
Hands-on Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"The only real estate if you want to make money right now, you have to get your hands dirty."
"Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty in a good way; ground yourself in what you're doing."
"Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty."
"To really learn something you have to do it."
"Understanding comes from messing with the stuff yourself."
"Thinking with my hands helps me reflect on ideas and possibilities that I just don't have access to any other way."
"Best way to learn is tear something apart or try to put it back and it's figured out."
"I personally got a much better understanding of sewing machines by building models, actually using a sewing machine, taking it apart and putting it back together."
"Most of your learning should be actually building things."
"If you really want to learn Microtic, the best way to do that is to actually configure the device yourself."
"It sure feels good to be able to work with your hands and turn one of those dreams into a reality."
"It's time to get my hands dirty with some clay."
"We'll share our knowledge in videos, help you practice with hands-on activities, and take you through scenarios that you might encounter on the job."
"...you will be able to build your very own hot compost pile."
"...go get those hands dirty, give it a try, let us know how it goes."
"So what is the cure? You gotta get your hands dirty, buy a car for cheap, and then try and fix it."
"I learned best by tinkering and just getting my hands involved with this stuff."
"It's not built on intellect; I think it's built on hands-on experience. Get your hands dirty, man, and figure it out."
"Get your hands dirty as often as possible."
"As always, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and learn something old."
"We are just about two weeks away from our first ever in-person in-depth hands-on training."
"There's just no substitute to doing it yourself."
"It is impossible to actually learn something without doing it hands-on. You simply cannot know if you haven't actually done it."
"It feels really good to make something with your hands and make something functional that you can use."
"I just like controlling as much dynamic and volume and basically everything as I can with my hands."
"Don't be afraid, get your hands dirty and learn something old."
"Very Hands-On food, you're not familiar, so we're definitely a little hands-on."
"One thing that I'm finding really cool about working in clay is it's really an indication of what you can accomplish in craft just with your hands."
"This sums up what street food should be like: simple, tasty, and most importantly, something that you can eat with your hands."
"I'm just gonna dig your hands in kind of girl."
"Nothing is going to replace in any field hands-on and networking. That's true."
"I truly believe in learning by doing."
"I feel like I was so much more of a hands-on parent than my parents were."
"Hands-On gives you a way of learning that's very different than watching a video or reading a book."
"I just used for the first time properly um, I've got oily hands from putting the tow bar onto the van."
"There's no replacement for actually getting your hands dirty."
"This is an old ancient trick. Half the joy of cooking is being able to get your hands dirty."
"But, like, I'm so jealous of people that build things with their hands and, you know, set up an experiment and, like, see physics happening. Because for me, it just happens on a computer."
"We were going down to Southern California, skateboarding together, designing our new graphics, really hands-on."
"What we're after is putting them in lots of situations where they can learn by doing."
"I much prefer to see somebody put something together than to read through a set of instructions."
"So I'm going to have to put this back on time lapse just because we both need both hands."
"The best learning is hands-on and interactive learning, hands down."
"The best way to learn is just by doing."
"I have a lot more respect for people who actually put their hands on their cars."
"Practicing the hands-on is very important, guys. Even on a daily basis, I'm also suggesting to many people that please do more hands-on because rather than theory, if you do the hands-on, you will get more knowledge."
"Next time there should be more demolition and getting our hands dirty."
"You just gotta get your hands super dirty and just have fun with it."
"Getting hands-on experience with new innovative products and tools and materials."
"Oh, this is a definitely a DIY type of project."
"We need to get our kids off the phones more and more, and get them working with their hands and doing real stuff."
"My parents suggested pursuing business routes to allow me to sit back and enjoy profits. But I love being hands-on with my work."
"One of the best ways to learn anything is to take a hands-on approach."
"I am the most Hands-On boots on the ground CEO you'll ever meet."
"You have to be a doer, you have to get your hands dirty."
"And there we go, tighten this one."
"I think the best leaders are those that are both strategic and are willing to roll up their sleeves and get into the details."
"This is an action-packed course which I'm sure will keep you busy at least for a few days."
"But having something to do with your hands or rings or anything like that I find that doing things with my hands while listening, if I'm not writing notes, is what really can help me focus in class."
"I'm a little bit of a hillbilly. I grew up in the mountains. I grew up, you know, working. I love getting my hands dirty."
"I learned better when I had my hands on something."
"You'll learn by doing in a low pressure and fun way."
"I'm getting out my gloved hands, I'm hand melding."
"Nothing replaces getting one of these in your hands and playing it yourself."
"Learn by doing, experiential learning."
"It takes me back to the early days and really makes me kind of nostalgic for getting my hands dirty and building things with styrene."
"This is a skill that we can learn, that we can experiment with, that we can study, and I believe that there is a fertile ground for us to explore in learning to heal with our hands using this ancient practice of Lomi Lomi."
"I am determined... to make as much of it as I can myself and get really hands-on."
"We feel like we're losing the sense of our lives in all of the technology and all the fast moving and doing less and less with our hands."
"It feels so good to start a project and then use your hands to physically make it better or change it or improve it or, you know, make even progress of any kind."
"Get out there and get your hands dirty, everybody, and let the magic of gardening unfold."
"It's now time to get your hands in and start mixing and kneading by hand."
"There's no better way to teach than to actually get in and do the work."
"Building something hands-on that people... are actually going to use... is the best thing that you can do as a programmer."
"...there's no better way of doing that than to get our hands dirty."
"Learning sticks so much better when we actually build something."
"Treat yourself to a unique hands-on experience."
"I was the guy that took everything apart and learned how to put it back together."
"Learning OpenStack teaches you many of the core computing concepts simultaneously which actually makes it a great fit for deploying in a lab environment and getting real hands-on practice."
"Interactive learning and a hands-on approach is a much more effective way of truly understanding what it is that you're trying to learn."
"You need to do this yourself. You can't learn how to play the piano by reading books about pianos. You gotta get out and do it."
"It is kind of fun to get your hands dirty and get in there and do some work."
"I'm a doer rather than a studier, and I'm going to learn by just having a look inside."
"Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and learn something new."
"Creativity and Artistry is a Hands-On activity."
"Where I grew up, you had to do everything yourself. What I'm trying to teach my girls is the value of getting your hands dirty."
"The ability to get outside of my computer, be Hands-On, and kind of just play around with the thing."
"Honestly, it's the act of getting creative and doing something with your hands... there is nothing quite like practicing creativity."
"I could never do it as a career, but I'm such a perfectionist and such a hands-on person."
"Step one is just start. You can look up all the information you want on YouTube, you can read all the forums you want, but until you actually get your hands dirty, your learning curve is going to be very long."
"Having something like this to occupy your hands... is very therapeutic."
"The majority of this course is very hands-on, so hang tight, we have lots of fun labs coming up soon."
"Stacy was a hands-on, loving mother."
"The engineering physics program stresses not only a good sort of foundational theoretical understanding of scientific concepts but also a lot of practiced experience with hands-on skills and applying that knowledge."
"To me dog trainers were the ones who are hands-on, we're the ones who are in the trenches."
"It's just something different, something I enjoy, to be out here working with people and helping them with projects and doing some hands-on stuff. Otherwise, I just wear a shirt and tie every day."
"Get your hands dirty with stereo vision using OAK-D Lite or OAK-D Poe for fun and interesting projects."
"Just start working on a Kaggle competition because without joking K is like the most efficient way to build up knowledge just because you're working on the hands-on project there."
"I can read a manual all day, but until I get my hands on it and see it, it doesn't make sense to me."
"This is just such a good way to get involved and get hands on and get your hands dirty with so little risk."
"It's one thing to be able to talk about stuff, look at pictures online, but totally different when you can walk around and touch and feel it."
"We have a 12,000 square foot classroom and bay space that we are able to pull in RVs and actually do the hands-on training."
"The less computer-like something is, the more tactile and hands-on it feels."
"We've got plenty of lab stuff for you to do to see what is actually hands-on in this field."
"The best way to learn is to get your hands dirty, so don't just passively consume content; challenge your mental model, try it out."
"We're not going to learn how to use Postgres by using some graphical user interface."
"It's actually really great to literally get our hands wet again and create something beautiful."
"I love it, that's my language, I like to use my hands."
"I genuinely have a good time keeping my hands busy with this sort of stuff."
"The best way to learn is by doing something yourself."
"It's super hands-on, it takes time, it's slow photography and I like that a lot."
"There's no better way of doing that than to get our own hands dirty by performing some of the attacks that we could expect to have done against our own applications."
"It's all about that hands-on ability to learn about the destinations you're visiting."
"The new medical education was practical instruction, and it was hands on, with training on the ward from day one."
"I think people are doing more of these hobbies because they save money and they're hands-on and productive."
"Get out there, get some wheel time, wrench on that stuff, mess it up and then fix it later, and just have fun."
"I'm one of those people who can't understand how something works unless I use it for myself."
"I'd rather get my hands dirty than always be more antiseptic."
"I'm a first-hand first generation gardener."
"You get so much of hands-on experience over here in NHS."
"You never know what you can do with your two hands until you do it."
"You're somebody who is great with your hands, you may heal with your hands."
"This is where it all begins; this is where we actually get some hands-on with Ansible itself."
"The best part about NAB is you get to put your hands on everything, touch it, feel it, try it out."
"Just having the experience of actually building something with your hands is always a bonus."
"I think it's fun getting your hands dirty working on your car, that's part of the game."
"Our hands are our best tools in the kitchen. God gave them to us, so we need to use them."
"Playing with your bike is the best way to intimately know it, so let's play."
"Get a little satisfaction about doing something yourself and learn a little bit at the same time."
"Whatever major you choose, you won't just learn about it at South Dakota State - you'll get to experience it hands-on."
"This is presented as a masterclass and more like hands-on training."
"Never be afraid to attempt to do some tasks by hand."
"All of that stuff is so valuable to me, and I can't imagine if I didn't have the last 10 plus years experience doing the stuff hands-on."
"I'm not one of these that sends the kids to school with a nanny. No, no, no, I'm taking them to school."
"You can't learn how to train a dog from a book, you have to put your hands on a dog and learn."
"So getting in and putting in some hands-on effort will actually start making sense for you."
"If I see something today that I don't like and that I know can be fixed, I walk out to the shop and I fix it."
"If you don't have equipment to make pizza dough, just make it by hand. It's cool."
"I want this series to be hands-on as I myself learn much faster viewing hands-on demonstrations."
"This isn't Tech Quickie; this is Linus Tech Tips, where we actually do the things we talk about."
"There's only one way in which you can really learn a job, and that's to do it."
"Mini hacks is one of the most popular Hands-On areas at Dreamforce and Trailblazer DX."
"If your hands aren't getting dirty, you're not making art."
"Get your hands dirty, understand the problems your team is dealing with."
"Using your beautiful hands, you want to give this a really good mix."
"Just get your hands dirty and just make stuff, that's what it's about."
"I just think it's fun. Maybe I'm a hands-on person, so like writing and playing with the inks."
"Embark on a hands-on journey into the world of pottery."
"It's hands-on, it's interactive and engaging."
"I can't express enough how grateful I, as well as others, appreciate these hands-on Fridays."
"We're going to be using our hands today, we're not using anything fancy."
"I'm not a desk person, I can't stand not doing stuff with my hands and going outside."
"Using my hands, for me, it's actually one of the fun parts of cooking."
"It feels good to do it myself, not like do it all by myself, but to be hands-on and active in it."
"Don't be afraid to do it by hand on these questions where you can't use your calculator."
"I really enjoy doing the stuff, the nitty-gritty is just getting my hands dirty, man, I'm all about it."
"Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, that's what we've proven here."
"Let's get hands-on so that you can actually start coding."
"There's just something really rewarding about working with your hands."
"Use your hands. I think using your hands is the answer."
"The more hands-on experience the better."
"Osteopathic physicians... look through the lens of the four tenets that I talked about earlier and their hands become part of that."
"You get to be more hands-on with your beer."
"I'm very much a hands-on console guy."
"It's very easy to use, it's all about getting hands-on, getting stuck in."
"Don't be scared to tackle things, guys. It's easy. Just jumping in and just learning, that's all that's literally what it takes. Get your hands dirty and figure it out."
"Don't read this book; take paper, fold rods, color blocks of wood, build."
"Making it yourself, getting your hands in there, putting the love into the whole process is what it's all about with cooking for myself."
"The more you do yourself, it's difficult, it's a lot of work, but it means you learn all parts of your business first."
"I want to build a house in real life with my two hands."
"We're going hands-on with the best gear and gadgets."
"Everyone that takes the class gets their own hands-on experience."
"So much of my happiness relies on being outdoors and using my hands."
"The UO has been a place where I've been able to gain hands-on experience both on the job and in the classroom while working on my dreams."
"By immersing myself in sustainability at UConn, I'm able to get a unique hands-on experience in topics I otherwise wouldn't have discovered."
"At Bucknell, you'll go hands-on from day one."
"You can come with us into the garage and explore these incredible vehicles with our hands."
"People want hands-on capabilities, these new certifications are giving you that."
"One of the best ways to learn how any new tool works is to actually start using it."
"You won't just learn about it, you'll gain hands-on experience."
"I've loved being in the clinics, I've loved getting all of these hands-on opportunities."
"Get your hands in there, get dirty, that's what I like about soil."
"I'm just an average Joe with a cool job, and I don't mind getting my hands dirty."
"Now that I can help, it makes me just want to be more hands-on."
"What did you observe in the relationship between Charles and JJ?" "Charles was hands-on. He was engaged."
"The Hands-On art is the best kind of art."
"I love working with my fingers when I do furniture."
"Your hands and your fingers really are your best felting tools in wet felting."
"You'll definitely learn more if you build each panel on the dashboard yourself."
"Using your own hands, you shape this object into existence."
"It's very cool to do the hands-on work in the chemistry laboratory and then know that what you've done at your bench will then one day be actually used by someone and potentially save their life."
"The teaching is quite hands-on, and I've really enjoyed it."
"You need to get in it and drive it and see it for yourself."
"You just learn so much from hands-on experience."
"You'll learn a lot more through some hands-on experience."
"Hands are probably the best tools you've got."
"There is no substitute for getting your hands dirty and trying stuff out for yourself."
"My job is so cerebral... it's nice when I get a project that I can actually put together with just my hands."
"If you like to tinker and build things with your hands, then mechanical engineering is for you."
"This is how you get hands-on training, that's why I'm doing this today."