
Optimistic View Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Damn, does this look like it has a lot of promise."
"Omicron is basically going to be the end of this pandemic."
"Omicron is the best thing we could have hoped for."
"The politics has gotten just so out of whack but it's gonna come back and whack."
"I think a game, even if this game doesn't look, it looks really rough, I think it's good."
"It's better than what we everyone currently has."
"Do you believe in aliens? I believe 100 in aliens because I believe in us, and technically we are aliens to them."
"As long as the results don't go terrible for us at the weekend, I think we're looking alright."
"Everyone that's getting infected now is developing natural immunity, and to me, that is a very promising development."
"Reality is a bastard, thankfully this reality is going better."
"Long term it's not bad... actually looks quite good."
"I don't want to say white men aren't dangerous, but my body goes girl run, girl run."
"Steroid is gonna be an amazing asset to this colony."
"I truly believe we are living in some of the most exciting days in history."
"Everything just looks a little bit different and a little bit better."
"I actually think we're winning. This is one of the social issues we're winning."
"Most people are good; we're all trying to understand the world."
"She was incredibly stabilizing, hard-working, she believed the best in people."
"Looks pretty good so far to be honest, better than I thought it would be."
"The good inside of one person is stronger than all of the evil in this world."
"We've got problems in our history but unlike other nut countries, we fix those problems."
"Everything is poised for a complete re-acceleration...it would be very difficult for me to not see a re-acceleration."
"Claude is representative of the best possible future for Star Wars."
"This is one of the best weeks in the stock market."
"Did everybody die? No. Did everybody live? Yes, we're good."
"Long story short, I think he's gonna have some use."
"Dogs are always happier. Nothing wrong could ever happen."
"The future here is actually looking so bright for Team17."
"I really want Nuri and Yasir to be ambassadors for this idea that love is achievable for all of us."
"The future is unwritten and when it gets written it's going to be written by thousands and thousands of people."
"Diablo 4 has insane potential." - Mikey Barra
"If the world needs anything right now, love sweet love."
"Overall, the results did look very positive."
"If everybody realized how special we all are, how unique every single life is, then this whole world would change overnight."
"Even when you get the worst luck possible, it's honestly still a lot of value."
"It's never perfect, but honestly, it's looking pretty freaking good."
"The history of hemp: 0 - The Big Bang - The universe begins... The reality is that hemp is hope."
"The young people of America are not a liability; they are not a clock ticking against us."
"The earth is abundant. You put a seed in the ground, it's going to grow a tree."
"Earth is in one of the best conditions it's ever been."
"She's got a lot of potential man she does she definitely does have a ton of potential."
"99.9 percent of people are not bad people. They may make poor choices but deep down they've got a good heart."
"They see the possibilities, the potential in this connection."
"In my opinion, the XRP community specifically will be the future wealthiest community of individuals on the planet."
"I think the future of Linkin Park is endless."
"This is the greatest thing that could possibly happen to me, genuinely."
"I think it's one of the most exciting times to live in history."
"Only good things can come from this arrangement."
"I think the world would become a much better place."
"She believed in people; she always saw the good inside."
"I am optimistic that we all realize, man, after nine months of just being captivated by screens and video games and more stuff, that we all go, 'Whoa, this wasn't life.'"