
Carbon Dioxide Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"97 percent of scientists likely agree that carbon dioxide plays a role in greenhouse warming phenomenon."
"There is such a thing as too much CO2 and we want to keep the elements in balance."
"Carbon dioxide has been called the earth thermostat and the long-term regulator of the Earth's climate."
"The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years."
"High carbon dioxide levels can lead to fatigue."
"Increased CO2 is fertilizing plants, this is a very important part of our existence here on Earth." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does seem to be greening the Earth." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"Carbon dioxide is the biggest player in the climate crisis reshaping our world in an urgent way."
"The amount of green vegetation on the planet is increasing steadily because of extra carbon dioxide in the air."
"Increased carbon dioxide levels lead to a greening of the Earth due to carbon dioxide fertilization."
"For the first time on Earth, giant trees stored carbon dioxide and released oxygen in abundance."
"Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere."
"The evolution of larger body sizes in sauropods did not depend on increased atmospheric carbon dioxide."
"Planting trees helps convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, helping to clean the air."
"Every carbon dioxide molecule we put in the atmosphere will stay there for the foreseeable future."
"Diatoms pull carbon dioxide straight out of the atmosphere and store it inside of themselves."
"Carbon dioxide tells the oxygen to release from the hemoglobin and go into the bloodstream."
"Most scientists argue that the increase in amounts of carbon dioxide is leading to an increase in global temperatures."
"Farmers love high carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It's an advantage for anyone who's growing plants."
"Increased carbon dioxide levels that are occurring with climate change can give an advantage to invasive plants."
"The majority of scientists think that there is a causal link between the levels of carbon dioxide and temperature of the earth."
"This current rate of carbon dioxide and temperature change is almost unprecedented in the entire history of Earth."
"We can have such a large impact and, in fact, we have changed the climate in an unrecognizable way in 50 years."
"More plants means more photosynthesis, which means more carbon dioxide is going to get used up in that reaction."
"Carbon dioxide, ATP, and NADPH are going to create glucose."
"Alveolar ventilation is inversely related to the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide."
"When the solar effect begins to warm up the climate, that warms up stores of carbon dioxide releases into the atmosphere."
"One of the limiting factors to rapid photosynthesis is carbon dioxide availability."
"If you have a planet which is just getting more and more carbon dioxide in the air, why can't someone figure out a way to remove carbon dioxide from the air in large quantities, cheaply?"
"The Earth became addicted to this high level carbon dioxide and methane in order to keep its temperature."
"Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide gas that we release."
"There's some very important physiologic consequences of having too much or too little carbon dioxide."
"Explosions burn oxygen in the mine; the leftover carbon dioxide from the explosion is a silent killer."
"The current magnitude of change that humans have created in terms of putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is as large as we've ever seen in the geologic record."
"Oxygen is going to move from high concentration from the lungs to low concentration into the blood and carbon dioxide is going to move the opposite way."
"Carbon dioxide and temperature on Earth is strongly correlated."
"The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contributes to global warming and ocean acidification."
"The atmosphere of Mars consists of about 96% carbon dioxide, 1.93% argon and 1.89% nitrogen along with traces of oxygen and water."
"It's ultimately photosynthesis that we are managing, this process, it is plants breathing in that carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen."
"The Earth's very early atmosphere would have been extremely carbon dioxide rich."
"Increasing levels of carbon dioxide lead to global warming."
"Carbon dioxide is fully oxidized carbon, it's +4 oxidation state."
"Any doubling of the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air would raise the Earth's temperature by 4 degrees."
"When we have an excess of that greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, which is the primary player, that's when we begin to worry about changes to our climate system."
"Carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas in excess, so it's important to follow the safety guidelines."
"Through the magic of photosynthesis, plants take carbon dioxide and water and turn that into glucose plus oxygen."
"Carbon dioxide has weak intermolecular forces."
"Carbon dioxide poisoning is a real danger when installing gas equipment."
"Solid carbon dioxide changes state directly from solid to gas, this process is called sublimation."
"Burning biomass... doesn't increase atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in the same way that burning fossil fuels does."
"Combustion is where organic matter burns in the presence of oxygen and releases carbon dioxide."
"We're talking about atmospheric carbon dioxide in parts per million."
"The enthalpy of reaction for the combustion of carbon to carbon dioxide is minus three hundred and ninety-three point five kilojoules per mole."
"The majority of carbon dioxide accumulating in the atmosphere today has the exact signature of the burning of fossil fuels."
"This is all caused by an increase in carbon dioxide with our activities."
"The total CO2 includes chemical species that are not CO2."
"What is ocean acidification? As the carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere, it wants to equilibrate with the ocean."
"Deforestation... can absorb lots of the planet-warming gas carbon dioxide."
"The light-independent reactions need carbon dioxide."
"The metaphorical spark that lit the fire of global warming over the course of the last 150 years or so is a rapid increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere."
"We are now trying to design new cells that use carbon dioxide as the raw material."
"Carbon dioxide emissions contribute a hefty 81 percent of the world's greenhouse gases and is the main contributor to climate change."
"The lime water is used to test for carbon dioxide gas."
"The majority of carbon dioxide is transported in plasma in the form of bicarbonate ions."
"Breathe in, breathe out. We breathe out carbon dioxide."
"If it wasn't for the carbon sequestration photosynthesis, the amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would just keep increasing."
"The response to CO2 is linear between about 20 to 80 millimeters of mercury CO2."
"Carbon dioxide is causing massive problems because it is causing global warming."
"By the influence of the increasing percentage of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, we may hope to enjoy ages with more equitable and better climates."
"Carbon dioxide is not a waste by-product of metabolism; it is vital for your systemic health."
"At the rate this world is cranking out carbon dioxide, we're just begging for another Ice Age."
"The ocean is the source of half the oxygen we breathe, the sink for much of the carbon dioxide."