got nothing to lose, so we might as well dance."
"Live life, don't worry about nobody, do your thing."
"He doesn't care; he just wants to go play, and if I have a day free for him, that's when he's winning."
"If you can get to a point where you don't care, you'll be happier and therefore healthier."
"Life is short, I ain't got time to be worried about no money."
"New beginnings, innocent carefree attitude, and fresh start."
"I don't care who I offend, I just don't care. I'm very careless, you know. I just care about being funny, helping people, making myself money, and being a positive influence."
"Now here's a little song I wrote, I'm gonna sing it note for note, don't worry, be happy."
"I've gotten confident in not giving a [__] and I think that's the vibe."
"If anyone sees me worrying, just let me know, don't worry, be monkey."
"I like your confidence; I like how confident and carefree you are."
"It's very happy, it's kind of go lucky in a way."
"Nothing goes together, but we do not care."
"You can't really screw up, just enjoy it and have fun."
"We're having a blast; we're just doing whatever there."
"Paws in the air like you just don't care, that's what son's motto is."
"He's kind of in max chill mode and not a care in the world."
"Let's ride, I got nothing to lose."
"They don't look like they've got a care in the world."
"Thank you, honestly, like if you were on holidays and nobody knew who you were, why would you not? You can just wear it, nobody would even know."
"That's his way of saying I'm not worried about none of y'all, like I'm going to just live my life."
"I normally don't focus on money, I just have fun and live life, and money comes."
"I'm confident and secure, I wasn't when I was young because we poke at you, we want... God, I don't give a [__] anymore man, have a good time, I'm very confident in my skin."
"Life shouldn't be lived without enjoying the silly times."
"Means no worries for the rest of the day, that's what I'm saying."
"Unbothered, laughing it off, no [__] to give, disregarding drama."
"Life's too short to take all that kind of stuff seriously."