
Educational Importance Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Confucius's philosophy focuses on three main themes: education, family, and ritual."
"The problem that I see going forward is the only way to maintain competitiveness is to have more education in the right ways around innovation, new companies, and so forth."
"Critical thinking, in my personal opinion, is more important than discipline and respect."
"Everyone deserves to understand this information."
"I'm not a believer in cancel culture. I want everybody to know everything they can about our history."
"Active Learning is extremely important in chess."
"Teach them that it is very [important] to be a servant leader."
"One thing you can never stop doing in life is learning."
"Educate yourself on what actually happened in Windrush."
"Anyone can become a millionaire. All you need is time and the right financial education."
"Pictures hold tremendous power for children."
"The real history of slavery: slavery was an evil of greater scope and magnitude than most people imagine."
"It's really a great time to really get focused on education, making sure you understand everything that's going on in the market."
"A leader who will not learn is no leader at all."
"It's absolutely essential that we get back to school."
"No one here wants the history of our country not to be taught."
"Grammar schools and apprenticeships are crucial for social mobility."
"Can it go any lower? That's the big question."
"These are actually the sort of lessons I think are hugely important in history."
"The road out of poverty goes through a college education these days."
"Awareness and education are critical if people don't know what's going on how can you possibly get them to stand in opposition to it or stand up for what's right."
"You can't understand the modern-day Barack Obama Democratic Party without reading about John Dewey and his ideological forebears."
"Education is important. We can't ban books. We can't keep ignoring our history."
"It's crucial to the discourse that we have different voices talking about this stuff who are actually educated in the stuff they're talking about."
"Quantum field theory has become a universal language for theoretical physics."
"This moment, as hard as it was, has been an important moment to remind folks from every background that this is an important part of the story of the forming of the United States of America."
"The horrors of the transatlantic slave trade should not be ignored, downplayed, or excused."
"You cannot be an educated person if you don't have a good literature background, if you don't have that poetry, if you don't understand basic social concepts."
"A potential partner's education level is usually the first thing any woman specifies."
"Education is going to be absolutely fundamental in order to bring forth the next generation in a way that is improvement over the last."
"Without lifetime learning you people are not gonna do very well you are not going to get ready for our life based on what you already know."
"IELTS can be really important for some people."
"Education is what levels the playing field for people and we've underinvested in it for decades."
"Education is essential; don't buy into the idea that you don't need it."
"Teaching the reality of colonialism and imperialism is crucial to understanding global privilege."
"I can't believe there's an argument against teaching factual information."
"For our children and for their schools, we must win this culture war."
"Education is the key to getting rid of prejudice."
"Teachers are some of the most important members of our society, tasked with the often difficult challenge of educating our youth. Unfortunately, they are often not given the respect that they really deserve."
"Education is so important for all our children not just our kids with special needs."
"Everyone can agitate, but we've got to educate."
"It's like you're so close to being like this is a really interesting piece of history that we need to learn more about."
"We should also have that same love for the Mali Empire for Timbuktu for Seneca or for Nigeria and for all of these other places."
"Proof is everything in this world, you should have learned that back in grade school."
"Nothing else matters if each and every student is not able to come to school to learn."
"The importance of the teacher-student relationship is perhaps the most important thing."
"Learning about the solar system is important for earth science because what happens in space affects things on earth."
"The Crash at Crush in 1896 deserves to be remembered."
"This is the story Americans do not know that is the story that matters deeply."
"If we completely sanitize history and skip over it, it defeats the purpose of learning it."
"Preserving history is instrumental in teaching ways to prevent it from happening again."
"The best weapon against faith-based ideologies and being bounded by world views is questions."
"Everybody should have to take an introductory biology course and an introductory Physics course just to know the world you're living in."
"There's experience being passed down, wisdom that's all lost today."
"Information is one of the best things to learn before you die."
"Teachers rock, and society would crumble without you."
"Nobody has a right to touch anybody. It's just education, anywhere."
"Every woman deserves to be informed and educated about what we put in our body."
"Education, science, the arts. Those are the most important things for advancing human culture."
"The time for talk is pretty much over... we should be pairing that with one to two hours in the very least of practical information, how to skill building."
"Don't underestimate the power of parenting classes."
"If you do not know history, you shall be doomed to repeat it."
"Education is key. If you don't have enough education on different matters and different topics, you can fail."
"Everyone wants to help, and they want to help me learn things like this. This is important."
"You can't really have educated conversation until you actually are educated."
"Teaching people basic literacy is how Society continues to function."
"Let's learn history so we can really know our story."
"Education and empowerment is essential for us and for our children."
"Learn natural language; it's imperative for mastering AI."
"Learning to cook from scratch is just as important as learning to garden."
"It really represents a blemish on US history."
"Building community among those students, very important."
"The Negro race needs colleges... but we do not need colleges so much that we can sacrifice the manhood and womanhood of our children to the thoughtlessness of the north or the prejudice of the south." - W.E.B. Du Bois
"You want to make sure you're staying financially educated."
"Welcome to one of the most important lessons."
"Don't skip this. This is going to give you a really important overview."
"Those who don't learn the lessons of history tend to repeat it."
"Yeah but this is why you gotta understand history that's why in our museum."
"Critical thinking is very important, especially in the television era."
"Knowledge is powerful. The Bible says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge."
"Don't panic and don't give in to pressure by people in the business... Get a proper education."
"The ignorant, uneducated comments or behavior of another person are not a reflection of you."
"Teaching our kids how to spot when they're entering the negativity bias loop could create more critically thinking adults in the future."
"No, if I don't go back to school, I might as well be dead."
"Education is the key of life. Without education, you're just farting in the breeze."
"Democracy is really hard work. It takes generations of education, and vigilance, and civic activism."
"Critical thinking skills, critical thinking skills so important in this world today."
"We cannot deny that it happened if we do that there is no way we can learn from it."
"Those who do not study history are bound to repeat it."
"We need to learn how to honor all these great cultures."
"Critical thinking would be a critical subject because one unlike most other subjects it permeates to nearly every other subject."
"Chemistry is actually one of the most important areas."
"Education is the single most important thing... throughout that entire situation."
"Encourage your children. Education and wisdom can transform families and entire nations. In your home, the heroes and leaders of tomorrow are being raised."
"People need to understand exponential growth."
"History repeats itself, and you won't know how to combat it if you don't learn from it."
"It's up to us to learn from these terrible moments in history so that we can recognize and hopefully prevent the next war."
"If you don't know your history, you are more liable to allow his story to repeat itself."
"Learning a new language can be super super important."
"You should take advantage of the time to learn. School is about learning, not just getting good grades."
"Knowledge protects us from so many societal issues, right?"
"Can you see, brother and sister, how important knowledge is?"
"It's very important that you spread this knowledge because in reality so many of our people... are going to these fraudsters for help."
"This is knowledge that should be shared by all humans."
"The structure and routine of a school day is so critical for this population of students."
"The best investment you can possibly make is investing in children and their education."
"I think education is crucial, I think figuring out a way to help black kids have a stable family."
"Do not skip your data structures and algorithms... you will need very deep knowledge of data structures and algorithms."
"This is why it's so important to learn about this because when you learn about this you create a life outside of the system."
"The problem isn't elon or michael giving their opinion, the problem is the lack of education in the individual to just blindly follow it."
"The best way to be informed is through history."
"The only way to fight ignorance is with education and knowledge."
"The education of your children will determine the future of our republic."
"This subject is so important and it needs to be as thorough as possible."
"Start with the education, make sure that you have good skills, align with demand."
"Books always go for quite a bit because knowledge is power and has very high value."
"Let's talk about vocabulary. The foundation for any education is understanding The Words."
"It's amazing because future generations need to know that stuff."
"Child relationship is central and foundational."
"Computational literacy actually is important as a universal attribute."
"It's important you learn about what they thought and why they did those things."
"Education is the foundation for the rest of your life."
"You need to be a lifetime learner."
"It's the technique which is important, it's not the actual proof."
"Your listening environment at the end of the day is going to be so, so important in helping you learn."
"The presence of paper signifies literacy, education, productivity, intellectual genius, scientific inquiry, Islamic scholarship."
"We need Afghanistan to have educated people in the future, the next generation to be educated."
"Needs analysis is extremely important."
"Understanding unit rates is really, really important to solve problems in math."
"I doubt whether we are sufficiently attentive to the importance of elementary textbooks."
"It's very critical that you understand how to work with logarithms and exponential functions because they're very widely used and important."
"Get yourself a proper Educational Foundation so you can follow the volatility or predict where it is and go where the money is."
"Learn why decentralized finance is important."
"I really admire the teachers in this room, and having just gotten two of my daughters through high school, I know how hard your job is, and I have to say it has got to be one of the most important things to do in the world, so thank you very much."