
Political Challenges Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"But while they conclude that it is technically possible to achieve the rapid changes required to avoid 2.7 degrees of warming, they conclude it may be politically unlikely."
"The status quo is now with us and lo and the most difficult thing in British politics and around the world - but specifically the most difficult thing in British politics is overturning the status quo given our electoral system and everything else."
"Newsom is in real trouble... often politicians can overcome bad policies but not bad personalities."
"He's had extreme resistance within the department of energy within aspects of the Department of Defense within the intelligence groups there's been a lot of pushback."
"Joe Biden said that we are facing our greatest political challenge since the Civil War."
"Will the folks on Wall Street like me? No. Will they begin to play by the rules if I am president? You better believe it."
"If I weren't running I would have nobody coming after me or if I was losing by a lot I would have nobody coming after me."
"The trouble is, it's also written into the mindsets of even some of our more talented conservative politicians."
"It's just one of the many monumental hurdles facing the president-elect."
"They have to learn decades of bumper sticker talking points and corporate propaganda. They will likely lose donors in the process. They will be criticized."
"Climate activists will have to carefully navigate political turbulence."
"Leaders who are not seen as allies on race will have big problems."
"Politics builds for us a bunch of landmines. Politics builds for us treacherous stuff, soil that doesn't grow. Politics creates for everybody else milk and honey."
"Progressive politicians regularly find themselves defanged by their corporate counterparts."
"We gotta fix our systems, friends. I mean, we've kind of just so moved along on top of them trying to protect what we had against the concerted relentless effort by too many on the other side to rip away what we did have."
"Churchill's campaign to protect his country was winning him few friends."
"It's going to be fun watching Trump try to get things done... we'll see how much trouble he can cause."
"Joe Biden's mess now. How do we fix it? How do we get out of this?"
"How do you calibrate an effective response to extremism that doesn't compromise the Democratic principles that you're fighting for?"
"We want to make sure that players maintain their cool."
"It's basically a miracle if a bill becomes a law."
"Perhaps Trump's vast lead could not be overcome, but that's no excuse for misspending over $130 million."
"If Republicans win the Senate then the court vacancies that President Biden is still trying to fill, they're going to have an uphill battle with confirmation."
"But of all the things that have gone wrong for Trump this week, the thing that may be bothering him the most..."
"It's a threat to our democracy, so how do we fix it? We have to ensure the integrity of our elections."
"An unfolding assault taking place in America today."
"We're still at the stage now where if you say 'I'm an atheist' while running for office, you're communicating 'I would like to lose this election.'"
"I just think it's incredibly unfortunate the situation that he's found himself in where I think as a candidate he's incredibly strong."
"It cannot be the case that our justice system is incapable of holding him accountable."
"Our work will not be easy, but the change we need is coming."
"The challenge, I would dare say frankly, is corporate propaganda."
"Brexit highlights the difficulty of leaving a beneficial union."
"With so much internal opposition and so many ethnic tensions, it is very tempting to go back to the good old dictatorship."
"It may continue to trouble Modi ji for the rest of the year."
"Trying to create an actual wealth tax as has been discussed for people is going to have constitutional problems, and it's not going to get passed in the first place."
"There's no time to go wobbly here this is serious this remains our most significant Challenge and we've got to deal with the problem in front of us not push it off into the hope that this will go away over the next two to three years."
"Shirley Chisholm survived three assassination attempts during her run for the United States presidency in 1972."
"Partitioning Ireland was unsustainable. Politics in Northern Ireland is poisoned by this sectarianism."
"His willingness to deal directly with Putin... actually required considerable boldness on Zelensky because there are opponents of this in Ukraine and they are armed."
"You're dealing with a thousand issues... everything from the Ukraine to the budget to inflation."
"Americans grew used to the benefits of the new law, it would become politically untenable for Republicans to repeal its most popular measures."
"The party will find itself running... problematic."
"This is going to be a slog, and I think there's still a slightly worrying degree of political unwillingness to confront that fact."
"Putting my principles and responsibilities first has made me an enormous target, but I will not be deterred."
"My point is that that is the hill we have to climb over and and the reason money and politics affects elections more is because the media will not move that's a given that's a constant in the formula right now."
"This case emphasizes the importance of upholding the principles of the Constitution even in the face of intense political pressures."
"Sometimes your biggest foes will be in your own party."
"Those are things that you can never take back and I wonder, how do you govern after that?"
"Politically, if driverless cars kill a few people but save tens of thousands of people, that's a problem for the politicians."
"Will the corporate Democrats even allow a challenge to Biden?"
"That's going to be really difficult handling important issues well Trump's not in office so it's going to be hard to do that."
"The blue wave is now running into a riptide of uncertainty."
"The first problem Penny Mordon would have is that the public don't know who she is."
"Every administration has dealt with ebbs and flows, but this is an unmitigated crisis."
"The big pro-people say third parties will never work in America because of ballot access laws, but we got ballot access in 21 states in 2016."
"Running for office is a real eye-opener. I got a front-row seat to watch well-funded Democrat incumbents sit on their asses and refuse to help dem challengers."
"Trump is facing four criminal cases... profoundly unpopular... policies that he pushed are profoundly unpopular."
"The politicians who are trying to do their jobs the right way are getting death threats."
"The Technologies and policies that are going to be necessary to adequately address climate change already exist and the only real obstacles are politics and fossil fuel interests."
"The greatest political problem we may have in the years ahead is how our working class copes, reacts, and understands to a long-term secular decline in the standard of living here."
"Having good policy ideas is not enough in politics. You can't just come up with ideas; everyone can come up with policy ideas."
"So, the political problems are very difficult, and, then, the money, and the ps to get the 1.6 billion from Pell."
"I really don't believe the CCP is going to survive the many many issues it is currently facing."
"Barack Obama entered office both with unprecedented expectations and unprecedented challenges."
"One of the difficulties of our democracy is resurgent populism, offering simple answers to complex questions."
"The wind is blowing against the Democrats, and hard... Democrats could be facing a historically large wave."
"Midterm elections are always tough for the party holding the White House; they are especially tough when the president's approval rating is sagging."
"He emphasized the two biggest enemies of Brazil are inequality and hunger."
"If Democrats don't look hard at the results... they're going to have an awful lot of difficulty."
"The clamor for change on the NHS is going to be so great and he I don't think he'll be allowed to do the radical stuff and he'll be out."
"I truly believe that if you really believe you can heal your body, you can."
"Events, dear boy, events are the biggest thing that knock a government off course." - Former British Prime Minister Harold McMillan
"There are some hard choices that make somebody unelectable if they talk about these things but they're very simple to do and they would fix the problem."
"When you're on a tightrope like I was the first woman running for president, it is so overwhelming."
"Northern Ireland was always going to be the most difficult aspect of any Brexit settlement."
"We've got our glorious Tsar Nikolai II, but also some pretty bad National Spirits including threat of Revolution and Strikes."
"As hard as it is for the Prime Minister, you know what's harder? The unification of Canada."
"Democracy is messy and it's hard and fragile that we have to be vigilant."
"Ambition is essential, but not sufficient. The country faces big challenges that call for wisdom, honesty, and even a bit of modesty about the government's limitations."
"Labor problems, internal feuding, and political discord may arise in certain years."
"Despite political constraints, Constantine's intellectual pursuits left a lasting legacy."
"The problem of reconciling political unity with ethnic and religious diversity continues with us to the present day."
"The other is that its government won't confront their fishing lobbies."
"Our peaceful and united Europe is being challenged like never before by populists, by nationalists."
"What is ecologically and socially necessary for sustainability is not politically feasible."
"We must rise above the political and religious spirit."
"We may have a situation where everyone knows what needs to be done, but we just have a political system that doesn't allow it to happen."
"We all know what to do, we just don't know how to get reelected after we've done it."
"The biggest barrier to fighting climate change is political."
"He can't fix it if the unions won't let him."
"We're technologically poised to do it. But there's an enormous political lobbying structure in place in this country that is telling us that we can't do it."