
Narrative Speculation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The one Roger's waiting for is not you teach."
"Bonnie has quietly become the first Straw Hat candidate in the last 400 chapters that actually seems like she could genuinely be being written as a main character."
"I love that I have no idea. It can make a case for so many of these characters right now."
"I want to see Karapika become a villain. He would be absolutely terrifying, his lust for revenge is already scary, just imagine if he was a villain on top of it."
"Are we really gonna do this? Is Snoke really Palpatine?"
"I think we can read this as a clue that Dany's going to cleanse the weirwoods with fire as a means of freeing the whites and ending the threat of the others."
"I could see a scenario where in the Eternal sequel the celestials come to judge life on Earth to see if it is worthy to go on living..."
"There are more than enough clues that support the possibility of this endgame."
"Sam's gonna end up with the shield at the end."
"What do you think Rick Prime's ultimate goal is?"
"I think Moth Gideon is wielding the dark saber like he stole it off of Bo-Katan and she is alive."
"I feel like it's nearing the end of one piece that gets people thinking about stuff, how the story is going to end, how is the straw hats Journey going to end..."
"No matter what ending he decides to come up with, the fans are gonna speculate it and try to figure it out."
"Because unless you see someone die and even they're not always Glenn there's a good chance that they'll be back."
"Wanda Maximoff will be the villain of Doctor Strange and Dr. Strange: The Multiverse of Madness and she's gonna do it."
"She's been really impressive this season and i think she hints at reed richards i think she mentions reed richards when they talk about infiltrating the hex."
"Arya is going to be the one who kills her, and in this shot she looks infuriated."
"My prediction moving forward is that Miwa will be a very, very important piece of this arc. Just you wait."
"Love and fire and treason seem to be in Dany’s future, and Jon Snow could easily be a big part of that."
"The game programmed it to go on forever and ever. Is this like a secret, like, it's basically telling us, like, this whole thing might be just a dream."
"But also that there’s more going on with Sans than meets the eye."
"Thanks so much for watching Part One of 'What If Harry Was In Slytherin?'"
"Don't assume; bring conversation into the mix."
"The two most likely locations are probably either going to be the first one that I really think is going to be the Nibelheim visit."
"Emergence could describe the resurrection of the deviants which might be seen by the celestials as a population control protocol."
"Does anyone else find it strange that Kaia, who's effectively second in command of the governing body of Monstat, has a lot of really sketchy connections?"
"It is unsure if they are the same or if they are different characters entirely."
"And maybe like their need for this particular avatar guy..."
"I think if it is on behalf of a warden, it's gonna make Wong seem a bit like, you know, like I imagine this were to be someone like Val."
"It's almost guaranteed that Joy Boy is supposed to collect the ancient weapons and use them to reshape the world."
"I do believe that that is Tama's teapot, the Odin that we saw at the end of this chapter is Tama's teapot."
"She's gonna like actually be honest and say like um ladybug gave this to me or is she gonna like make an excuse but what excuse is she gonna make is what I'm wondering."
"I believe Sakura would have pushed Sasuke a little harder."
"Could Shanks pause the world just long enough to rock up and stop the war?"
"Drifter and Eris are not only CUTE AF, but also, I can 100% see them forming a new Vanguard, post final shape."
"What if he was reborn and didn't remember things?"
"Harry and Hermione should have ended up together."
"Ruro wonders what the mafia rabbit boss meant by getting him up to Snuff."
"But with that in mind what do you think they can do wherever the story go is Kaos gonna continue are they gonna bring a brand new storyline now which is separate from ether and chaos only time will tell."
"Zach couldn't help but wonder if it was a servant or a guest who had arrived."
"So my guess is that Echo reports to someone. That someone could be Eleanor, or Jack, maybe even Val. Maybe even Kingpin because there's always a bigger Fisk."
"So, how will Jon being back from control by the Others square with Jon's soul being in Ghost?"
"Wow. How is this guy going to become pirate king anyway?"
"You refer to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force. You believe it's this boy?" - Jedi Council
"But do you want to know what kind of boggles my mind? The fact that we know not think but know that everyone that got dusted is coming back."
"Arya either disappears into the west or dies."
"Gotta imagine this was in the Death Star plans in the event of the weapon being disabled. Just set a collision course and watch the fun."
"He is probably headed back to Starfall."
"What's gonna be in the next chapter? Will it be good with Dragon, will it be Mihawk, will it be Sanjay Garcia Saturn, or will it just be Egghead greatness? Either way, the next chapter is going to be peak fiction."