
Historical Data Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Since 1500, we are aware of somewhere between 330 and 620 major vertebrate species that have gone extinct."
"The beauty is that... these drugs have been out there... so we know it's something that can be taken safely."
"Tears of the Kingdom is a Titan, a masterpiece, a true Marvel of game design."
"The actual number of convicted people in jail in the United States hasn’t really risen much since 1983."
"Physical inflows of this size have not again been seen into the U.S since March 2020."
"We've kind of been here before, and the common experience is if you lean on what it's done before, that's most likely to happen."
"There were probably between 130 and 150 crashes."
"Now we see the global temperature from 1880 all the way to 2018."
"A study dating back 70 years has a new suggestion as to what we can expect in this year's economy."
"We now have a record number of homes on the market in August or September 2022 according to realtor.com, like literally in the six-year history of realtor.com inventory data."
"Investing is arguably the greatest tool for growing real wealth according to historical data."
"Silver has risen more than gold every single time in major bull markets in history."
"Women's unemployment is at the lowest level in 65 years."
"We prefer to look historically at the only actual information we have."
"Value indicator: when we hit this layer eight times in 13 years and we're at it now."
"You take a leap forward by living truthfully."
"The best month to invest in stocks is April for the past 20 years."
"The ice cores from Greenland go back 140,000 years. The ice cores from Antarctica go back 800,000 years."
"What kind of rate of return they've had in the last 20 years."
"We have never had a seven-day period that the Nasdaq has been down in like 10 years."
"Personal census information is actually kept completely confidential for 72 years."
"From 1981 to 2001...absolute poverty in the developing world dropped from 40 to 21 percent."
"With the exception of their injury-ravaged 2015 season, the Ravens have been above .500 at home every year since 2008."
"Bitcoin historical returns for March: positive 2021 up 30%, 2019 up 7%, 2013 up 172%. Things are not as they seem and patterns do not repeat."
"Comparing Casper to bottoming structures for Bitcoin in 2015, 2019, and after 2020..."
"The records reveal shocking truths about the state of the Earth."
"Although we may have a 300-year record of climate at a few specific locations, we have only approximately a 150-year perspective on the spatiotemporal variability of the earth's climate system as a whole." - Raymond S. Bradley
"We've never gone below a previous all-time high on a bear market."
"This marks the lowest rate recorded since the government began tracking the data in the 1930s."
"Looking at the chart, there's been a huge trend line on this stock for multiple years now."
"Historically speaking, based on the historical data, you will never, ever lose money."
"Historical patterns reveal the ebb and flow of Bitcoin dominance."
"In 1810, 90% of the world's population lived in extreme poverty, now it's down to 9%."
"Historical data reveals that Australian property prices have withstood periods of increasing interest rates."
"Historical valuation trends provide valuable insights for investors."
"We have a good record of temperature that we can extend back thousands of years."
"We want every bit of information that could be gathered from the past, because we will use that information to study the past."
"It's the biggest one-year change in expected return on stocks that I've tracked from 1960 to 2022. It's the biggest one-year change in expected return because you got a double whammy last year."
"the reality is that the American Empire has peaked and is now declining the data for this are overwhelming as is the urgent tendency to deny it among people who find it frightening which I understand I'm going to give you some of the signs to make sure we all understand it."
"This core demographic has historically skewed male."
"The prevalence of obesity has tripled since 1975."
"You can create much more advanced charts and graphs and analyze data from much further back in time."
"We have now a 1200 year old history accumulated by looking back at tree rings."
"The value of property goes like this, and historically since the Domesday Book, on average, it's doubled every 10 years or an average growth rate is 7.9 percent per annum."
"The only time in history when we had fear and greed index above 50 for 6 months straight was between 2020 October and 2021 April."
"This is all based on historical data going back to 1871."
"So we're going to scrape all the matches played so far from 1930 to 2018."
"In the 30 years from 1974 to 2004, the US economy grew at 3.12% per year."
"This is a special video today because I'm going to bring you guys 100 years of housing market data in America."
"We're going to try and predict life expectancy as a function of health indicators from developed nations in the past 10 or 20 years or so."
"The compound rate of return over the last ninety-one years is nine point seven percent."
"It gives you this nice little tail so you can see where the previous value was."
"One common pattern in data warehousing is to retain historical data for dimensions."
"The most practical method for forecasting sales is to base your projections on historical sales results and your experience."
"The past is only a fuzzy guide to the future; you need to do the math and use that historical data to make future projections."
"The busiest day in the year 2020 was the sixth of March, which had the maximum number of flights taking off."
"Descriptive statistics is about converting data or identifying data and making it quantifiable of what has already happened."
"Analogous estimating uses historical data from similar past projects as a basis of estimating the current project."
"The concern of descriptive statistics is to understand what's happening by examining past data."
"Parametric estimating... combines historical data with statistical modeling."
"It's extremely important that we get accurate simulations of our strategy on historical data."
"Historically, we've taken less than 1% of the world's refugees."
"All right, most popular song each month since Jan 2010."
"We have access to historical data... so you can use that data to gain insights and make predictions about the future."
"Time travel gives you the ability to look at your data at any point in time up to a period of 90 days ago."
"It's heavily used within data warehousing, being able to store large amounts of historical or analytical data."
"Time travel lets you submit queries and say, 'I want the answer to this as of the time two years ago'."
"When using simulations, you typically want to use historical data if that's available because it's far more reliable."