
Viewer Gratitude Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Thanks so much for watching, thanks as always to my Patreon supporters."
"Thank you for watching and subscribing. Your support means the world to me."
"Thank you all for the support on the channel. It's been insane. Welcome to the new subscribers. It means a lot. And, uh, yeah, just thank you all for the support."
"Thanks for watching I'll catch you next time."
"Thank you guys for being here for hanging out with me and for watching."
"Until next time, thank you guys so much for watching. Get some sleep."
"Thank you so much for watching... I make 2 videos every single week about intentional living entrepreneurship and success."
"Thank you so much for watching, hope you enjoyed."
"We just passed a thousand viewers. Thank you everyone for showing up."
"It's always great to be a part of these broadcasts... thank you everyone for watching."
"Thank you so much for watching, I do really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did playing it."
"Thank you all for watching. See you in the next one. Peace."
"It feels good to know people like that channel, dude. Anyways, that's pretty much it for comin' today, guys. Thank you so much for watching."
"Thank you guys for watching this video." - (Gratitude)
"All of you tune in to watch, you really don't know how much I appreciate every single one of you."
"Maybe I'll stream more in the future, but thank you all for watching."
"You guys are just the best, thank you for tuning in, I appreciate it."
"Thank you guys for watching, thank you for hanging out. I hope you're all doing swimmingly out there."
"Thank you guys for your support, thank you guys so much for watching."
"Welcome to the final part of my video and thank you for making it this far."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this far if you have it really does mean the world to me."
"Thanks to everyone for watching. Goodbye and have a great day."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I shall see you all next time goodbye."
"We hit 900 likes on the stream! Can we go for a thousand? Thank you so much for 900 though, that's crazy."
"Take care, everybody. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time, pals."
"Thank you to Twitch Chat for all of their support."
"Thank you so much for coming back to the channel. You are amazing."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, have a good day and I will see you all next time."
"This was my best party ever. I'm glad you had fun, Lucy."
"Thank you so much for following this series. I really, really appreciate all the enthusiasm."
"Thank you so much for enjoying this video, I know it was a long one."
"That'll do it ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching hopefully you enjoyed."
"The tactical deployment of the early RDT was to advance behind the cover of friendly artillery fire and as the barrage lifted to jump into enemy trenches with daggers and hand grenades."
"Thank you so much for watching. You can do this."
"Thank you so much to everyone who helped support this channel."
"Thank you guys very much for coming out to the stream and hanging out all the super chats, all the new members and stuff. Thank you guys so much for all the support."
"Thanks everyone for watching Seeker Plus this week!"
"Thank you so much as always for watching... hope you enjoy the content!"
"Thank you everybody for watching, this has been 100 days: an alien invasion in hardcore Minecraft."
"Thanks for playing this with me, thanks for watching folks on YouTube."
"Blessings on everybody be here we love you we appreciate you and we thank you so much for your constant viewership and your love"
"Thank you very much for watching and sticking it out with me."
"Thank you all for watching, make sure y'all stay safe."
"Thank you all so so much for watching I am so happy to finally be posting gameplay content on my YouTube."
"Thank you so much for watching to the end. Have a wonderful day."
"Guys, I want to give a big shout out to you because if you guys weren't watching my videos, I would not be in this position."
"I wanna huge thanks to you guys for watching this video."
"Thank you guys for watching that was that was incredible."
"Thank you all for tuning in. I appreciate you."
"Thank you so much for watching... thank you to my subscribers we're around like 415 000 and the numbers huge and I can't comprehend it."
"I'm not only here to give you fish. I'm also here to teach you how to fish."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for watching the videos of a small YouTuber like me and giving me all this love that you guys always do."
"Thank you all for watching, please stay notable."
"Thank you all so much for watching, we'll see you on the next Angry Joe Show. Bye guys!"
"Thank you so much for watching, I apologize, this video was very long, but hopefully you learned a thing or two from it."
"Thank you for watching to the end, thank you for learning more."
"Thank you guys for watching screener keys accom see you next time."
"Thank you to you guys, the viewers, for your undying love for eSports."
"Regardless if you're on Patreon if you're just someone watching the stream right now someone just dropping likes on videos I owe you a massive massive thank you."
"Thanks for watching I will see you next time - have an awesome day."
"I just want to end the vlog here I just want to say thank you guys for watching our vlogs and see you guys in the next one good night guys."
"Thank you for watching everyone, thank you for joining for Black Ops 2 it's been an honor it's been amazing, I've really enjoyed it."
"If you made it to this point in the video, I want to say a big thank you to you guys."
"Thank you all so much for watching. I hope you all have a wonderful day." - Closing gratitude and well wishes
"Thank you all very much for watching. Thank you so much for sticking around. I really appreciate it. I'll see you all soon."
"I love the fact that Ford actually listens to our videos and I'm very thankful and grateful for you guys for watching this."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and goodbye thought E's."
"Thank you for watching until now and i'll see you guys on the next one."
"It was fun hanging out with you and I just want to say thank you for watching."
"If you stayed until this point in the video, first of all, you're amazing. Thank you for staying till the end. Mwah I love you."
"Thanks for watching, thank you for supporting this type of content."
"It's a beauty, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for watching."
"Oh my god, we did it! One million! Oh my god, guys, thank you so much! Like, this is crazy!"
"I just want to say if you're still here watching this video thank you so much I really appreciate it."
"This channel would not be alive without any of you."
"Thank you so much for watching this episode of Fix or Flop."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I will see you in the next Vinzo's Plate video, maybe lasagna or reaction video, not a fake vegetable lasagna by Jamie Oliver, ciao."
"Thank you if you watch this far I can see that it's been 45 minutes I've been yapping on so um on the video now thank you for watching."
"Thanks for watching, hopefully you enjoyed the nova content."
"Thank you so much for watching. I'll see you next time. Much love, bye."
"Thanks a lot for watching and a massive massive thanks to everyone who has donated or otherwise supported this project."
"Thank you for watching. Subscribe to 'Don't Subscribe.' This potentially is gonna be the last time you hear me say it, so you better do it this time. All right, I'll see you later."
"I have to give a massive thanks to all my viewers and to everyone who has supported me."
"We'll catch you guys later, thank you so much for running up the views on our latest YouTube video, we worked really hard on it."
"Thank you so much for watching, I definitely appreciate every single one of you guys."
"Thanks very much for watching, as always, it's massively appreciated."
"Thank you so much for watching and until next time, I'm out."
"Thank you so much for watching; make sure you subscribe for more videos like this."
"Please stay wild, stay tuned, and thank you for watching Zoo Tours."
"Thank you ever so much for watching; it's been a pleasure, and until next time, see you later. Bye for now."
"Thanks to Hot Rod hullabaloo for the music in this video and thanks everybody for watching, I really appreciate it."
"Thank y'all so much for watching, and I will see you again next week with another video."
"Thanks so much for watching, I hope you all enjoyed my DIY journey with Fusion mineral paint."
"Thank you for clicking on this video, thank you for everything."
"Thank you guys for watching, I love you and enjoy."
"Thank you so much for coming back every single week. We upload these videos every Tuesday at 6 PM Pacific Standard Time."
"I hope you enjoyed this 2022 update to my projection mapping video. Thank you so much for watching."
"Thank you all so much for watching through to the end, your true legends."
"Thanks for watching, hopefully you've enjoyed the video."
"Thank you so much for tuning in to watch our video on the Marantz seven and eight B."
"Thank you guys for tuning in for this entire series; it's been a long journey, but we've made it all the way to the peak, the pinnacle of the MCU."
"Thank you very much for watching, I hope you found this video interesting or informative."
"Thank you guys for watching, and I'm happy to introduce you to the forgotten family, the forgotten butterfly family of the Haydeely day."
"I love you guys so so much, thank you for watching this video."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this channel, taking the education to heart, putting it into practice, and seeing results."
"Thank you for watching my videos, I really do appreciate it. Talk to you guys soon."
"Thank you, Netflix, for this one, and thank you audience for telling me to check it out, it was worth it all the way through."
"The community you've built has been incredible."