
Spiritual Foundation Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Covenant is the way God operates, covenant is the foundation of the kingdom."
"If your life is rooted in Christ and is rooted in faith, when tough times come it's not going to knock you over."
"Your foundation as a believer is in the revelation of God as Father."
"Real love is based on having Christ as the center of the relationship."
"Personal Bible study equips us to discern Truth for ourselves, ensuring that we develop a solid foundation rooted in God's word."
"I stand on your word and your promises, Lord."
"Prayer is the foundation for everything in the Christian life."
"No one can live without a foundation. You cannot hold spiritual things with carnal hands. It won't work."
"His word is established, magnified above his name."
"Your heart needs to be established with grace."
"Let us be rooted in the identity that you originally gave us."
"We are built on the solid rock Jesus Christ who is hope to the hopeless."
"We need to find our identity in Christ and in Christ alone."
"Your identity is not found in other people or even what you think about your own self but found in who created you."
"When you take away the gospel, you take away God. Even the specific manifestations are coming back."
"Repentance is one of the foundation stones of Christianity."
"Your relationship with God, viewers and you that are here, is it on the rock or is it shaky on the sand? Which is it? Because if it's on the sand, then the slightest thing that comes gonna cause your foundation to shift."
"Praying together brings us back to our ultimate foundation and connects us."
"God as number one, family number two, so we make sure to have that as the foundation for everything that's number one."
"The Spirit doesn't conflict with Christ; when you have both combined together, you are on a sure foundation."
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for... the foundation that anchors us."
"Phenomena, so the foundation is in inner silence."
"Let My Words Be the Anchor for your soul, the foundation upon which you build your life."
"In Christ's death and resurrection, I find an adequate basis for forgiveness, something I can't find anywhere else."
"Prayer was the beginning pathway of me being rebuilt properly."
"I'm so thankful to know God and know Jesus and have that as a firm foundation and pillar of my life."
"Peace is the foundation of our witness for Christ."
"It's this idea of being under his pavilion, in his tabernacle, to hide me and upon his rock to build this beautiful foundation."
"The essentials of the historic Christian faith begin with the deity of Jesus Christ."
"That's what the New Testament letters were birthed out of. When we allow the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel to us over and over again, it solidifies the foundation upon which everything else is built."
"Don't build your identity on sinking sand; build it on the rock."
"The black man better decide that he's going to build the edifice of his own church."
"On these commandments, these two about loving God and loving your neighbor as you love yourself, if you get these two right, he says everything else is built into these."
"Allow Christ into your home and make Him the bedrock of your family."
"there is a foundation there is something you can hold on to and that's the word that's Jesus Christ"
"The foundation of holiness is one god, one faith, one baptism."
"Words of eternal life become the rock on which Jesus Christ builds his kingdom in your heart."
"Do you want deliverance? Sacrifice is the foundation."
"If it is not built on Christ, it will not last."
"God's church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets according to the word, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone."
"We need to build our lives upon the rock, Christ Jesus."
"All religions have been founded on some kind of mystical experience."
"It has to be rooted in truth, it has to be rooted in the truth about who God is and how He's revealed Himself."
"Fearlessness is the impregnable rock on which the house of spiritual life must be erected."
"I love God so much, and I fell in love with Him in the training center, and that was my foundation: God is number one."
"My hope is not built on my circumstance... my hope is built on Christ alone."
"When you have a foundation, you can withstand opposition, persecution, trials, tribulation."
"The only foundation that will last and will stand for eternity is the foundation of Jesus Christ."
"Right now, you're going to be asked to develop a very solid and financial and even spiritual foundation."
"God wants to do something big in your life, but if you don't address the cracks in the foundation, little things like termites can destroy something big God wants to do in and through you."
"The Bible has a base for relationships, a foundation for relationships."
"He loves them, and they love Him, which to me is the foundation of mysticism."
"This is what changed my life. This is the foundation of everything that God has taught me."
"Don't worry about the growth above ground; you just put the emphasis on getting rooted in the Word of God."
"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my strong tower; He is the firm foundation, and I stand on Him."
"All God originally wanted was just ten commands. That's it."