
Gangs Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"There were a few neutral or mixed gangs that you may have not known about, which is a shame really since it plays down the history of the gangs to a very preset and binary affair."
"Now with social media you can hook up with the gang, be recruited by a gang, be groomed by a gang, all virtually without ever living anywhere near the same estate."
"The gang gave them that sense of belonging, sense of group, sense of purpose."
"There's massive appeal to these boys to belong to a gang."
"We are gang-ridden city, but disciples of Islam, all those gangs were made to help the black community."
"More gangs were emergent, this time in the form of poser gangs."
"The Peaky Blinders actually existed way back in the 1890s."
"I was trying to heal the divide with the gangsters."
"With the drug trade on pause, gangs around the world have started helping in their communities instead."
"Foreign World went toe-to-toe with deadly gangs."
"If most of the gun crime is caused by gang members with illegally possessed weapons, why in the world wouldn't you start cracking down on the gangs?"
"Neighbors turned on neighbors, town turned on town, and from this new inhospitable climate emerged the wasteland's first Raider gangs."
"The best way to prevent children from being in gangs is the relationship with the parents."
"Our objective for this mission is to study role bangers' behavior."
"The Blades Rippers gang war... they were actually planned to appear in the game."
"Gangs are a problem in America because people are looking for a way to connect."
"No hopeful kid has ever joined a gang ever in the history of kids ever. No exception. No kid is seeking anything when he joins a gang. Always fleeing something."
"Those gangs, those white arens and all that."
"As soon as I come out in 2012 it just erupted with gangs."
"The commonly held belief that joining a gang is the only way to survive prison is one that I sincerely wish would forever go the way of the dodo."
"Now that Kim was here there was no need for Yakuza to dirty his hands."
"Gang members using stolen military-grade weapons such as grenades and even anti-tank rocket launchers attacked each other's clubhouses and bars."
"It's not my world. I only was in a gang to mark the register."
"No kid is seeking anything when he or she joins a gang. They're really fleeing something."
"The gangs are different today and so are the tactics, but the real concern is how to prevent these teens from heading down the wrong road in the first place."
"These gang leaders and their counterparts are violent individuals who will not hesitate to inflict violence to get whatever they want."
"Gangs are routinely committing brutal violence against women."
"I wasn't attracted to pimps or narcotic dealers. I was attracted to the gangs and their leaders."
"I think these gangs understand the consequence of what they do."
"Oh, is it like the Joker gangs? Oh god, that'd be terrifying."
"Because people are in gangs killing each other and making songs about it and making it sound super cool."
"There's approximately 40 street gangs that operate throughout the city, they're largely Indigenous-led."
"There were gangs, they were often ethnic and political, and they quite literally brawled and battled as an extension of democracy for their piece of the American pie."
"The gangster disciples have chapters and affiliates in over 150 cities from Topeka, Kansas to Orlando, Florida. They're many, many times larger than the mafia. They are the new mafia, they are the mafia of the future."
"You will have children forming together in gangs... engaging in destructive activity."
"Detectives say the warring gangs are responsible for several murders and countless shootings."
"I feel safer now that the gangs are being targeted. It's about time someone took action."
"The cycle of Violence perpetuated by these gangs has contributed to high levels of insecurity and instability in the country, undermining efforts to promote Economic Development and social progress."
"Inside the mega prison, gang members find themselves thrust into a world where survival is paramount."
"We've journeyed through the streets of Watts unraveling the tales of [ __ ] gangs that have left an indelible mark on the city's history."
"Now those mexican gangs if you weren't in one of those gangs they would kind of be picked on so what happened was all the ones who are not part of a gang they form their own somewhat gang called the vices."
"Until the basic causes of gang formation can be dealt with, gangs like Raymond Lee Washington's Crips will continue to proliferate."
"If we're going to look at and understand them, we have to start with several things. One, they're by and large adolescent or youth groups, and that suggests a number of things about socialization, job opportunities, training opportunities for them."
"If you join a gang, you're a punk. They're gonna use you, tell you what to do all the time, right? They're gonna tell you, you're gonna have to go do things that they want you to do for them."
"...you don't need guns you know you don't need to be on the street with guns you know you don't need to be in a gang."
"Gangs will get you nowhere, that's a fact."
"We fear each other, that's why we join gangs."
"Tokyo Revengers remains relatively true and grounded with a gritty reality of gang Warfare."
"Stay away from the gangs, you don't know what's gonna happen."
"If we don't take this seriously and try to get to the bottom of why girls want to join gangs, then young women will increasingly be drawn into the gang lifestyle."
"You don't want to be in a gang. I've turned my life around; you can too. I'll show you how."
"I can tell all the young people right now, don't ever join a gang. That's the worst nightmare you're gonna have."
"What if I told you that some of the many gangs in the world are actually led by women?"
"The cruel reality of gangs, guns, and drugs has hit home with a shocking regularity in recent months."
"If every father went and got his son, there wouldn't be no gangs."
"I went from being validated as a prison gang member to becoming a nationally recognized gang expert."
"I am the expert in my technical title is an expert in urban prison and gang culture."
"We're tired of just getting pressured into joining a gang that we don't want to join because we want to do positive stuff."
"Gangs are very popular in prison, can one make it without joining a gang? Yeah, yeah, I did."
"People think that gangs just started just because people just wanted to create chaos, no, it was due out of necessity, safety, looking after one another."
"Simply put, there is no future in gang life."
"There's a lot of reasons behind why people join gangs and why people do what they do."
"The love and that they're looking for in gangs... you're only going to find it in Christ."
"Gangs ain't the way, they honestly do not care."
"We're on the brink of a war between the Golden Tigers and the Hatchet Gang."
"Back in the late '80s, early '90s, establishing the main lines meant something to the NF and the NR."