
Temperature Change Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"By this time, night had fallen and it was starting to get cold."
"It's about to get a little bit hotter in there though, so let's see."
"Cold air moves in, everything else moves out."
"Temperatures could drop 50 degrees in 24 hours."
"If you say 'ha' your breath comes out warm but when you say 'woo' it comes out cold."
"Daylight is a lot shorter this time of year, with temperatures shifting drastically."
"It's just one of those weird days where like it starts warm and gets abruptly cold in a few hours."
"Beautiful yesterday upper 70's. It's 40 degrees at kickoff."
"You can see the sun has set, the track getting a little bit cooler."
"It's going to get very cold very quickly."
"It's hard to think it was 60 degrees yesterday, and now they're saying that it feels like it's one degree outside right now."
"The sensible heat is the heat added when there is a change in temperature and there is no change in the phase."
"Tomorrow it's supposed to be 83 degrees, and then by Monday it's supposed to snow."
"It's supposed to snow tomorrow... but next week it's gonna be in the 60s."
"We're back, that was such a fun little walk, it actually got pretty hot, it was chilly in the beginning and then it got really hot as the day progressed."
"Oh that's cool, and it illuminates blue and when the water gets hot it will change to red too, cool warn you what temperature you have coming."
"It's chilly this morning, but it's going to go up in the low 60s today and be sunny."
"It was very nice getting out of this intense heat for like a month and a half."
"Re-entering the terminal after that felt amazing as the temperature probably dropped about 20 degrees."
"When you leave such a high heat environment and then you walk out of it, your body is actually going to produce more natural melatonin."
"The temperature might drop wherever you are during totality."
"I felt this feeling inside my body as if the room temperature had just dropped to below zero."
"Two days ago we were freezing, the next two days we needed shorts."
"It's supposed to cool down tomorrow and Sunday, be cold, and then Monday and Tuesday supposed to get up almost to 70 degrees."
"It's supposed to actually get cooler and you're supposed to actually be able to feel the air get cooler because you don't have the heat from the Sun warming up the air."
"Phase transition means a sudden change in the properties of the system as you vary, for example, the temperature."
"During the last ice age, temperatures would have been about four to seven Celsius lower than present."
"A Yellowstone sized supereruption could cool global temperatures by a few degrees for a few years before they recover."
"In order to change the temperature of a substance, heat must be supplied or removed for this change to occur."
"I'd feel just the temperature would kind of drop... when I was 11 when I started having these type of experiences."
"It's so much warmer than it was before, and going in this water feels so good."
"The world record for the fastest recorded temperature change is held by Spearfish, South Dakota."
"It's supposed to end up getting sunnier and really hot."
"An adiabatic process starts off at one temperature and ends up at another without any heat transfer."
"As the temperature conditions changed, and the temperature decreased, you have this unmixing of the fluid into its component parts."
"Wow, we have five Celsius and all the snow melted almost in the past few days."
"How does the temperature change in position and time? This was the problem that really started it all."
"When an inflated balloon is placed in a refrigerator, the temperature of the air inside the balloon decreases."
"It's early and it's cold, but it's gonna be heating up today."
"It starts out warm and comforting... then it started to get cooler and cooler because it's ice cold."
"By Monday, we'll have sunshine again, and temperatures will return to around 17 degrees."
"The cooling event lasts for about 1,200 years till 9,700 BC when then we have a sudden warming event which brings us up virtually overnight to modern global temperatures."
"We're expecting the temperatures to drop, we're expecting a 360° sunset, something that I've never seen before."
"It's actually nice today, almost 40 degrees Fahrenheit; it's a lot better than negative 10 we had recently."
"The rate of change of the temperature based on time is proportional to the difference between the ambient temperature and the temperature of the item you're trying to cool or heat."
"The point of the evening just came where literally the Sun drops down behind the trees, and it drops like fifteen degrees outside."
"It's 40° one day, and now it's 60. I love it."
"We can see a slight change in the maximum temperature, and we have an updated temperature plot with the results."