
Movie Reviews Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"This one delivered as well again predictable but it delivered."
"Super nice ones often agree not to publish bad reviews on the usual websites but instead quarantine them on a smaller blog that Rotten Tomatoes never sees. I think it's a very cool thing to do."
"Reviews exist as a benefit to the consumer. If somebody reviews a movie that they haven't even seen, then I wouldn't take that review very seriously."
"I actually saw the trailer and I liked it... it's more than just the farting corpse."
"Damn, those reviews are really high. I for one very much enjoyed it myself."
"The new Star Trek movies suck... utterly mindless, dull, creatively bankrupt disasters."
"Remember when Star Trek films actually dealt with mature themes and characters in a clever, thought-provoking manner?"
"I will be judging all of these movies according to the standards of a 27 year old adult man, and that's how it's gotta be."
"Word of mouth is good, I think the movie delivers."
"There's so many things about this movie that are just mind-blowing."
"As a movie overall, as a piece of artwork, as a you know as the piece of writing I think this movie I was more invested in this movie story from the beginning to the end."
"I think it's about as intriguing as like a fast movie." - Ken Napzok
"I think overall this was very mad. It's weird before it was released I heard non-stop like raving regimes that it was like the best horror movie of the year and then after it came out I heard much more mixed reviews."
"We're going to be letting everything fly, so if you've not seen the movie yet and you clicked on this by mistake, do not watch any further until you've gotten a chance to check out Batman V Superman."
"This really may be the best one ever" - Mark Riley
"We should be reviewing these movies in terms of what they are, not what we hoped they would be."
"This movie is so good for what it is it's not an oscar-winning film it's not like a brilliant masterpiece or whatever but it's not trying to be that."
"Personally, I think this film skirts the line between so bad it's good and just bad."
"Absolutely 100 if you haven't seen it yet I don't know why you clicked on this video but go see it I can't praise it enough."
"The reactions came out for Doctor Strange and listen, make no mistake about it, they're very positive."
"So did it work? Yup, I absolutely now love the original pointless cabin fever at all its obnoxious jackass characters."
"I usually don't like extended cuts, but this one might make the movie better."
"Overall, I'm very satisfied with how the movie wrapped up."
"If they gave Acatar five stars I know we will not have the same taste."
"Empire magazine even went as far as to call Pirates of the Caribbean the best blockbuster movie of that summer."
"It's not going to end up in my top 10 of the year list when we get to the end of 2023 but this is a really fun night out at the movies."
"Whether you loved the movie or hated it or something in between like me, I'm wishing you all the best."
"I saw the cover and it was I got clickbait so did you you got click baited this one of the movies that's gonna age well..."
"For Kieran, this move was a mission to serve."
"Solo was an okay movie, not great but definitely not as bad as I was expecting."
"This movie had one of the most shocked, like it is the most taken aback I've been by something in a film, in a long time."
"I look you and I Rob have both seen a lot of movies that had terrible trailers that ended up liking the movie."
"Catch up with some movies, Britney runs a marathon got great reviews."
"I just got to call it as I see it. I know the cool thing is to say that was a terrible movie, and yeah, I get it."
"Every single thing about this movie was a total misfire."
"Despite many unfavorable comparisons to its predecessor, it was still a critical darling with critics saying it finished Nolan's Trilogy in spectacular fashion."
"Paddington 2 cleared the already extremely high bar set by the original by being more enjoyable and delightful."
"Not only is it sitting at 98 percent, but you're getting guys like Peter Travers from Rolling Stone saying in the guise of a bouncy rom-com about insanely gorgeous rich kids it's also the comedy to see this summer."
"The film has built an awesome 96% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes."
"Roger Ebert gave Speed 2 the same rating that he gave to The Godfather Part 2."
"It's been good, it's been slow, spent Christmas watching cats reviews and they were so bad guys."
"Subscribe to Movie Dumpster on YouTube, please."
"The Suicide Squad received very high reviews and ratings from fans and it's actually one of the highest-rated DC EU movies."
"The first 20 minutes or so of the movie are probably the best part of the film."
"When I read Empire and it had two stars or three stars I was just like what the [ __ ] is going on here."
"Yeah I mean this is the problem like I didn't want it to just be like oh well this movie's popular now because he won an Oscar so I should review it like it was just timing unfortunately you know."
"none of these movies I genuinely hate like there's very few rankings where I could say I have a decent enough time with even the bottom ones"
"I'm just so glad that everyone's reviews were accurate. Such a fantastic movie."
"...this movie is better than like the last five MCU things I watched."
"That blew every previous movie out of the water."
"I don't take a critic's opinion at face value. The only people that I'm going to go to for any type of movie opinion is either I'll watch Dave's video or I'll watch Cody Leach or the guys over at Wham."
"Many DC fans have joined Tom Cruise, Stephen King, and James Gunn in praising this movie as not just a fitting farewell for Ben Affleck's Batman, but also a definitely welcome return from Michael Keaton's Birdman."
"This video is my top 10 movies that deserve a sequel, movies that need a sequel."
"That's on Mondays, on Fridays my very tip top patrons, my millennial movie members, get to request any movie of any genre from any year, and I gotta watch it."
"It got pretty favorable reviews with most calling it a perfect mix of horror and humor and tons of praise for the effects."
"Rotten Tomatoes has become a trusted and influencing source for moviegoers around the world."
"That's the only way to review movies. That proves that you actually have a soul and a life."
"This design is just so insane and I hope he keeps it in the next Transformers movie because he is looking killer in Rise of the Beast."
"I understand the whole Rotten Tomatoes thing of either I liked it or I didn't like it. I don't need to have like a percentile. I don't need to give a movie a percentile review of how much, you know, what I all the nuanced crap and all this, do you know what I mean? Like, okay."
"Saw this movie today and I honestly loved it."
"What are you guys think about my list of top 10 disappointing movies of 2016?"
"Getting into the reviews really quickly before I get into the score: 7.6 out of 10 on IMDb and 94% on Rotten Tomatoes. So obviously, critics really love this movie, and audiences really like this movie."
"For me, one thing I will say is like, objectivity is not the be-all and end-all of doing a movie review. It's a very useful tool for sure, and it's definitely an important thing."
"Have you ever considered the reason why people poorly review movies is just because they're bad?"
"Morbius is not looking too good based on the reviews, but you know, I'll tell you this, Venom also had bad critic reviews and did phenomenal."
"I've been hearing so much about this movie like in a good way, like as far as people saying it's a really good action movie, so um I'm kind of excited to do this because I haven't heard anything bad about it."
"He plays the personality of a hard-drinking Scotsman who tells it like it is when he's reviewing the movies or the TV programs or whatever he's seen."
"We have four entertaining movies to revisit, a couple of them are great, a couple of them are comparatively underwhelming, but they're all a good time."
"I would react to them and make my commentary, kind of take the piss out of it, not be hateful but just take the piss out of it."
"It is fun, it is infectious, it is the Citizen Kane of movie review shows."
"Let us know what movies you would like us to review."