
Suddenness Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"Everything happens gradually, then suddenly."
"Just innocent lives in general are taken in literally just a split second."
"It's going to be sudden like a thief in the night."
"Suddenly and miraculously, nothing will be the same."
"The moment that he’s cleared the threshold, the door slams behind him with a crash."
"The day of the Lord is coming suddenly like a trap."
"The Rapture doesn't have a specific date. It will happen suddenly and quickly. In just a moment, the archangel's trumpet will announce it."
"Most of the people who were killed probably never knew what was happening to them."
"In a moment, everything is swept away in a savage nightmare of epic proportions."
"It was as sudden as it was brutal and relentless."
"Nobody knows who threw the first Punch or whether it came out of nowhere."
"The world as we know it will come to a sudden and violent end."
"We shall all be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
"It was as if we were in the middle of the jungle all of a sudden."
"Everything just moving from peaceful and calm to boom, chaos erupts."
"People that are right in front of someone and then in an instant they're just gone and they're never found again."
"It's a heartbreaking experience to have a loved one, and all of a sudden five minutes ago you're sitting talking laughing, and then five minutes later they're close to death."
"He immediately fell deeply in love with her."
"This is a very sudden thing, almost like a thief in the night taking you away."
"Talk about going 0-100 real quick, you were just waking up from your peaceful slumber and bam, some psycho child broke into your house, ripped your husband's neck out with her teeth, and now he’s bleeding out on your bed seconds away from death."
"Something shifted for you, something shifted really abruptly."
"Did it really pop out of the blue?"
"...how someone with so much experience could pass so suddenly and so unexpectedly while doing something they'd done a thousand times before."
"The first bullet ripped through Donna's skull killing her instantly while the second struck Jody in her left thigh then just as suddenly as he had appeared the gunman turned and disappeared."
"Suddenly, dead. Couldn't wake up groggy. Correct."
"Wow, just like that, the milk is gone."
"It's out of nowhere like gunshots, you know what I'm saying?"
"Risk happens fast. Slowly, then suddenly."
"Things can go from zero to chaos in about two seconds."
"It came out of nowhere. It was like, wow, can you believe that?"
"The collapse was sudden and appalling."
"When God moves, He moves suddenly."
"Could a tropical virus attack suddenly and then vanish just as quickly?"
"When this person comes in, it will be quite sudden."
"Just like that, the heavens have opened, and I am absolutely soaked."
"These things can happen in a blink of an eye."
"Suddenly, the Holy Spirit came. Not predictably, not expectedly, not customarily, but suddenly. This is the nature of God's Spirit."
"Depression just hit you out of nowhere."
"Inspiration struck me like a bolt of lightning."
"...on the lookout to get her son Sha Muhammad Rea a new wife... it all happened in just one instant the second that the Sha walked into the room he wore his crisp pressed military uniform and the sight had sah L struck."
"Just like that, it's almost like magic."
"I'm like so tired all of a sudden."
"We were just sitting there, and we were noticing we were like, 'Okay, like, the storm, it looks kind of like it's coming, like it's almost here,' and right when we were saying that, it just starts pouring."
"This guy in a single moment has become brilliant."
"The only way I can describe it is a car slamming on its brakes so hard that there's a screech."
"Four days ago, everything changed in an instant."
"Suddenly I'm just found you know."
"Her disappearance was so sudden that she likened it to someone being abducted by a UFO."
"The collapse was sudden and appalling, a wave of apocalyptic catastrophe."
"God said it would be suddenly. What's happening now is going to happen for you."
"It was like, all of a sudden, it just happened."
"The horror occurred without warning."
"The climax came suddenly... the snow having at length melted sufficiently to allow him to cross the moors with great difficulty."
"Literally within one second, everything just aligns."
"This mystery is solved like a door slammed in a strong wind."
"Suddenly, without warning, the train screeched to a stop."
"It engulfed the road in an instant."
"That collapse was so instantaneous and so dramatic."
"The conditions have suddenly changed."
"There might be a very passionate romantic opportunity happening very quickly, and it might come completely out of the blue."
"Everything happens so fast. One minute, we are talking our plans for the future. Next minute, I'm the only one talking."
"Something good is going to happen to you suddenly."
"Get ready because you've been set up for suddenly."
"There's a lot of stuff that happens behind the scenes and then all of a sudden all at once bam everything comes together."
"The incredible thing happened suddenly, without any warning."
"I thought I was going to pass out, and then it just stopped, just as quickly as it had started."
"Bam! All of a sudden it was five feet in front of us sprinting at me."
"Within a few seconds, he had vanished like he had never been there."
"...right as we said that, this door explodes open so violently."
"In less than 2 seconds, he just vanished into thin air."
"It came really really fast, like the speed of lightning."
"The creature was gone as suddenly as it had come."
"We're moving from the season of the surrounding to the season of the sudden."
"Suddenly I wasn't depressed anymore."
"When you're in the season of divine acceleration, you will experience more and more suddenlys in your life than you've ever experienced before."
"We'll come as a thunderbolt comes from the cloud."
"And Hezekiah rejoiced and all the people that God had prepared the people for the thing was done suddenly."
"That was so sudden. What does she need from him?"
"Crystal's life changed in the blink of an eye."
"He literally came out of nowhere."
"It was just so sudden, so I'm a little shocked, I guess."
"It just happened so fast, we were all bewildered."
"It felt like the room suddenly filled with rushing water."
"A sudden unreasoning fear of Discovery laid hold on Frodo."
"Everything happened so suddenly that I did not know how to react to anything," I confessed.
"You're about to experience sudden wealth."
"And just like that, I have a mattress."
"The aha moment in which the solution comes out of apparently nowhere."
"And just like that, we have a bowl."
"Ronnie walked out, and his quad came out, and then like three seconds later, the rest of them came out."
"What happened to Paul happened instantly to him."
"Just like that bro, just like that."
"That sudden tide of loneliness just swept over me."
"Suddenly a War of the Worlds the attack became more interesting to me."
"It's going to come out very suddenly and it's going to end quite abruptly."
"The suddenness and ferociousness of the one that took Lynn and Barry had been particularly astonishing."
"Jesus is coming like a bolt out of the blue, suddenly, like lightning."
"Just disappeared like a fart in the wind."
"It got really real, really quick."
"Suddenly, event. Acts chapter 2. What's the first word? Suddenly."
"It's just so unbelievable that something could happen that quick."
"I can go from zero to 100 real quick."
"She walked in like a bolt of lightning."
"I mean, that just escalated really fast out of nowhere, man. Out of nowhere."
"It happened so fast, like a split second."
"I can't explain it. One minute, I had a baby. The next minute, it was gone."
"She just keeled over, according to Sandra. Dead on arrival, yeah. We never know the day, right enough."
"The moment of enlightenment comes in a flash."
"And then all of a sudden, something sudden, something shocking occurs: God said, 'Let there be light.' And there was. And that would have had to get his attention. After eons of darkness, that must have attracted his attention."
"I woke up with a startle, gasping for air."
"Lightning strike insights can come in in amazing ways, sudden changes."
"It's just like literally the last 45 minutes, everything has turned on."
"Midnight appears out of nowhere on Main Street, right in the middle of Fire's path of destruction."
"It almost feels like I have been pushed into an ice-cold bath of water instantly."
"Robert was dead, that was for sure, and to say that it had been instantaneous is somewhat of an understatement."
"He passed away not in the home but in the hospital. It's also important to say that he was home literally the day before, and in one day, he went to the ER and he passed away the following early morning."
"The chains just fell off your life just like that."
"The Holy Spirit comes in suddenly and from seemingly nowhere, causing change and transformation."
"You shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
"The floors and ceiling suddenly gave way and everything came crashing down in just 20 seconds."
"Oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment! They are utterly consumed with terrors."
"One minute I had a baby, the next minute it was gone."
"It's that quick, your life is never going to be the same."
"In one moment, in the blinking of an eye, bam, your life has changed forever."
"Sudden onset of one-sided weakness, numbness, difficulty talking, walking, severe headache, but it is all sudden."
"An epiphany is an idea that comes suddenly like a revelation."
"What began as a light storm turned into a dangerous nightmare in the blink of an eye."
"Everything seemed to happen in a heartbeat."
"The rapture can happen at any moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
"I feel like she died quickly too. Like, if I'm her, I fell from a high space to my death."
"Sometimes in life, things happen in a flash; you never know when and you never know why."
"Love is coming in all of a sudden with that passion energy."
"We will not sleep; we will all be changed, in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
"An overwhelming fear enveloped me all of a sudden."
"This is the story of how everything changed in the blink of an eye."
"In the blink of an eye, their fate was decided."
"Monsoons... they come out of nowhere."
"You never realize just how jarring silence is until it occurs suddenly in the night like this."
"A yellow flower bloomed in my vision, then blackness."
"Many cases, family separations happened without warning and without giving the children a chance to say goodbye to their families."
"Reality came upon me suddenly and quickly."
"They happen suddenly and they can wreck things like buildings, land, even people's lives."
"You're about to get some kind of clarity; it's going to happen pretty suddenly."
"How fragile life can be, it can just happen in a moment's time."
"God will reveal the manifest sons of God; it will happen in a flash."
"Sometimes that nostalgia can happen quickly and out of the blue."
"It can happen at any moment, any time."
"Wow, this has all been so sudden."
"We all see just how things changed all of a sudden."
"The rapture of the church is gonna be, boom."
"From out of nowhere came a noise, a very loud grunt, roar, scream that echoed throughout the entire cavern."
"It appeared that whoever was there just got up and left."
"The attack came suddenly and without mercy, like death."
"We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye."
"We shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye."
"It's something so sudden, so overwhelming."
"They strike without warning and kill without mercy."
"A spring morning shattered without warning."
"Everything can shift, just like that."
"Everything you worked for, gone in the blink of an eye."
"Silence smothered the joyfulness of a moment before, as swiftly as a hand over a candle flame."
"It's crazy how all of this can happen in an instant. You hit the wall in a split second, all of the stuff shifts."
"From the relaxed positions of the deceased, it appeared to have happened very rapidly."
"Enlightenment can occur in the snap of a finger."
"He dropped right away, as if he’d been struck down by the devil himself."
"You protect your child from so much since they're born, and then you know, it happens in an instant."
"This is just like a bolt of lightning that comes down."
"It just occurred to him all of a sudden, like an inspiration."
"Enlightenment will come in a Flash."
"The kind of money, the kind of wealth that happens suddenly, fast, quick, overnight."
"The Rapture when it takes place will take place in the twinkling of an eye, in the flash or a moment, in a Split Second."
"It's kind of happening more suddenly than you anticipated."
"It's going to happen very apt, like suddenly, and it's going to be a surprise."
"It seems like there's not a lot going on, and then suddenly it all happens."
"Sudden healings of addictions, fear, or anxiety."
"You ever just been doing something, and an idea hits you like a lightning bolt out of nowhere?"
"Your life can change overnight, and it can change for the better overnight as well."