
Wage Issues Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The wealthiest nation on earth can't pay their workers a fair wage."
"Federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour."
"We want the ability to get back to where one wage earner can support a family."
"Women must still fight to be paid what they're worth."
"I don't want to live in an America where female basketball players are not paid the same."
"The leftists seem to think I know people should be paid more money I know we'll force people to pay them more money as if that manifests money or economic value or labor value it doesn't."
"The hyper-modernization of our economy has made it so labor owners have an easier time depriving their workers of decent wages."
"It isn't as simple as that. For one thing, that convenient storyline ignores half a century of shrinking wages."
"In today's inflationary environment, large companies are reporting greater profits and revenues, while at the same time Americans have witnessed all their wage gains for the last 12 to 15 months eliminated."
"The council has the authority to raise the minimum hourly wage for fast food workers as high as $22."
"You can't call it a raise when it's not a raise."
"The radical left wants to do things like raise the minimum wage for the first time in decades."
"Let's pass the Paycheck Fairness Act and raise the minimum wage to $15."
"Remember it was Bernie's relentless campaign in 2018 that contributed greatly to Amazon raising its minimum wage to 15 an hour."
"The president included an increase in the minimum wage because he believes it should be long overdue."
"We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"Should it not be an employer's responsibility to pay their staff a decent living wage?"
"Every worker should get as high a wage as they can."
"The recovery is the slowest since World War II, with wage stagnation and household incomes still not recovered."
"Nobody should ever have to tip. Do not engage in a financial contract with an employer if the employer is not giving you adequate wages."
"The main problem is that our wages have been steadily dropping for decades."
"Most consumers have no idea that every time you tip in a restaurant in most states, it cuts against the worker's wage rather than being something on top of the wage."
"There's no wage gap, there's an earnings gap."
"When they were saying nobody wants to work, what they actually meant was nobody wants to work for the starvation wages that we were willing to pay them."
"The real question and controversy is in the why of why do women participate less and earn less when they do."
"Workers across the United States on average got a pay cut this past year in terms of their ability to buy things."
"Wages bad, bad morals. Make them pay more. People need to be paid more money. All workers should be paid more money."
"People will not do that. They will say, 'Well okay, I guess I'll leave or I'll quit or I'll find another job, but I'm not going to just suddenly let you put me down to 12 an hour when I was making 17.'"
"It's a moral and economic imperative to raise the wage."
"The people keeping me from Medicare for all or a living wage or from fixing homelessness are a bunch of pub[__] people with power called the Democrats."
"Nobody can raise a family or pay the rent or take care of the necessities of life on these poverty wages."
"Americans can't save money... wages are down, the cost of living is up, savings rates only 3.6%."
"Play offense on economic issues, yes! Do you want higher wages or do you want a Republican plan of lower wages?"
"Unions are key to reversing stagnant wages and economic inequality."
"Gee, I wonder why we didn't get 15 minimum wage because they're all raising money from the guys who don't want to increase the minimum wage."
"Food servers, valets, and in-house staff in certain states can be working for a federal wage of just two dollars and 13 cents per hour."
"Solidarity if you are one of the half million workers striking today against Real terms pay cuts after a decade of wage stagnation."
"Consumers with wage stagnation are turning to credit cards to pay for things."
"I'm a little confused how you graduate from college and you make $16."
"Unlike in the United States of America, more than half of minimum wage workers are actually employed with businesses that have more than 500 employees."
"The American people understand that $7.25 federal minimum wage is a starvation wage."
"American employers are addicted to low-wage service jobs and we have to break that addiction."
"The idea of you having higher wages is a problem for them."
"The idea that people on low paid work should just go get better paid work... makes no sense."
"Simultaneous inflation and wage stagnation means most of us are losing spending power."
"It's not a flex. They should be paid like goddamn stars, like TV stars, if not sports stars."
"Everything else price is going up, your wages going down... just as much impoverishment."
"Barely anyone plays them, the pay should probably be increased double even triple permanently."