
Gaming Creativity Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"This is gonna be the stupidest idea I think we've ever done but if this works, it'll probably also be the best idea that we've ever done."
"This thing can handle the magic. Inside the crafting table, we can use the magic sticks and one of the magic essence in order to craft ourselves the YouTuber wand."
"Classic mode routes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate offer near-perfect creativity executed flawlessly."
"Extreme Pool featured a large set of background locations including an inner-city basketball court, a plane cruising at 30,000 feet, a Caribbean yacht, a city rooftop bar, and a Japanese garden."
"Fortnite Creative is the latest mode to be built... it's basically a more Minecraft-y Fortnite mode with the focus on customizing your own Fortnite games."
"Create truly epic combinations with multi-classing; share your stories in the comments below!"
"It's a really fun way to play on the grass fire type that isn't just you know Chili Pepper looking at you skull villain."
"But with the power of mods we can resurrect fallen friends and force them to accompany us on our journey until time itself reaches its natural conclusion."
"I love seeing how people use the different components of the game to automate stuff."
"I might even strip a couple of the logs at the base of this tower as though stuff that the miners have been holding has like scraped against the sides of the blocks."
"I also like gonna say the little you know the mini game island thing which was in the previous game now you can just go to an island and scavenge and then you know use all the parts that you find to build new things."
"Oh, this is the coolest thing I've ever come up with in Minecraft."
"I love roller coasters okay so naturally because I haven't had the time to go to a roller coaster park in real life I wanted to do one in Minecraft and share the experience with you guys."
"I might do the waterfall so it's just like all of that water that kind of all comes down here gently."
"We have things like the venomous tentacula that you could put down and it acts like a turret and it just kind of shoots enemies around the battlefield. That is so cool."
"Welcome at long last to what I think is very absolutely called unrim world..."
"Castlemania by Sir Punge, an absolute masterpiece in Geometry Dash. This level is an entire Metroidvania come to life."
"That's lame though Viper come on go for a demo ship go for the highlight reel stuff."
"Everyone's done this, built a roller coaster designed to murder."
"This weapon mod it would even have E.T. rubbing his tiny alien nipples with his weird giant fingers."
"This gave each player a chance to make their own game mode."
"This is just an extremely well-designed level."
"Every building that I constructed in X's Adventures in Minecraft has some sort of purpose."
"Something that we all do when we get into these games we'll just do the Jarek stuff that they tell us to do we always try and create our own modes."
"Being able to, essentially, design and play as your own speculative creature really blew my mind when I was younger."
"Your eyes do not deceive you. I'm about to make a cobblestone generator in Minecraft Earth, and the cool part is, it works."
"Van Helsing absolutely creative unique absolutely like it's so different from every other blog in the game it has to be in this list."
"Finally, something from the weird and wonderful modpack."
"It's one of the ones that I'm really excited to see on PvE because it is fairly tricky for people to pick up and I know that people are gonna find just much more creative uses with it then we found so far."
"That's one of the things I love about the home across server if you are a little bit smart and a little bit creative you can pretty much get everything that you need for whatever you're trying to build love it."
"It’s kind of like the greatest magic show in video games."
"All you need is one enchantment on one axe and then a few mushrooms and a bit of bone meal, and you get one of the most delightfully, I think it's delightful looking blocks in the game."
"I love finding cool stuff and making it play a character that I like that maybe no one else is really using and just having that own personal discovery..."
"The challenge for top four is really difficult."
"I love telling my Warlock players, 'Your eldritch blast can be unique to you. What does yours look like?'"
"Enjoyably different in a genre that has a serious problem with creating the same thing over and over again."
"We're definitely finding as we build more and more characters for D&D 5e we're often reaching for these underrated and interesting Feats."
"Nonetheless, I named it the Sock Marine and made it completely pink."
"These builds really showcase what you can do with just the base game, and it's truly amazing."
"Who needs custom content when you can create masterpieces like these with just the base game?"
"Minecraft doesn't really have rules it's just community guidelines and developer recommendations."
"That would be really cool to see like a nether style villager in the overworld and not just in the nether."
"10 days of whatever this chunk is going to be like if we just made it so that it was entirely rainbow Lucky Blocks I think that would be like the coolest way"
"A YouTuber recreated the Diablo 2 rogue encampment in Path of Exile using the hideout system."
"I feel like this is cool because it's all vanilla, but I was thinking, what if you did bubble block with like multiple layers?"
"Elves are versatile, think beyond stereotypes like bladesinger or ranger."
"We made a nice little witch's hut here in the corner it's almost day now it's almost a 100 right we need to you know step up our game add a couple more bills before the end."
"Garry's Mod capitalized on the idea of emergent gameplay, giving players tools and letting them loose in a sandbox environment."
"I like to make every single campaign I run as a dungeon master a little bit unique."
"Crop Alex by Neptune...his last completely original level."
"Make Beyond Good and Evil 2 your own space opera where you embody a space pirate captain and develop your legend."